Beating both UF and Ole Miss on the road is a tall order
Chalking those up as wins is extremely premature.
And I don't get those that say UGA is going to be a win. I'm not sure we come as close as we did last year without injuring half their team. If they are healthy, I don't think that will be a win.
Still think we beat USC. If we did it last year we can this year with more talent.
I understand you're trying to keep up your rep as a "negavol" and all - but it's really getting old.
I'll play though.
Ole Miss
I'll show you 9 and 10 too. UGA and UF.
Now go to take some anti-depression meds.
USC and Ole There's not a single reputable sports media source that predicts us to win those games. Guess you know something they don't. Good luck.
USC and Ole There's not a single reputable sports media source that predicts us to win those games. Guess you know something they don't. Good luck.
You didn't know!?
Someone in 'reputable sports media' MUST predict the winner before the winning team can become the winner.
I have heard of this before, but I didn't know it had been confirmed. Now I know since I read it on here. Well I guess since ESPN hates us and all the reputable sports media think we suck, might as well only play the games they say we get a W in, just to avoid injury of course.
Planning for the future. I like your style.
Only play the games you can win via reputable sports media prediction and just surrender the others. Brilliant.
This will cut down on injuries for sure.
Reputable sports media?
I think we may have found the problem. Stop holding on to "reputable sports media" predictions as if it's gospel.
They know about as much as the typical fan.
Its ok. You're just your everyday garden variety VN homer who thinks the whole world has vastly overrated all of our opponents and underrated UT. I'm not treating sports media predictions as gospel, I'm just not naive enough to believe we have the talent and depth to go on the road to beat a top 10 USC and Ole Miss. So go ahead and give me your "but we beat USC last year" reply and explain to me why that game is indicative of a road win against them this year.