Sentimore not drafted ?



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
left early for the draft -- havent seen anything on him yet -- has anyone else ?
Sentimore not drafted ?

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You don't come out early to be a projected 5th round draft pick. This will be a great teaching point for Coach Jones.
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You don't come out early to be a projected 5th round draft pick. This will be a great teaching point for Coach Jones.
This should also be a lesson...NFL teams and pundits wear rosy colored shades when you come off a winning team. When you come off a losing team, they break out the welding goggles. Only thing they see is your flaws.

Don't jump into the league from a losing platform. You might miss and land in the water. Stay and help build a stronger platform to jump from.

To illustrate the point...look at all the QB's that got taken in the draft...and even those that slid so far they didn't even get drafted. They ALL came from teams with either losing or less than stellar records, this past season. EJ Emanuel was the lone exception. FSU had a decent year...and looky there....he was the only QB to be drafted in the first. What a Coin'key'dense? :)

Matt Barkley was the NFL version of the 2nd coming of the Messiah....coming down from his surfboard, before the start of the season. The condoms were ranked No.1 in the nation, the first few games. But after a disappointing season, he's no longer the NFL's golden boy at QB.
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Wow... he "lol" in a tweet about a former teammate not getting drafted.

Speaks volumes.

You don't gave any idea what their relationship is like. What speaks volumes is your willingness to make a snap judgement without ANY clue of what's going on, just to be seen as some goodie good .
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You don't come out early to be a projected 5th round draft pick. This will be a great teaching point for Coach Jones.

Do you really need an actual example for a teaching point to be driven home. Like, hey guys if you're not projected to get drafted early then don't go pro. Shouldn't that just be understood?

I'm not arguing with you, I'm just stating how misguided some people are. While other people are just dumb.
I'm glad we are starting fresh. New coaches and players.. there was some issues all around last year it seems
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Since Saban wasn't phased by Sentimore leaving his team, of course Saban has other quality players to step in when he left.

Also, I believe that Sentimore could not come back even if he wanted to due to grades.

So, if he could not come back due to grades, then he had a bad option and a really bad option. He chose the really bad option.......
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I said all along Sentimore coming out was monumentally stupid. Didn't seem like too many players were sorry to see him go though.

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