Penn State isn't a guaranteed victory.I want the CO bowl, but the OB could be beneficial. The CO could be a bad matchup and, instead of potentially finishing 10-3 and having big momentum going into recruiting season and next year, we would hit a dead halt and finish 9-4.
No, but it is alot better matchup. As for the bowl, neither are BCS nor Humanitarian so it doesn't matter.
what I'm seeing is that Arkansas is definitely dangerous, but they were probably playing the best they can possibly play against us - maybe even over their heads. If the UCLA score holds up, UF probably deserves a shot at OSU. That's my 2.
boy I tell you what, UCLA is playing some inspired defense against the Trojans...amazing! Has anyone suggested that, even if USC wins, Michigan may leapfrog them after this dismal performance against the Bruins? I mean, if I had a vote, at this point I'd be thinking alot about who Michigan's 1 loss came to vs. USC's one loss...and then how they've played today. Unlike most weeks, the voters are watching the games.
Don't you know lawgator is wearing out the batteries on the old remote control right about now?