I always thought he was a bit of a kook. Once he got out from under the pretense of any objectivity at CNN, however, he basically completely lost his mind. His Messiah Complex is in full swing now.
Won't be long until he does something really stupid and blows up his career. Probably going to be a sex thing.
I watch all these political talking heads nightly. Beck, stewart, maddow, O'reily, Matthews, Maher, Olberman, Schultz,etc...which drives my wife crazy btw.I can truly say that 90% of what Beck is accussed of is BS.
I watch them take his words and change them around or take him out of context on a daily basis. Most of you guys that hate on Beck are spoon fed a steady diet of Stewart, Colbert, Olberman spin and never actually watch Glen Beck.
Any one that says Beck is a Kook and does not think that Olberman or Shultz, or that clown Maher is much, much worse than you either do not care about truth at all or are content to eat what the biased & lying media feeds you without any questioning at all. On almost every episode, Beck says "Do not take my word for anything me or anyone else is telling you , do your own homework and decide for yourself". Context matters. I NEVER hear the comedians Stewart or Maher or the smug douche Olberman say that. Instead they sometimes say some of the craziest accusations not backed by any facts.
I am not trying to come off as an expert, but if some of you haters would actually watch beck instead of edited excerpts on the daily show than you would honestly see the truth about what is going on...sorry long winded and coming off as all righteous, cause i am not, but the truth isn't polarizing and doesn't have an agenda, it just is the truth..