Shooting in El Paso

In that same post I did him a favor and encouraged him to distance himself from volfanjustin's comments...because I know he probably wouldn't want to be associated with them.

Again, I didn't leap to any conclusions. You have because apparently some of the posts in question have been deleted. I would encourage you to move on.
The context argument would have been more effective before you made a half-dozen posts defending the accusation.
No, there was no proof it did anything to ban them . The temporary ban ran out and they had to show just cause to ban them again . They couldn’t and they were legal to be sold again .

Might be a different result today. And you and I both know that the major issue was republican control. Had democrats been in control the bill would have been reaffirmed.
You guys and your leader Hillary called everyone who didn't vote for her deplorable. It's all the left can do. Racists, sexist, etc to anyone whp disagrees, not just trump supporters.
Show me where I supported Hillary. Trump supporters are deplorable, This guy was a MAGA disciple.
Reloading one's own ammunition would be an easy way around any tax on ammunition.

Eh, I don't think that'd last long as getting a tax on components might be easier in some ways than taxing ammunition itself. I say that because the "right" to ammunition is inseparable from the RKBA. Any remotely onerous price burden put on ammunition would directly impact one's 2A rights as a firearm without ammo is just an expensive club.

Now, trying to get into their scheming little hoplophobic minds, I could see something like X amount of ammo could be purchased without being taxed but anything beyond that amount (as set by their definition of "reasonable need") being taxed more and above a certain level (again, their definition) might require a permit of some kind.
Well then, how about just background checks on ammo and tax the **** out of it. You have to start somewhere.

I think if we had those laws in place, it would hinder those sick individuals. We own a gun to protect our home, but I'm certainly no expert. My husband was in the military. He has no problem with that bill.

Here's the wiki definition. That's all I got.

Assault weapon - Wikipedia

Taxing the crap out of ammo is like closing the barn door after all the cows are gone.

Gun owners have already purchased TRillions of rounds of ammo. I actually only know one gun owner that doesn't have thousands of rounds of ammo in each caliber of firearm they own.

Hint: assault weapon is a made up terminology used to scare the non firearm owning masses and further the agenda of gun control folks.
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Well any sensible person would take the blame way from guns . A gun is just an object . No feelz, No ability to reason , No likes or dislikes . A gun has no affiliation with any political parties , No religion . It’s an object . Stop trying to make it about the gun .

So in your world legalize any tool or substance that doesn't have it's own cognition?
Might be a different result today. And you and I both know that the major issue was republican control. Had democrats been in control the bill would have been reaffirmed.

You and I both know it won’t stop at rifles ... the first time a pistol is used the Dems will be screeching for those to be banned . Keep walking it down until you get what the real goal is . That’s why you see such a push back , all of us dumb hillbillies aren’t so dumb .
So in your world legalize any tool or substance that doesn't have it's own cognition?

My world is the real world where a rock is a rock even if it’s used assault someone . The word “ assault rifle “ is a propaganda tool used by the left and the media . They do the same things when they try to say a semi auto is an automatic . Cute and affective if you don’t have a clue about firearms .
Taxing the crap out of ammo is like closing the barn door after all the cows are gone.

Gun owners have already purchased TRillions of rounds of ammo. I actually only know one gun owner that doesn't have thousands of rounds of ammo in each caliber of firearm they own.

Hint: assault weapon is a made up terminology used to scare the non firearm owning masses and further the agenda of gun control folks.

I own guns and don't own more than a hundred or so rounds for each.

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