Yes. I have 2 different styles of older black jerseys, and they look a lot better than the grey alternate that was going around circa 2007.
I'm not linking it because I'm on mobile, but Quinn wrote a piece on an interview with CCM where he said he's going to be talking with the Adidas reps about making a gray alternate uniform. Said he would like to do it if him and the team liked their design.
I personally think we can pull off a black jersey with the orange better than it would look on football jerseys.
Your over 40 crowd will collectively say no. Your under 40 crowd will mostly be in favor of them.
Stop stereotyping. I'm about to join the over 60 crowd and I love the smokey gray uniforms. Long overdue. Now, bring on the smokey gray B-Ball uniforms and the smokey gray football helmets with an orange strip and Power T. It's time!
Love those monochrome unis.
I loved them too, but I think they may be illegal this year. I know the NCAA changed the rules about numbers on football uniforms -- they must now be one solid color which contrasts with the primary uniform color. I think this applies to other sports as well, but not 100% certain.
Didn't want to start a thread in case it has already been posted. But ladies, gents, hobos, and tramps it sure sounds like our basketball team will be wearin grey sometime this year.
Could 'smokey' gray uniforms be coming for Tennessee men's basketball? » GoVolsXtra
Looking like you'll be dissapointed...
Could 'smokey' gray uniforms be coming for Tennessee men's basketball? » GoVolsXtra