Shooting in El Paso

It's not racist to say "brown people" depending on the context, just like it's not necessarily racist to say "black people" or "white people". Calling Mexicans "rapists" is most certainly bigoted. Trump types cry about how sensitive everyone is about race, but they're just as quick to throw out "racist" and are just as, if not more, sensitive.
Nothing you said is what i said. I told him trump didn't say brown people, but he did. He's the one saying "brown people" is racist, yet he's the only one saying it.
I own guns and don't own more than a hundred or so rounds for each.

So do you ever go to the range or other type of shooting? If I can't knock out 50rnds per whatever I brought it's hardly even worth the trip unless it's something very specific. (checking zero on a scope for instance) And I'm not even including rimfire in that equation.
You have accepted this as the norm and that's sad.
I have accepted reality. You need to get rid of the violent crazies or it won't ever stop. You are dreaming if you think that every firearm and every round of ammo can be removed from this country. And even if you could do that, some crazy S.O.B. bent on destruction will find a way. Most of them just want to die and be remembered for something, and they are too chicken sh!t to blow their brains out until they are cornered.
So do you ever go to the range or other type of shooting? If I can't knock out 50rnds per whatever I brought it's hardly even worth the trip unless it's something very specific. (checking zero on a scope for instance) And I'm not even including rimfire in that equation.
Shouldn't take 50 rounds to zero in a scope. I think you are just shooting to have fun.
So do you ever go to the range or other type of shooting? If I can't knock out 50rnds per whatever I brought it's hardly even worth the trip unless it's something very specific. (checking zero on a scope for instance) And I'm not even including rimfire in that equation.

I go to the range every month or so and I generally drain my ammo and purchase more on the way out. I am just not a doom day prepping or have legitimate worries that my house will become the target of some sort of mob or army.
I have accepted reality. You need to get rid of the violent crazies or it won't ever stop. You are dreaming if you think that every firearm and every round of ammo can be removed from this country. And even if you could do that, some crazy S.O.B. bent on destruction will find a way. Most of them just want to die and be remembered for something, and they are too chicken sh!t to blow their brains out until they are cornered.

Is that someone's plan or just your irrational fear talking?
It doesn't matter, Joe.
Man seriously, trump has more issues than I have time to get into. However, calling everyone racist who voted for him is just silly, and wrong, and I didn't even vote for him. Secondly, blaming his words for some idiot killing people is literally no different than blaming obama for the cop killings. People are responsible for their own actions, period.
Shouldn't take 50 rounds to zero in a scope. I think you are just shooting to have fun.

Maybe you were reading too fast. Something like that was the "unless". I've done quick trips to take some chronograph readings as well. Otherwise you're right.
My world is the real world where a rock is a rock even if it’s used assault someone . The word “ assault rifle “ is a propaganda tool used by the left and the media . They do the same things when they try to say a semi auto is an automatic . Cute and affective if you don’t have a clue about firearms .

The Dayton shooter killed 9 people and injured 27 with a rifle within 30 seconds.

36 people hit.

9 dead.

30 seconds.

How many would he have killed with a rock in that time in your real world?
I go to the range every month or so and I generally drain my ammo and purchase more on the way out. I am just not a doom day prepping or have legitimate worries that my house will become the target of some sort of mob or army.
I own milsurps and buy surplus ammo whenever I can because they aren’t making any more of it at those prices. I also know if it came down to it I could sell it for more than I paid. I have one gun cabinet that completely full of .30 spam cans lol. There was a picture from the CMP that showed a full-size truck almost bottomed out from all the AP ammo one guy bought. But buying thousands of rounds at .30 and selling them for $2+ isn’t a bad day’s work.
I go to the range every month or so and I generally drain my ammo and purchase more on the way out. I am just not a doom day prepping or have legitimate worries that my house will become the target of some sort of mob or army.

If that works for you fine but most people that have lots of ammo aren't actually doing it for the sake of Walking Dead standoffs. When the price is right you stock up to have for later when prices/availability may not be as favorable. If stored correctly ammo can last a long time. You have any idea how many people wished they'd had half a million rounds (or more) of cheaply purchased .22LR not that long ago?
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The Dayton shooter killed 9 people and injured 27 with a rifle within 30 seconds.

36 people hit.

9 dead.

30 seconds.

How many would he have killed with a rock in that time in your real world?

Know you are starting to understand . Rifle not “ assault weapon “ . My argument wasn’t about it being a rifle or large capacity magazine / drum , my argument was over the wording in these bills . If Congress is going to make laws I have to live by I want them to explain what they mean specifically , not some made up word the media used as scare tactics and propaganda . I was also saying objects don’t have a brain to reason by therefore it’s not the firearms fault like I saw suggested it was the nut pointing and pulling the trigger . It’s not magic that makes the objects hurt people , it’s other people .
A fine group of people in this thread. Slice - racism doesn't exist. Joe - everyone is racist but me. Hog - I'm fine with it. Invol - I need a precise definition of racism.
Quote where I called you racist or even said you said something racist, Otherwise STFU.
You said i was calling everyone racist but me, and i asked way back to provide proof of me saying that or anything racist. And if you wabt me to shut up, make me😁
Man seriously, trump has more issues than I have time to get into. However, calling everyone racist who voted for him is just silly, and wrong, and I didn't even vote for him. Secondly, blaming his words for some idiot killing people is literally no different than blaming obama for the cop killings. People are responsible for their own actions, period.

Trump has really leaned into white nationalism, and it feels like he was content to push the envelope until people rightfully freaked out about the "Send her back!" chant.

At this point, I think people who don't want to be viewed as a racist should distance themselves from Trump.

I don't think Presidents just push policy. I think they set the tone for our culture...and I think it's easy to see how hostile language from a President can bring out the crazies. White terrorism has become a real problem under Trump, and I think his language plays a role.
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