Sentimore not drafted ?

Wow... he "lol" in a tweet about a former teammate not getting drafted.

Speaks volumes.

Perhaps he knows something about that teammate and/or his attitude. Perhaps he even warned that teammate to not make that dumb decision and was told where to stick his advice. Payback can be a baytch.

I'm sorry the guy didn't get drafted but am in no position to know why Mo reacted as he did or judge his character accordingly. Neither are you. Sort of like a co-worker who was warned to steer clear of a flirty coed. His response was she was an adult, he was adult and my advice wasn't asked for so put it where the sun doesn't shine. Well, she showed up in his office after hours and shortly afterwards found himself accused of sexual harassment. Asks me to vouch for him not being the aggressor. I told him my advice was where he told me to put it. I'm sure you now the outcome. Did I laugh? No but I certainly felt he got what he was dumb enough to go searching for, which is trouble. May well be parallel to Mo's laughing for all we know.
At this moment Couch has done nothing to convince me his draft stock will be much better than Sentimore's. So what the hell is he LOL'ing about?

Because Sentimore should have stayed. If Couch doesn't get drafted next year, then it's not like he came out a year early for the same result as Sentimore. LOL
I think saying that he's going to be on entitlement checks from the gov., because he is not too bright, doesn't qualifies as political talk...political talk is actually saying something about entitlements like "entitlements sucks" or "entitlements are great." Thats actually discussing political topics, stating a player may one day be on said entitlements hardly qualifies as political talk because its not actually saying about entitlements good or bad. If I said after football Manning may run for political office I'm not saying anything political..."talking" politics is actually debating whether or not you agree with what the government does or politicians do.
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I think saying that he's going to be on entitlement checks from the gov., because he is not too bright, doesn't qualifies as political talk...political talk is actually saying something about entitlements like "entitlements sucks" or "entitlements are great." Thats actually discussing political topics, stating a player may one day be on said entitlements hardly qualifies as political talk because its not actually saying about entitlements good or bad. If I said after football Manning may run for political office I'm not saying anything political..."talking" politics is actually debating whether or not you agree with what the government does or politicians do.
Hey, the guy finds amusement in making a float boat out of a hedgehog. I don't take him too seriously.
I think a previous poster clearly showed the difference between the comment made and politics. I think people need to brush up on the difference before labeling something incorrectly.:hi:

All I'm doing is saying that, if it's going to continue, the thread needs to get back on topic. It was on the edge of getting too political and it was definitely getting too personal.

Probably a moot point because I would guess that, by now, Vol fans are pretty much done talking about Darrington Sentimore for good.
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:ermm:I'm sorry, what in the devil is a 'goodie good'?

It's a slang term for " i know damn well what the term means but instead will make myself look ignorant in an attempt to make someone else look you need me to explain what backfire means also??
All I'm doing is saying that, if it's going to continue, the thread needs to get back on topic. It was on the edge of getting too political and it was definitely getting too personal.

Probably a moot point because I would guess that, by now, Vol fans are pretty much done talking about Darrington Sentimore for good.

All I'm doing is saying that, if it's going to continue, the thread needs to get back on topic. It was on the edge of getting too political and it was definitely getting too personal.

Probably a moot point because I would guess that, by now, Vol fans are pretty much done talking about Darrington Sentimore for good.

Agreed on both fronts.
It's a dog of a thread that nobody cares about. At least we kept it going for a few more posts. I mean Darrington Sentimore? Why not a thread about Palardy's holder from 2 years ago?
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