Should Alex Jones be allowed back on Twitter?

Should Alex Jones be allowed back on Twitter?

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Uniparty - The device used by people dumb enough not to realize they are just being played by those wanting power and money. Depending on beliefs, people who use this device will have Rachel Maddow, Alyssa Milano, Catturd, Benny, or Alex do their thinking for them...
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Irony - The guy who has Benny, Catturd, and Alex think for him tells me that I should pull head out of my ass...
I am not familiar with X's Terms of Service but the larger point is the fact that Jones even has an audience that would want to read his tweets or listen to his podcast. He's an epic scumbag and anybody who supports his insane ramblings is in the same category.
I am not familiar with X's Terms of Service but the larger point is the fact that Jones even has an audience that would want to read his tweets or listen to his podcast. He's an epic scumbag and anybody who supports his insane ramblings is in the same category.

Twitter is a cancer on society. It gives a voice to those whose voices shouldn't be heard. Jones is a top tier douche nozzle, it's bewildering that any rational person would, after hearing is insane rants, want to continue to listen to opinion. He's an a-hole and anyone who gives credence to him is an a-hole.
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Twitter is a cancer on society. It gives a voice to those whose voices shouldn't be heard. Jones is a top tier douche nozzle, it's bewildering that any rational person would, after hearing is insane rants, want to continue to listen to opinion. He's an a-hole and anyone who gives credence to him is an a-hole.
Pretty much all social media is a cancer on society.
Alex Jones is a full of s-it whack job but it's the call of the owner, Elon Musk.....

If you got rid of all the people who spout BS about things they know little about, social media would lose half its users immediately

Right, you have to have a forgiving policy for banning people. The general rule for a social media platform should be freedom for the exchange of ideas, but there are reasons you have exceptions to the rule. Most people who spout BS don't inspire grand-scale harassment against victims of the most heinous tragedy you can imagine. This was a good battle to pick, and there is a reason Elon was resistant to re-admitting him. But Musk now knows for sure he's not winning the left back, so the best $-making idea is to appeal to right-wing nutjobs.

It's funny that Musk is talking out of two sides of his mouth on this...we aspire to be the free speech platform but only if a majority vote in favor of it. That's not free speech. That's speech governed by the mob.
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Right, you have to have a forgiving policy for banning people. The general rule for a social media platform should be freedom for the exchange of ideas, but there are reasons you have exceptions to the rule. Most people who spout BS don't inspire grand-scale harassment against victims of the most heinous tragedy you can imagine. This was a good battle to pick, and there is a reason Elon was resistant to re-admitting him. But Musk now knows for sure he's not winning the left back, so the best $-making idea is to appeal to right-wing nutjobs.

It's funny that Musk is talking out of two sides of his mouth on this...we aspire to be the free speech platform but only if a majority vote in favor of it. That's not free speech. That's speech governed by the mob.

It's Elon's company and he can do as he sees fit. Ultimately he is the one who paid $43 billion for this....
It's Elon's company and he can do as he sees fit. Ultimately he is the one who paid $43 billion for this....

Of course, but that has nothing to do with the points I'm making. I'm talking about how he should handle his business if he wants Twitter to be the best product it can be, not what his rights are.
Of course, but that has nothing to do with the points I'm making. I'm talking about how he should handle his business if he wants Twitter to be the best product it can be, not what his rights are.

Did you have the same opinion when Twitter banned Trump but did not ban ISIS?
Social media has enabled people to say what they truly want to say without fear of getting punched in the nose.

In the past, the dumb and easily manipulated had limited social reach. Today, they are on social media expressing thoughts and being manipulated/monetized by those in their echo chamber....
I think it has fueled division in this country.

Definitely, but it's just a tool for interaction and it's the first generation learning how to use it. I admit, my social media life was pretty toxic for a time. Then I learned to mute certain people, stay out of a lot of topics, and just enjoy my friends and family on there. It is what you make it. I survived the whole "TV is the devil" and "video games are the devil" movements. Now it's social media. I don't think anybody should be off social media because it's "cancer." I think they should craft a non-toxic social media world, and they'll be better off for it.
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In the past, the dumb and easily manipulated had limited social reach. Today, they are on social media expressing thoughts and being manipulated/monetized by those in their echo chamber....

Doesn't that make their echo chamber equally dumb and easily manipulated?
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Twitter is a cancer on society. It gives a voice to those whose voices shouldn't be heard. Jones is a top tier douche nozzle, it's bewildering that any rational person would, after hearing is insane rants, want to continue to listen to opinion. He's an a-hole and anyone who gives credence to him is an a-hole.

My, my, my, how the leftists have turned on X. I remember just like it was yesterday when the filth were all having a X circle jerk 24/7/365.
Did you have the same opinion when Twitter banned Trump but did not ban ISIS?

What did ISIS do on Twitter that should have had them banned? I don't remember that controversy.

I left Twitter over that stuff. Not Trump specifically, but because they purged Trumpy followers in the wake of that. 60k of them as I recall. One of them was my best friend. That's how I found out about it. I'm OK with them banning Trump. I don't recall feeling too strongly about it, but feeling like they could justify it. He bullied and harassed all the time on the platform. A little surprised he lasted as long as he did, but I'm sure they loved the $ his account generated.

Edit: BTW, my buddy who was purged?...still banned from Twitter. Even though he didn't do anything wrong, per se. He got caught up in a mass algorithm exodus. As I understand it, they just looked at all his followers and follows and determined "far right-wing troll = delete". Alex Jones is back, tho. Yay free speech.
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What did ISIS do on Twitter that should have had them banned? I don't remember that controversy.

I left Twitter over that stuff. Not Trump specifically, but because they purged Trumpy followers in the wake of that. 60k of them as I recall. One of them was my best friend. That's how I found out about it. I'm OK with them banning Trump. I don't recall feeling too strongly about it, but feeling like they could justify it. He bullied and harassed all the time on the platform. A little surprised he lasted as long as he did, but I'm sure they loved the $ his account generated.

Edit: BTW, my buddy who was purged?...still banned from Twitter. Even though he didn't do anything wrong, per se. He got caught up in a mass algorithm exodus. As I understand it, they just looked at all his followers and follows and determined "far right-wing troll = delete". Alex Jones is back, tho. Yay free speech.

ISIS linked accounts used Twitter as a tool to recruit and spread jihadist message. The intent of recruiting was to find people to carry out attacks. Seems to be ban worthy to me...

The Ayatollah wasn't banned.

I was OK with Jack Dorsey banning Trump. He was in charge. But the optics of banning Trump and not those that I mentioned looks bad. And it was why Twitter was losing market cap until Elon was so impulsive that he overpaid for it....
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ISIS linked accounts used Twitter as a tool to recruit and spread jihadist message. The intent of recruiting was to find people to carry out attacks. Seems to be ban worthy to me...

The Ayatollah wasn't banned.

I was OK with Jack Dorsey banning Trump. He was in charge. But the optics of banning Trump and not those that I mentioned looks bad. And it was why Twitter was losing market cap until Elon was so impulsive that he overpaid for it....

Why would the Ayatollah be banned? What did he do to violate their terms of service? They don't just ban people because they dislike them. They have policy reasons for doing so. I don't know enough about the ISIS thing to know for sure what to think of it. Like you say, the optics are bad. But I also know that Twitter has literally purged millions of accounts they have thought to be linked to terrorism. I imagine an ISIS account is a great way to cast a large net for catching these guys.

Has Musk banned the ISIS account?

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