Science and Religion: Creationism/Evolution Thread

For many years claims were made by strict creationists that human footprints or "giant man tracks" occur alongside fossilized dinosaur tracks in the limestone beds of the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose Texas. If true, such a finding would dramatically contradict the conventional geologic timetable, which holds that humans did not appear on earth until over 60 million years after the dinosaurs became extinct. However, the "man track" claims have not stood up to close scientific scrutiny, and in recent years have been abandoned even by most creationists.

Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy, by Glen J. Kuban (Dinosaur & "Human" Footprints, Paluxy tracks)

The footprints reputed to be of human origin are not.
Some of the footprints are dinosaur footprints. Processes such as erosion, infilling, and mud collapse obscure the dinosaurian features of some footprints, making them look like giant human footprints, but careful cleaning reveals the three-toed tracks of dinosaurs (Kuban 1989; Hastings 1987).
Some of the reputed prints are erosional features or other irregularities. They show no clear human features without selective highlighting.
Some of the prints show evidence of deliberate alteration (Godfrey 1985)
Have you ever heard of this book?:

He walked the Americas.

Think not that that Christ is confined to the physical realm, the spiritual world transcends the way you think of things.

So the people that Jesus did not visit physically were visited via the spiritual world and warned that they will go to Hell unless they believe him.


May 30, 2008 -- Dramatic images of an isolated Brazilian tribe believed never to have had contact with the outside world were published by officials Friday to draw attention to threats posed to their way of life.

The pictures, released by the Brazilian government's National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), showed alarmed natives pointing bows and arrows at the aircraft carrying photographers.

Discovery News : Discovery Channel: Lost Tribe Revealed in Brazil
For many years claims were made by strict creationists that human footprints or "giant man tracks" occur alongside fossilized dinosaur tracks in the limestone beds of the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose Texas. If true, such a finding would dramatically contradict the conventional geologic timetable, which holds that humans did not appear on earth until over 60 million years after the dinosaurs became extinct. However, the "man track" claims have not stood up to close scientific scrutiny, and in recent years have been abandoned even by most creationists.

Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy, by Glen J. Kuban (Dinosaur & "Human" Footprints, Paluxy tracks)

The footprints reputed to be of human origin are not.
Some of the footprints are dinosaur footprints. Processes such as erosion, infilling, and mud collapse obscure the dinosaurian features of some footprints, making them look like giant human footprints, but careful cleaning reveals the three-toed tracks of dinosaurs (Kuban 1989; Hastings 1987).
Some of the reputed prints are erosional features or other irregularities. They show no clear human features without selective highlighting.
Some of the prints show evidence of deliberate alteration (Godfrey 1985)

In the grand scheme of things, why would it even matter?

Are you serious with your website that looks like it was made on geocities in 1990?

You're a good case study that devolution overides evolution.
It's as old as it is.

The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.

Abraham, the original Hebrew patriarch paid tithes to Melchesidek, God's priest, the king of Salem, of whom it was written, "He and all his people had no beggiining and no end."

The 6,000+ years comes from adding the years of the patriarchs from Adam to Jesus, which was 4,000+ years and we know it has been 2010 years since then.

Judaism drew quite a bit from Zoroastraism and they believe man lived in an immortal state until about 12,000 years ago when death and hell appeared on Earth.

The life, sacrifice and ressurection of Jesus proved that He had power over death and hell, among other things.

There is much evidence from archeology that supports what is written in the Bible.

There is geological evidence and man and dinasaur co-existed.

hahaha wow what a link! im going to start citing 4chan if this is the kinda sources we are using. I really didnt expect to see alot of young earth creationist on here. I cant even comment on the dinosaurs since we have so much recorded evidence from men talking about them..... oh wait there is none (other than dragons lol).
let me hijack the thread for a second... When i hear people comment about actually believing in young earth, one thought all ways comes to mind. I remember the first time i heard it and it blew my mind but its really easy to understand and basic physics. When you look at the sun (not directly lol) the light you see is 8 minutes old... pretty cool.

At night when you see a star, say Abell 1835 IR1916, that star is 13.23 billion light-years away from us. In case you cant perform the conversion, that means it takes 13.23 billion years for that light to reach us, which it does....

Im sure this will be met with well God made it that way.... but why is God working so hard to confuse us??
So the people that Jesus did not visit physically were visited via the spiritual world and warned that they will go to Hell unless they believe him.


May 30, 2008 -- Dramatic images of an isolated Brazilian tribe believed never to have had contact with the outside world were published by officials Friday to draw attention to threats posed to their way of life.

The pictures, released by the Brazilian government's National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), showed alarmed natives pointing bows and arrows at the aircraft carrying photographers.

Discovery News : Discovery Channel: Lost Tribe Revealed in Brazil

A missionary, Nathan "Nate" Saint was attempting to witness to one of the tribes deep in the Amazon jungle and was killed by the spear thrust of a chieftan of one tribe.

Later, Nate's son became a believer and was baptised into the faith by the same chieftan who had killed his father.

God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.

Another true story.

A Soviet general who was known as "the general of death" who had no compunction with pulling his pistol and killing anyone, and he killed many, especially anyone who professed to be a believer in Christ, was involved in a helicopter crash in which everyone on board except him was killed and he exclaimed "Boizha moi!" (my God) and became a believer thereafter and eventually he helped make available Bibles to all Russian military personel.

People from Tennessee shipped printing presses to Russia and printed enough Russian language Bibles to distribute to all Russian military personel and to many others who were acceptable.

Two verses stand out to me on the topic you broached.

"It is not God's will that any man be destroyed."


"Nowhere is it written that a man must be saved."

With that in mind, pray that Jesus will reveal Himself unto you and become your friend.

If you do and nothing happens whats the harm??

If you do and your life is changed forever, more power to you.
ok now that picture's messed with; there aren't red people in brazil (and Rio de Janero certainly isn't hell :) )

ok you know what; if you note that white cape he's wearing, Jesus here really looks a whole lot like mario (w/ his yellow cape) riding Yoshi in super mario world

anyone else see that? cause i certainly can't unsee it now
hahaha wow what a link! im going to start citing 4chan if this is the kinda sources we are using. I really didnt expect to see alot of young earth creationist on here. I cant even comment on the dinosaurs since we have so much recorded evidence from men talking about them..... oh wait there is none (other than dragons lol).

The dragon swallow it's tail and the end is the beginning.

let me hijack the thread for a second... When i hear people comment about actually believing in young earth, one thought all ways comes to mind. I remember the first time i heard it and it blew my mind but its really easy to understand and basic physics. When you look at the sun (not directly lol) the light you see is 8 minutes old... pretty cool.

At night when you see a star, say Abell 1835 IR1916, that star is 13.23 billion light-years away from us. In case you cant perform the conversion, that means it takes 13.23 billion years for that light to reach us, which it does....

Im sure this will be met with well God made it that way.... but why is God working so hard to confuse us??

And when you see the sun explode as science tells us our sun is apt to do, you know you will have 8 minutes to put your head between your knees and pr y for forgiveness. :)

According to their legends, Jesus was a white man.

Ya, right.

What difference does that make?? Does everything have to be about skin color?

Those are the stories passed down from their ancestors, who are you to doubt them??

ok now that picture's messed with; there aren't red people in brazil (and Rio de Janero certainly isn't hell :) )

Some parts of Rio are indeed pretty much hell.

Then there is the theory of the red ochre people whose burial sites are pretty much worldwide along coastal regions.
He's obviously testing our faith. ;)

I have never enjoyed being deceived. If we are really talking about my eternal suffering, lets take it easy on the games.

Or we are slow learners. :p

Well some things are easier to disprove than others. But a distance in space and the almost constant speed of light? Really?

Even if the distance is WAY off, and a black hole is distorting and speeding the light up, its still hard to imagine getting that number back to around 6k years.
Why are people (on both sides of the issue) so stuck on 6,000 years? It makes no sense. The Bible gives no clear time line what so ever from point A to point B IMO so why even bother trying to peg a date on it?
Why are people (on both sides of the issue) so stuck on 6,000 years? It makes no sense. The Bible gives no clear time line what so ever from point A to point B IMO so why even bother trying to peg a date on it?

ding, ding, ding
Why are people (on both sides of the issue) so stuck on 6,000 years? It makes no sense. The Bible gives no clear time line what so ever from point A to point B IMO so why even bother trying to peg a date on it?

+1 when i use to attend church regularly, my preacher never taught a literal translation. I may be in a very small minority but I respect the God works in mysterious ways argument.

But I am disgusted when I hear people speaking in absolutes (such as "we know the earth is X years old). Science only claims to have the best guess, so the speak. Anyone claiming to have absolute answers on the basis of Anything IMO knows absolutely nothing...
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Reading it literally, through the time of Noah, people get either 6,000 or 10,000 years since creation. I agree, there is nothing to suggest this is even true, but it isn't hard to look up the young earth crowd's reasoning.

There is a method to the madness.
Reading it literally, through the time of Noah, people get either 6,000 or 10,000 years since creation. I agree, there is nothing to suggest this is even true, but it isn't hard to look up the young earth crowd's reasoning.

There is a method to the madness.

In order for them to do that they must make many assumptions along the way. IMO when someone does this they lose credibility.
In order for them to do that they must make many assumptions along the way. IMO when someone does this they lose credibility.


What if they said they "know" it because it says it in the Bible, and they cite chapter and verse. The problem with assumptions in these discussions is generally they go unrecognized by those doing the assuming, while plainly obvious to everyone else.

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