


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Glenn Beck this morning talking about protests and riots over the Obama stimulus package and the additional potential plans to shore up the banking industry. Says for 2 seconds he is not supporting that, then spends 15 minutes justifying and excusing them.

I've no problem with protests at all. Go for it.

But he's on the edge....

Also, I see that the right wing radio commentators have gone one step further in their extortion of elected Republican officials. Not only did they peel away Republican votes for the package by threatening to go after those who broke ranks, but now they've talked some Republican governors into not accepting the federal aid.

Governor Crist down here has been catching major crap from some of the outliers in the Republican party for taking the money under the plan. Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush, went after Crist this weekend at a Young Republicans meeting, calling him a "D light" Republican. Jeb Bush's son chides Gov. Crist for seeking stimulus --

If the stimulus plan fails and things get worse, there will be plenty of opportunity to criticize Obama. One can even criticize parts of the stiumulus to your heart's desire.

But there is something really scary going on here with the way that the Fox/uber-right juggernaut is doing business. They may find down the line that they are the ones who get blamed in many parts of the country for refusing to give Obama a chance just because they didn't get their way last November.
I'm no banker, but in talking to my banker friends they are concerned that this package will do little or nothing to get money circulating again.
I think within the uber right their are those who support the failure of the United States economy.For the sole purpose to regain power and control.
bank of america and citi group have the largest assets of any bank and the federal government is looking to nationalize them, yes i know its a "last resort" thats real shady
From what i understand there are government mandates attached to the money that will be unfunded and could lead to bigger deficits for states next year, and this is where the opposition to accepting this money comes from. Does any one else have more info on this?
LG and OB2 - did you pay attention to the tactics of the left at all for the last 8 years? Just wondering because every loony right tactic that annoys you was in full force from the loony left during that time.
Even Howard Dean supports the idea of a "bad bank" to acquire the toxic assets - wow, never thought I'd agree with Dean on anything.
LG and OB2 - did you pay attention to the tactics of the left at all for the last 8 years? Just wondering because every loony right tactic that annoys you was in full force from the loony left during that time.

Yes,but in all honesty,at this point I don't trust my own party either.Nor do I agree with everything they do.Which is why I trust repub's even less.
Glenn Beck this morning talking about protests and riots over the Obama stimulus package and the additional potential plans to shore up the banking industry. Says for 2 seconds he is not supporting that, then spends 15 minutes justifying and excusing them.

I've no problem with protests at all. Go for it.

But he's on the edge....

Also, I see that the right wing radio commentators have gone one step further in their extortion of elected Republican officials. Not only did they peel away Republican votes for the package by threatening to go after those who broke ranks, but now they've talked some Republican governors into not accepting the federal aid.

Governor Crist down here has been catching major crap from some of the outliers in the Republican party for taking the money under the plan. Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush, went after Crist this weekend at a Young Republicans meeting, calling him a "D light" Republican. Jeb Bush's son chides Gov. Crist for seeking stimulus --

If the stimulus plan fails and things get worse, there will be plenty of opportunity to criticize Obama. One can even criticize parts of the stiumulus to your heart's desire.

But there is something really scary going on here with the way that the Fox/uber-right juggernaut is doing business. They may find down the line that they are the ones who get blamed in many parts of the country for refusing to give Obama a chance just because they didn't get their way last November.

Accepting any of this Spendulus money is tantamount to accepting blood money.
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LG and OB2 - did you pay attention to the tactics of the left at all for the last 8 years? Just wondering because every loony right tactic that annoys you was in full force from the loony left during that time.

Oh, it is absolutely true that the left protested Bush and had demonstrations and the like. No question.

But I do not recall the alleged mainstream of the Democratic party being nearly as harsh in its rhetoric or its actions as the self-appointed leaders of the current Republican party, in the form of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, Ingraham, and Malkin.

The left had Michael Moore, who had a fairly narrow audience of only the hard core belivers. The more mainstream Democrats just basically rolled their eyes at him when he got going (I know the right loves to paint him as the spokesperson for the entire Democratic party -- he's an easy straw man to go after).

But, there does seem a real difference to me in intensity of things and a complete refusal on the part of these folks to acknowledge either the seriousness of the situation or the fact that Obama's leadership must be givne a chance to work.
Yes,but in all honesty,at this point I don't trust my own party either.Nor do I agree with everything they do.Which is why I trust repub's even less.

I understand but I think there's some over reaction going on here (in the original post). The liberal machine of the web did the exact same thing to tear down Bush and attack EVERY policy decision he made. This group pulled as much for failure in the economy and Iraq as the current righties are.

If Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are seditious than it's time to go after Al Franken, the Daily Kos folks, the Dem Underground, MoveOn, Arianna Huffington, etc.
Is there something unlawful in the refusal by certain states to take the money? If not, then your use of "sedition" is certainly unwarranted.

If anything, the left should be thrilled that some ultra-conservative states are denying the money. This is the left's chance to actually prove that Keynesian economics works. They would be able to compare those states that accept the money against those that refuse. Since the left feels so strongly that this money will be "stimulating", then they have only to look forward to future gloating...right?
Oh, it is absolutely true that the left protested Bush and had demonstrations and the like. No question.

But I do not recall the alleged mainstream of the Democratic party being nearly as harsh in its rhetoric or its actions as the self-appointed leaders of the current Republican party, in the form of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, Ingraham, and Malkin.

The left had Michael Moore, who had a fairly narrow audience of only the hard core belivers. The more mainstream Democrats just basically rolled their eyes at him when he got going (I know the right loves to paint him as the spokesperson for the entire Democratic party -- he's an easy straw man to go after).

But, there does seem a real difference to me in intensity of things and a complete refusal on the part of these folks to acknowledge either the seriousness of the situation or the fact that Obama's leadership must be givne a chance to work.
there also wasn't a one trillion dollar, nearly purely partisan spending package to nowhere either.

Your point about talk radio hosts being the leaders of the party and bullying politicians into a position is almost as senseless as the fact that you're trying to pretend that the left hasn't been vilely shrill for the past eight years.
Oh, it is absolutely true that the left protested Bush and had demonstrations and the like. No question.

But I do not recall the alleged mainstream of the Democratic party being nearly as harsh in its rhetoric or its actions as the self-appointed leaders of the current Republican party, in the form of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, Ingraham, and Malkin.

The left had Michael Moore, who had a fairly narrow audience of only the hard core belivers. The more mainstream Democrats just basically rolled their eyes at him when he got going (I know the right loves to paint him as the spokesperson for the entire Democratic party -- he's an easy straw man to go after).

But, there does seem a real difference to me in intensity of things and a complete refusal on the part of these folks to acknowledge either the seriousness of the situation or the fact that Obama's leadership must be givne a chance to work.

I can't believe the list you give of "mainstream Republicans" then say Michael Moore is the only one on the left.

If these are the "alleged mainstream of the Republican party then Daily Kos, MoveON, Dem Underground, Al Franken, HuffPo, etc are the mainstream of the Democratic party.

These people encouraged any number of protests, sit-ins, boycotts. They claimed all sort of outrageous motives for administration and Republican actions. They opening rooted for failure in Iraq and for the economic policies to fail.
there also wasn't a one trillion dollar, nearly purely partisan spending package to nowhere either.

Your point about talk radio hosts being the leaders of the party and bullying politicians into a position is almost as senseless as the fact that you're trying to pretend that the left hasn't been vilely shrill for the past eight years.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct in your assessment of respective levels of shrillness. Do you not agree that nonetheless the power of the self-appointed leadership represented by talk radio is infinitely greater than whatever the Democrats could offer at the time?
Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct in your assessment of respective levels of shrillness. Do you not agree that nonetheless the power of the self-appointed leadership represented by talk radio is infinitely greater than whatever the Democrats could offer at the time?
Whatever advantage conservatives have in talk radio, the liberals easily counter in daily newspapers and network television.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct in your assessment of respective levels of shrillness. Do you not agree that nonetheless the power of the self-appointed leadership represented by talk radio is infinitely greater than whatever the Democrats could offer at the time?

Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct in your assessment of respective levels of shrillness. Do you not agree that nonetheless the power of the self-appointed leadership represented by talk radio is infinitely greater than whatever the Democrats could offer at the time?
not even remotely close to the power that the left wields across the broad media spectrum. I mean, not even a drop in the bucket relative to the Nightly News, the major papers, etc. Talk radio listeners are generally self selected conservatives and preaching to them is immaterial. You just happen to listen so you have material for your weekly "offended" column.
Oh, it is absolutely true that the left protested Bush and had demonstrations and the like. No question.

But I do not recall the alleged mainstream of the Democratic party being nearly as harsh in its rhetoric or its actions as the self-appointed leaders of the current Republican party, in the form of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, Ingraham, and Malkin.

The left had Michael Moore, who had a fairly narrow audience of only the hard core belivers. The more mainstream Democrats just basically rolled their eyes at him when he got going (I know the right loves to paint him as the spokesperson for the entire Democratic party -- he's an easy straw man to go after).

But, there does seem a real difference to me in intensity of things and a complete refusal on the part of these folks to acknowledge either the seriousness of the situation or the fact that Obama's leadership must be givne a chance to work.

I think what you are referring to is the realization by most on the right that Obama (and especially Reed and Pulosi) has no intention of governing from the middle or of seriously considering what the right has to offer in the way of alternatives. His stated goals during the election cycle were thought to be rhetoric by most, but now he sems intent on moving our nation hard left and away from our constitutional freedoms. Many on the right will not sit by and simply allow this to happen. This is the harsh backlash that you see today.
Generations of Americans - Americans not yet born - will be paying for Obama's pet project. Hence, this is money is no better than blood money.

What kind of over-simiplified, canned, third grade logic is this? Must have come directly from Beck or Boortz or someone equivalent.

Do you evcen know what "blood money" is? Do you have any clue as to what was spent in Iraq? Talk about blood money....

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