Wow. Surprised this doesn't have its own thread.
It would be so very Tennessee for us to win our first ever title (or even make the Final 4) only to have it vacated because of this.
When this first came out, I didn't think we had much to worry about because we just haven'd had many top recruits lately.
Hall of Fame coaches, top programs and lottery picks are involved...If I were a fan of a blue blood I'd be beyond nervous right about now. This is gonna be a train wreck.
I guess I feel like we've never really recruited well enough (even under Pearl) to be caught up in anything like this. We certainly are not a blue blood program with any lottery picks (or any picks at all for that matter). The programs which immediately jump out at me are the programs that aren't blue blood but have started recruiting well recently. Auburn and Vanderbilt come to mind. As far as a blue blood program that might be involved (besides Louisville), how about Bill Self and Kansas?
So you've got coaches, runners, and bagmen brokering deals to steer players to certain schools. I get the NCAA violations here. What I don't get is why this is an FBI issue. I mean, it's been going on in football and basketball since the dawn of major college sports.
I get that. But unless there is more to it that your garden variety major college recruiting tactics, I think fraud is a reach. It just seems like an NCAA issue, not a criminal one.
If you use the electronic transfer system to pay bribes, or to funnel money to an end recipient not named in the transfer, you've committed wire fraud.
So pretty much every lobbyist in Washington. I'd much rather the FBI clean up that crap than use their resources on college recruiting. But then again, the higher ups at the FBI are probably on the receiving end of some of those payouts from lobbyists.