Sentimore not drafted ?

Probably felt his teammate bailed on him and the team, when he still had a lot to prove.

I am more inclined to believe that Sentimore was not going to qualify as a student in 2013. So, he was left with two choices, a bad one and a really bad one!

He chose the really bad one! Now he has no NFL future. Now he has no college degree.....

It is the CFL for him or to go to work like everyone else. Maybe he can be a coach on the junior high or high school level but I think even they have to have a degree.

Good luck, chuck!!!
I said all along Sentimore coming out was monumentally stupid. Didn't seem like too many players were sorry to see him go though.
Dude EVERYBODY said Sentimore coming out was stupid. The only person that didn't think it was stupid, well that person didn't get drafted.
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Since Saban wasn't phased by Sentimore leaving his team, of course Saban has other quality players to step in when he left.

Also, I believe that Sentimore could not come back even if he wanted to due to grades.

So, if he could not come back due to grades, then he had a bad option and a really bad option. He chose the really bad option.......

I feel sorry for the guy. Unless he starts making better life choices he will not go far. At this rate, even if he somehow made the league, you would wonder what kinds of decisions he would make with his money. So many things in life are about character. We hear about the "on and off the field" comments, but if you don't have it together in both areas, then your ship will sink. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you want to live life in the 1% chance of making it or in the 99% chance of making it, then good luck with that choice! Just ask the very "successful" Travis Henry about life choices...
Very disappointed in Mo. If you've got a beef with a fellow Vol you keep it in the locker room. #classless

I'm with you. Couch has been a grade A tweeter since his arrival to the hill. But his play has been suspect at best, and I'm being very generous by saying that. He needs to stop tweeting and start producing. Or perhaps we can laugh and tweet when he doesn't get drafted. Bad blood isn't an excuse for publicly attempting to humiliate an ex team mate for not being drafted.
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This is my shocked face

Very disappointed in Mo. If you've got a beef with a fellow Vol you keep it in the locker room. #classless

Maybe he did have a beef with Sentimore or maybe he LOL`ed because he can`t believe that no team in the NFL would at least sign him as a free agent. We have no idea what Mo was laughing about.

Maybe someone who follows him on twitter should ask him what he meant by his LOL before turning on him like a pack of wolves. JMO
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he had grade issues and wouldn't have played anyway
I believe this is the case. If he doesn't go pro, he is probably academically ineligible for 2013 anyways.
Kind of similar to Dennis Rogan, even though Rogan was more proven.
What made the man think he would get drafted, the WORST defence in the history of TENNESSEE football, if he had came back then he might have been a 7th round pick, what ever happen to people staying to get there degree the heck with the football part of it just the degree, might need it in life, still wish there was a system in place if a kid went undrafted he could go back to school, not just because of our 2 it happens all over the nation kids getting bad advise.
Do you really need an actual example for a teaching point to be driven home. Like, hey guys if you're not projected to get drafted early then don't go pro. Shouldn't that just be understood?

I'm not arguing with you, I'm just stating how misguided some people are. While other people are just dumb.
The teaching point is to make sure you get your classroom work done too so you are not forced to turn pro and not get a nfl opportunity because of grades being bad and being not eligible. Work on football and school.
You don't gave any idea what their relationship is like. What speaks volumes is your willingness to make a snap judgement without ANY clue of what's going on, just to be seen as some goodie good .

:ermm:I'm sorry, what in the devil is a 'goodie good'?
What made the man think he would get drafted, the WORST defence in the history of TENNESSEE football, if he had came back then he might have been a 7th round pick, what ever happen to people staying to get there degree the heck with the football part of it just the degree, might need it in life, still wish there was a system in place if a kid went undrafted he could go back to school, not just because of our 2 it happens all over the nation kids getting bad advise.

Yeah, his end game never made much sense. Not likely to be drafted in the NFL and wasn't really gung ho about working toward a degree. Guess its time to see if Simoniz is hiring.
You need to back off Sentimore. The man hates Saban and his time at Alabama and is VFL. That speaks volumes to me and it should to you as well.

Who doesn't hate Saban? Dude had a mediocre at best season, and left. That's on him. He also didn't go to school in his one year here. You can root for that if you want to. I won't
At this moment Couch has done nothing to convince me his draft stock will be much better than Sentimore's. So what the hell is he LOL'ing about?

Well, maybe that's why Couch Lol'd. He's not boneheaded enough to declare himself draft eligible.
Completely nuts this guy went pro. Maybe he was mad Dooley left but who cares. He should've tried to take care of himself. He could've done that by getting in the weight room and playing his heart out as a sr. Guess he was just too stupid/lazy to make something of himself. See u at Walmart...
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Maybe he did have a beef with Sentimore or maybe he LOL`ed because he can`t believe that no team in the NFL would at least sign him as a free agent. We have no idea what Mo was laughing about.

Maybe someone who follows him on twitter should ask him what he meant by his LOL before turning on him like a pack of wolves. JMO

as an avid tweeter/texter I can say that lol does not mean everything people think it does. lol can mean the whole laughing out loud (or to parents who are dumb, lots of love), but some kids use it as nothing more than to end a sentence, to lighten the mood at the end of a dark/harsh statement, as sarcasm, as a friendly gesture, for ironic purposes. It's kind of like the F of internet acronyms, it can fit almost any point of a sentence.

However, I know I personally took it in a negative connotation, so he might want to clarify at least next time.
I think some of you are overanalyzing this. Maybe Couch just said what he said and thought it was humorous and typed 'Lol' to reflect his thoughts on the matter.

And unless any of you are Sentimore yourselves, I see no reason to bother Mo Couch to explain himself. Quite frankly he doesn't have to. If it bothers some of you unfollow him and move on.
Completely nuts this guy went pro. Maybe he was mad Dooley left but who cares. He should've tried to take care of himself. He could've done that by getting in the weight room and playing his heart out as a sr. Guess he was just too stupid/lazy to make something of himself. See u at Walmart...
You don't have to actually work anymore to make a living. I think that one can probably qualify for some kind of government check if he is stupid or lazy.
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