Self Proclaimed Family Values Senator Caught In His Own Web


MT LeConte

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
Tennessee State Senator Joey Hensley who proclaimed himself to be a family values senator is caught up in his own sordid affair. This Senator is the sponsor of a bill that would make it illegal for teachers to say the word gay like it doesn't exist. It would also require them to tell children parents if they suspect them to be gay.

This is a great example of a lawmaker attempting to force his idea of morality on the rest of us while giving himself a pass.

In A Divorce Trial, Serious Allegations About Sen. Joey Hensley
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File this one under Who Cares? He's going nowhere (politically) fast and he'll fade into obscurity. Most voters will be done with him.
I guarantee that guy's family tree doesn't fork. He looks like the product of an Alabama conception.
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Guy was partying like a mofo..... younger woman, booze, pills and drugged up sex....he was probably hallucinating when he sponsored that trash...... he was even hunching his 2nd cousin lmao
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Tennessee State Senator Joey Hensley who proclaimed himself to be a family values senator is caught up in his own sordid affair. This Senator is the sponsor of a bill that would make it illegal for teachers to say the word gay like it doesn't exist. It would also require them to tell children parents if they suspect them to be gay.

This is a great example of a lawmaker attempting to force his idea of morality on the rest of us while giving himself a pass.

In A Divorce Trial, Serious Allegations About Sen. Joey Hensley

Lol..adultery..really? Who cares?

Silly ass libtards. You have zero problem allowing people with severe mental disorders choose whatever bathroom to use according to their current gender identification but draw the line at adultery? You're doing life wrong.
Lol..adultery..really? Who cares?

Silly ass libtards. You have zero problem allowing people with severe mental disorders choose whatever bathroom to use according to their current gender identification but draw the line at adultery? You're doing life wrong.

Yeah. Allowing people to use a certain bathroom is worse than cheating on your spouse. I think it was the 11th commandment.
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"Mr. and Mrs. Ucker, I appreciate you taking time to meet with me today to discuss your son Cox...... the boy looks like a f** to me.......said little Cox's teacher that fateful day.

I'm sure a meeting such as this would go over very well
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Lol..adultery..really? Who cares?

Silly ass libtards. You have zero problem allowing people with severe mental disorders choose whatever bathroom to use according to their current gender identification but draw the line at adultery? You're doing life wrong.

Did you miss the part where this bozo was using his opinion to legislate his morality while clearly have a terrible grasp of it? This, was the point of ops post.

Instead, you deflect. I'd say your argument sucks, but you really didn't formulate anything that resembles one. How embarrassing.
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Lol..adultery..really? Who cares?

Silly ass libtards. You have zero problem allowing people with severe mental disorders choose whatever bathroom to use according to their current gender identification but draw the line at adultery? You're doing life wrong.

Who cares? Everyone that wanted Clinton impeached because he likes to dip his cigars in something disgusting. According to sworn family court testimony, Hensley carried on an affair with Lori Barber, a part-time nurse in his medical practice and a second cousin of his. Hensley also allegedly prescribed opioids for Barber.[25]


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Who cares? Everyone that wanted Clinton impeached because he likes to dip his cigars in something disgusting. According to sworn family court testimony, Hensley carried on an affair with Lori Barber, a part-time nurse in his medical practice and a second cousin of his. Hensley also allegedly prescribed opioids for Barber.[25]

Something disgusting? You don't like poon? Ok I got it, guess you swing the other way man.

Carry on.
Something disgusting? You don't like poon? Ok I got it, guess you swing the other way man.

Carry on.

We know you would tap that. I'm picturing a worn out catchers mitt.


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I suppose we've moved past it being ironic at this point. I've actually come to expect the harbingers of conservative morality to tank the biggest.

Hilarious to watch the "conservatives" here defend this nonsense as no big deal.
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Hilarious to watch the "conservatives" here defend this nonsense as no big deal.

Because it isn't? DTH said it best as it's just another hypocritical politician. I'm not sure why any of us would expect different from any politician regardless of party.
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Because it isn't? DTH said it best as it's just another hypocritical politician. I'm not sure why any of us would expect different from any politician regardless of party.

Personally, I find it comical.
On top of everything he was caught doing I bet he's actually gay too.
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For those who may have missed it it's not just about adultery. This Dr./ Senator kept his mistress and part time employ strung out and dependent on him for her opiates.
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Because it isn't? DTH said it best as it's just another hypocritical politician. I'm not sure why any of us would expect different from any politician regardless of party.

It isn't? I value honesty and personal integrity.

He may be "just" another hypocritical politician, I simply find it funny that the people who rail on "conservative" principles are brushing this off as "no big deal".

You're smart enough to know that it's telling that a level 99 agnostic heathen (like me) is having to point out that adultery isn't cool to folks who like to beat the drums from the assumed moral high ground.

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