Serious trouble for the GOP

The school performance issue is pretty concrete to me. Its about exposure and inclusiveness from the minority (screw minority.....the poor) perspective. You're from Ashland City.......go spend a few hours in a Algebra II class at Brentwood High and then drive 15 miles up the road and spend a few hours in a class teaching the same subject at Maplewood......totally different world. And some of it is self-inflicted, but there is enough institutionalized racial issues still out there, even in the school system, that people don't take note of.
I grew up in the south side of Nashville, there was a slight white majority but we had a large oriental and black population at my school, certainly not an upper class neighborhood. My background growing up is very similar to what you might find in predominately black inner city neighborhoods, guns, drugs, etc. Most of my friends from high school are dead or in prison, I consider myself very lucky.
I grew up in the burbs, and I know that I was afforded opportunities that even cousins of mine in the inner-city weren't. And I'm still in my 20's, so this isn't some old school issue.
And I'm sure most if not all of them are not in the position you are today. How much of that do you attribute to working hard? Did you go to college? I bet your parents put high value on your education, mine did not. I do not intend to diminish the fact that there is racism in this country, nor do I think that all school systems are equal, I know they are not. I just think that your success probably had more to do with your hard work than what school you went to or where you lived.
The way some Republicans talk.....they want to cut bait with the "lower class" and turn this into a survival of the fittest class warfare. That wouldn't be good for anyone. You can study history and see that wouldn't work forever...especially when you have a shrinking middle-class and high immigration numbers.......ask the Antionette's how that worked out in France.
I can only respond by saying any republican that believes this is a complete fool. I assure you 95% of republican do not feel this way.
Whites certainly don't hold a monopoly on racist views, but they hold a monopoly in decision making positions in gov't, healthcare, finance, and every other me, its hard to break in being black without a little "help".....even with a degree, because we all know 90% of the time, it is not what you know, but who you know.
I agree with this paragraph, the part in bold is true no matter what color you are, where does this fit in to the discussion?
AA really only encompasses the public service sector anyways.........

The Dems are far from perfect, but from my life experience (and that of my family), they are the much lesser of two evils.

My friend, I am to the point now that either party makes me sick to my stomach. Both have most recently proven to me that power, self promotion and enrichment are all they care about.
The Republicans of the 19th Century would be moderate democrats today. The thing is, the Republican Party, especially the Southern Republicans are all descendants of the Dixiecrats of the 1950's and 1960's.

They were all Democrats (Strom, George Wallace, etc) until the Civil Rights Movement...........that speaks volumes on how that group felt about people like me!!!!

And the Trent Lott's and those guys carried the torch and now people like that Warner guy in SCAR are just the next generation of that group. Not a very minority-friendly caucas there.

but yet a party with Robert Byrd as their leader is minority-friendly?
What about domestic groups who are shooting soliders in recruiting offices or trying to buy stinger missiles from undercover officers? Or a preacher saying them Jews won't let Obama talk to him? In the words of rjd, we need to make sure racism and terror gets a fair looking over.

Add to the fact you cannot stereotype an entire group based on the actions of one people. Fearing the far right based on a few people is about as bigoted as well.

Only a couple of them will actually take any action -- its the fact that so many millions support their point of view and in fact encourage and endorse it that is what makes it so frightening.
Whites certainly don't hold a monopoly on racist views, but they hold a monopoly in decision making positions in gov't, healthcare, finance, and every other me, its hard to break in being black without a little "help".....even with a degree, because we all know 90% of the time, it is not what you know, but who you know.

and the problem many have with AA is it's not what you know but what color your skin is. And I didn't get my job based on who I knew but started at/near the bottom and worked my way up. Granted, with a college ed I had an easier path but still had to perform or get cut (especially in my sector and my company).
Only a couple of them will actually take any action -- its the fact that so many millions support their point of view and in fact encourage and endorse it that is what makes it so frightening.

This is a pretty simple minded belief. Many millions do not agree with abortion. How many agree with killing a man who performs them? Answer: Roughly the same percentage that would take action.
That is the case with all movements. It's like the Hindus in India that blow up mosques. So much for peace. But you cannot blame the far right, talk show hosts, Republicans, Bush, or whatever based on the actions of one nut. As far as Tiller's killer, this person cannot call himself pro-life and then kill someone. This person is a very small and secret minority in a larger group. This guy who killed the soldier in Arkansas is a member of a group that vocally calls for jihad. Wright preaches his filth to a large congregation who chooses to sit there and either agree or just condone it by continuing to attend. Von Brunn is one in a group of hate as well. Von Brunn has more in common with Rev Wright than he does with anyone on talk radio or elected office.

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