SEC Coaches talk UT

Maybe the best passing offense, but we still had NO running game!

And how much of that was due to a play being called in from the sidelines because Tyler couldn't read a defense? It was pointed out to me that back when Simms was here and went in for Tyler, that the running game took off immediately. The defenses were making their adjustments after the offense took its formation.
So wasn't the right guy for the job but built a top 5 offense??? How does that make sense?? It's pretty obvious why the D was bad. How good the line was shows that with time and stability Dooley could have gotten the D up to where it needed to be.

The O was it's worse enemy last year more than anything. D had its issues, but the had plenty of opportunities to put the game away and didn't. Made the D look way worse than they should have.

People say they want to move on, but keep harping on it.

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Pretty spot on IMO. Dooley wasnt the problem last year. Him and Chaney built a great offense in their 3 years together. Wilcox leaving was problem A, and Sunseri replacing him was problems B,C, and D.
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Pretty spot on IMO. Dooley wasnt the problem last year. Him and Chaney built a great offense in their 3 years together. Wilcox leaving was problem A, and Sunseri replacing him was problems B,C, and D.
News Flash! As head coach you are responsible for any and ALL dumba$$ coaches you hire. So says Fulmer.
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When I read this, it seemed to be a few months dated. They didn't acknowledge CBJ success in recruiting, Maziels troubles, RB Hill at LSU, Florida recent injuries, etc.
News Flash! As head coach you are responsible for any and ALL dumba$$ coaches you hire. So says Fulmer.

DD didn't pay any attention to Defense until MO game. DD gave the team a 96 hour pass prior to being decimated by a MSU team we should have beat not to mention following two conference losses in a row.

DD wasted 2 time outs and a minute plus in regulation to opt for overtime against MO.

DD oversaw a lackluster strength and conditioning program that undoubtedly led to more injuries and a team that got very tired in the 4th quarter.

He sucked. Chaney was ok. Pittman was outstanding. Sal was like mono...he sapped the team of energy.
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DD didn't pay any attention to Defense until MO game. DD gave the team a 96 hour pass prior to being decimated by a MSU team we should have beat not to mention following two conference losses in a row.

DD wasted 2 time outs and a minute plus in regulation to opt for overtime against MO.

DD oversaw a lackluster strength and conditioning program that undoubtedly led to more injuries and a team that got very tired in the 4th quarter.

He sucked. Chaney was ok. Pittman was outstanding. Sal was like mono...he sapped the team of energy.

Wow so Dooley was responsible for the team's injuries? Man he's a master at being evil.
Imagine what kind of season we would of had if Sal was not hired. And If....fill in the blank.Its a scab i wish i could stop scratching.3 more weeks till we can rip the scab off.
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Wow so Dooley was responsible for the team's injuries? Man he's a master at being evil.

A team that is well conditioned (which we were not even close to being) will suffer fewer injuries during the course of a season.

You can't prevent injuries. It's football. But you can do everything in your power to minimize the amount and severity. Also, recovery time is often shorter for those in better physical shape than those that aren't. The current Vol's team would run laps around last year's team and it only took one off season.
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Imagine what kind of season we would of had if Sal was not hired. And If....fill in the blank.Its a scab i wish i could stop scratching.3 more weeks till we can rip the scab off.

If I could like this twice I would. Exactly how I fell.. :banghead2:
Maybe the best passing offense, but we still had NO running game!

we had no running game mainly because Bray couldn't read a defense and check off into the correct running play and most of the time when he checked off it was for a pass play anyway.
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Everything happens for a reason , can't wait to see how everything plays out.
Move on, what could have been didn't happen. I agree that the offense was good last year bu you have to build the entire team not just 1/3 of the team. Simply put Dooley was 1/3 the way there to being a decent SEC head coach. The other 2/3rds were from average to terrible. That's special teams and the defense.

Dooley is gone... Simply put. CBJ has the reigns now and lets allow him the full opportunity to turn this around.


If Wilcox stays, we're all singing Dooley's praises.

i totally agree,i thought Wilcox done a really good job while he was at UT,it would have been interesting to see what last years team would have been like with him coaching the D,of course that is Harts fault,wasn't he the one that wouldn't give out any extensions over a year ? and how long did he sign Sal up for ?

I just looked it up,Hart hired Sal for 3 years and $2.4 mil,or i look at it as Hart hired him,since he ran the other coaches off,of course that may be something we will never find out,I have wondered how much Hart influenced that hire or was it totally CDDs call?
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It's a shame that the offense was wasted last year. It was scary good.

Did you not notice our choking QB, WR protecting himself for the NFL, and other WR who was not a real WR? JK. You're right, what a waste.

OTOH, imagine what would have transpired with an average offense! Lord.
The sad part is that it wasn't even as good as it could have been. Can you imagine that team with Da'Rick and if Tyler had learned how to read a defense. They had the potential to be the best offense ever at UT.

Wow. Yeah.
So wasn't the right guy for the job but built a top 5 offense??? How does that make sense?? It's pretty obvious why the D was bad. How good the line was shows that with time and stability Dooley could have gotten the D up to where it needed to be.

The O was it's worse enemy last year more than anything. D had its issues, but the had plenty of opportunities to put the game away and didn't. Made the D look way worse than they should have.

People say they want to move on, but keep harping on it.

Posted via VolNation Mobile

A coach must recruit good players for both sides of the ball, as it turns out he was sitting on his ass watching the world go by. So bye bye dooley. :search:
Pretty spot on IMO. Dooley wasnt the problem last year. Him and Chaney built a great offense in their 3 years together. Wilcox leaving was problem A, and Sunseri replacing him was problems B,C, and D.

I can't totally agree @ CDD. No doubt about SS being the worst train wreck hire ever. The reason I have to hold Dools accountable in my mind are ...
#1 Dooley knew him and went out and paid dearly to get him.
#2 Dooley believed the D was going to be good all the way up till the season started. A head coach HAS to be able to recognize that after going through all the practices. Remember how + the run game was at camp. Now we know why. Coach should have.

God forbid NCSU played us 6 games in. Glennon hangs 50 on us with tape to prep with.
Move on, what could have been didn't happen. I agree that the offense was good last year bu you have to build the entire team not just 1/3 of the team. Simply put Dooley was 1/3 the way there to being a decent SEC head coach. The other 2/3rds were from average to terrible. That's special teams and the defense.

Dooley is gone... Simply put. CBJ has the reigns now and lets allow him the full opportunity to turn this around.



Agree with comment on CBJ, dooley was a deer in the headlights , the mizzou proved it . He was fodder in this league. :twocents: :hi:
If that was true they would have won (Florida choked/Georgia choked/South Carolina choked and Miss St and Missouri) not saying they sucked but they never scored when the defense was primed and the game was on the line.

Exactly. People see things different and we agree on this. Others hatred for Dooley don't allow them to see it from a different perspective. Pretty sad imo.
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Athlon asked SEC coaches about the other teams in their conference. Here is what they had to say about the Vols.

Original Article

The last quote has to be from Spurrier....thoughts on who said what?

EDIT: This one --> "I’m not sure Derek Dooley was the right guy for the job. That defense last year was record-setting bad. They had a top-five offense nationally, but the defense was so bad it carried the team down. That offense was as good as any team we played.”
The last quote has to be from Spurrier....thoughts on who said what?

EDIT: This one --> "I’m not sure Derek Dooley was the right guy for the job. That defense last year was record-setting bad. They had a top-five offense nationally, but the defense was so bad it carried the team down. That offense was as good as any team we played.”

Well it wasn't Ark, LSU, Ole Miss, aTm, or Aub. And the sentences are too long for it to be Muschamp. We really didn't have a scary good offense against AL or MSU. Franklin wouldn't give us praise period. Richt would be so cruel in Defensive comments. That leaves UK, USCe or MO and UK didn't face CDD.

So yeah, I think it would be Spurrier's diatribe.
Exactly. People see things different and we agree on this. Others hatred for Dooley don't allow them to see it from a different perspective. Pretty sad imo.
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15-21 is the only perspective that matters and it far more backs mine than it does yours.

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