How about this:
Life exists
Man is the highest form of life
Spaghetti is not life
It's absurd to suggest that the likelihood of an FSM is equal to that of a creator that is a higher form of life than man.
There is no record anywhere of those feeling they've been touched by a creator describing anything approach an FSM
It's a pure device to argue against a creator rather than to attempt to understand what one might be.
You may find science based arguments explaining why people believe the creator is a particular form (e.g. shared culture, common hallucinations, etc) but they still point to a greater likelihood one would be different than an FSM.
Honestly - using your "best available explanation" rule, if there is a creator do you believe an FSM is as likely as anything else? If so how would you support that (again assuming there is a creator)?
Devils advocate here.....
Science can't prove/disprove a FSM, and will never have the capacity to prove/disprove. It is outside the bounds of human understanding, so all reasoning and evidence you suggest in the above post doesn't mean squat. After all, the FSM could be a higher form of life and we humans would never be able to explain it with our reasoning, despite the fact we eat pasta. By definition, it is outside our reasoning capabilities. Afterall, couldn't this
possibly be the case? All this talk about spaghetti not being life is immaterial, because you are using human reasoning to explain something that by definition is outside of human understanding. This is why your liklihood argument of the creator being the FSM doesn't count. There are other methods of knowing truth, and I have felt the touch of the FSM. Despite what you call God or somebody else calls basic human emotions. I know what I felt, and it was the divine noodle with marinara sauce, this is why I must believe there is a FSM and it will never make sense with the reasoning you are using. .
.....You call this suggestion absurd, I call it faith. Philosophically, it makes sense given the rules I have laid out for understanding him.
This is all very tedious of course, but this is a lot of the same arguments I have seen in this thread. Replace all FSM references with "God" or "Creator" and most on here would absolutely agree this is a valid argument.
What is wrong with this:
Science can't prove/disprove a
Creator, and will never have the capacity to prove/disprove. It is outside the bounds of human understanding, so all reasoning and evidence you suggest in the above post doesn't mean squat. After all, the
Creator could be a higher form of life and we humans would never be able to explain it with our reasoning, despite the fact we
exist. By definition, it is outside our reasoning capabilities. Afterall, couldn't this
possibly be the case? All this talk about
evidence and falsifiability is immaterial, because you are using human reasoning to explain something that by definition is outside of human understanding. This is why your liklihood argument of the
God being the
Creator doesn't count. There are other methods of knowing truth, and I have felt the touch of the
Creator. Despite what you call God or somebody else calls basic human emotions. I know what I felt, and it was the divine
touch of a creator, this is why I must believe there is a
Creator and it will never make sense with the reasoning you are using.
.....You call this suggestion absurd, I call it faith. Philosophically, it makes sense given
what we are told about God.