Shinzo Abe Assassinated

We should ask what more Japan could do to prevent another shooting from happening ever again.

It appears that if someone is determined to cause damage, they will find a way to get it done.

I mean in a country where it is damn hard to legally acquire a gun, someone just shot a former PM.

Not enough laws I guess.
Holy crap.

For anyone that's ever followed Japan or their markets (Abenomics, Abeism) their former Prime Minister until 2020, Shinzo Abe, has just been shot. Sounds like he may not have survived. Happened in just the last half hour.

Between that, Russia threatening to take Alaska and Boris Johnson stepping down this has been a WILD week
It appears that if someone is determined to cause damage, they will find a way to get it done.

I mean in a country where it is damn hard to legally acquire a gun, someone just shot a former PM.

Not enough laws I guess.

Do we say "Aww, screw it. People are still raping despite all these laws outlawing rape. Let's just get rid of those laws. They clearly don't do nuthin' to stop rapes."
Do we say "Aww, screw it. People are still raping despite all these laws outlawing rape. Let's just get rid of those laws. They clearly don't do nuthin' to stop rapes."

It seems to be a popular stance for those against drug laws.
Looks like gun may have been homemade or disguised to look like a camera with a zoom lens.


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