In this analogy you are wanting to make it more difficult for law abiding people to have sex, while not addressing the rapes themselves or making it harder for actual rapists.
And in fact taking guns and making them less available will increase the risk of rape because people wont be able to defend themselves as effectively.
What you could do instead is actually address the people side of it. Build up a culture of personal responsibility instead of always blaming someone or something else ,like guns. You could actually teach responsible gun use instead of only letting the only gun education be video games and movies. You should build up the parents role instead of replacing them with government employees. You could get people used to dealing with loss and rejection so they know how to handle it, instead of reacting violently with a gun, or rape. You could recognize that government one-size-fits-all, is really a one-size-fits-none, and allow decentralized groups to respond more rapidly and efficiently instead of having to wait on big brother.
And the beauty on all of those things is they would help beyond just violence. But no, instead of addressing ANY of those issues, you continue on the guns which is not the source or cause of any of the problems. Your mindset is exactly why we are seeing these issues.