Scotty Hopson

droppin chilly doesnt make sense, but its neither good nor bad. if you drop him, you still have hamburger, marmaduke, cheesemayn, ronaldo, and t dawg as your big men. if u keep him, welp, thats just another big man. i dont think pearlmayn should be stressing about big men. point guards on the other hand................hmm
Remember when Chilly actually played and had decent production off the bench?

I've been playing NCAA March Madness 08 recently to cope with my depression and denial that we are done and Chilly actually starts and is better than Tyler Smith. I know that that is the dumbest thing ever but I just thought that it was kind of funny.
i have march madness 08 on ps2 and cheesemayn is by far the best player in the entire game. dont believe me? then beat me
let's go torment all the UK fans.

Naw, take it easy on them. Two recent deaths in the program is enough for now.

Just wait until next year when he drops 30 on them.

By the way, congrats guys! He is a good pickup for your system. Especially after Pearl gets him playing the D he is capable of.

PS3 is $399 and a new PS2 is $129 and yes it is.

Eh, some of us don't have a choice. I already have a PS2, and I believe that if I spent that $399 on a PS3 instead of a swingset or a jungle gym for my kid, my wife would string me up from the tallest tree in our yard. Now, if you can find me a PS3 game that has a virtual swingset that my boy can play with, then we can talk.
Dylan who is "we"? I've always thought of McDonald as a Duke lean.

Yeah, I for one think that Pearl is a dirty recruiter. I'm sure some of the parties and women Pearl have been seen with has more than weighed on Hopsons decision.
-Cat fan
Man I just can't get enough of these comments from Cats fans. Check this one out:

"He will be insignificant at UT. He will get points. He may even beat UK. But he will be insignificant."


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