And I believe, at best, we have first hand accounts of what Jesus did and said, but no account from his own hand. I have to assume the four Gospels got it right. But for us to pretend that those were Jesus' actual words, and that he actually considered himself the son of God is silly.
See how I did that?
Somebody else can just as easily say that through their own soul searching they believe the bible to be the inerrant word of God.
Absolutely, perhaps using the word silly was too much, I should have simply said that my own understanding and faith leads me to believe it is less likely. It's just my opinion.
To me, this is the crux of this whole belief/faith/religion paradigm. What looks completely ridiculous to one, is completely reasonable to another and there is no real way to argue it because it is all based on personal feelings/faith/beliefs/assumptions....whatever you want to call it. Without clear reasoning, backed by evidence, anybody can say anything and not know how ridiculous they really sound.
This is equally true for those who don't believe as well.
On a very basic, fundamental level, all religions throughout history are indistinguishable in this regard.