Straight question; do you consider it reasonable that Holder et al and their tactics with F&F meet YOUR criteria for "foreseeable misuse" of weapons under their oversight?
No. The drug cartels in Mexico are going to get assault rifles whether or not we provide them in an effort to track the cartels. One can purchase AK-47s in Mexico for as little as $500; ATF evidence, from 2006, has shown that at least on one occasion 20 AK-47s were purchased in Houston and taken across the border. Further, one individual can legally purchase 9 semi-automatic AR-15s from UCAM in Mexico City; private sales are not regulated at all in Mexico, so it is easy for someone with a "clean" record to purchase 9 AR-15s and then sell them to those who have either already bought up their allotment or who have "dirty" records. The attempts by the ATF, dating back to at least 2007, to sell arms and track them, in an effort to take down the cartels from the top, provides only a marginal increase in firearms and firepower to these cartels.
If not, please explain. If so, setting aside whatever legal crap would have to be involved, why would you be so nonplussed about F&F?
Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Not all of the individuals in the firefight in which Terry was killed were armed with weapons acquired through F&F; some of the weapons fired were not F&F weapons. It just so happens that the bullet that killed Terry came from the former; however, to think that these individuals would not have been armed had they not acquired weapons through F&F is sheer naivety.