Let me give you all a little peek inside the mind of Mr. Josh Heupel...
He does not like to be embarrassed. He does not like to be the subject of taunting. He does not like to be the subject of taunting after he is embarrassed. And he absolutely hates stadium flyovers that remind him of all of the above.
And Mr. Heupel, like any true warrior, believes that revenge is a dish best served cold.
The UT Football team that takes the field against the Gamechickens is going to be fired up, pissed off, and looking to make a statement.
It may be a tough game. UT may lose. But this I know: USCe will get all that the UT Football team can throw at them. If UT can get to 60, they will. If it's up to Coach Heupel, UT will (I'm repeating myself here from a previous post) stomp a mudhole in their butt...and then walk it dry. Me personally? I'll take a 1 point win. But I sure would enjoy watching a 40 point beatdown.
Circle that one on your calendar, VN. No quarter will be asked...or given.
Go Vols.