Should parents be paid? Here's why people say it's time to see the value in caregiving

Sure, Huff. I know, you’re right, they don’t exist.

Huh? How do you go from what I put in my brief post to thinking my point was this cross section doesn't exist?

It's a long-running joke here that Ras hates women and your rant had a little resentful hint of that in there.

I was asking why you put "modern" on it, like it was some new phenomenon?

My wife's Mom sent her kids to school and just watched an empty house all day, and a lot of Moms did that when I was a kid. Moms now tend to be more career-minded. Turns out you weren't speaking broadly, you were talking about a "small cross-section".
Huh? How do you go from what I put in my brief post to thinking my point was this cross section doesn't exist?

It's a long-running joke here that Ras hates women and your rant had a little resentful hint of that in there.

Okay, I gotcha now. There was a hint, for that particular type of woman. I resent certain types of men as well just to be sure I spread the wealth around.
Right. And you put more burden on the infrastructure yet get refunds. I pay full price. Who's being subsidized again?
so you are saying you don't take ANY deductions? Don't have any pre-taxed income going to a 401k, or health plan? don't itemize any receipts or claim the standard deduction? don't play with stocks or investments to decrease your tax exposure? you just write a clean check for the 25/33/40% and call it a day?

I'll believe that when me crap is purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.

that tax break is just as open to you as it is to anyone else.
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so you are saying you don't take ANY deductions? Don't have any pre-taxed income going to a 401k, or health plan? don't itemize any receipts or claim the standard deduction? don't play with stocks or investments to decrease your tax exposure? you just write a clean check for the 25/33/40% and call it a day?

I'll believe that when me crap is purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.

that tax break is just as open to you as it is to anyone else.
I will be happy to show you my returns sometime. I get ZERO deductions. That's what happens when you are completely debt free. (Yes I know, it is a first world problem, but I worked my ass off to get there)

When Mr Trump was in office the options market was a license to print money. Now it is a ****ing disaster and I lost money last year and got a refund for the first time in probably 35 years. And yes I wrote a large check to Uncle Sugar. In a way I am not complaining other than I am tired of subsidizing irresponsible people.

Your crap must be delicious.

Oh and everyone can do what I did. Stop buying **** you can't afford on credit. Credit (debt) is slavery for the vast majority of Americans.
I will be happy to show you my returns sometime. I get ZERO deductions. That's what happens when you are completely debt free. (Yes I know, it is a first world problem, but I worked my ass off to get there)

When Mr Trump was in office the options market was a license to print money. Now it is a ****ing disaster and I lost money last year and got a refund for the first time in probably 35 years. And yes I wrote a large check to Uncle Sugar. In a way I am not complaining other than I am tired of subsidizing irresponsible people.

Your crap must be delicious.

Oh and everyone can do what I did. Stop buying **** you can't afford on credit. Credit (debt) is slavery for the vast majority of Americans.
again, no reduction to the amount of income tax you pay at the federal level? No 401k, no HSA, etc? Those are deductions, just like having dependents is a deduction. Its open to you if you qualify. you use the deductions you can, other people use the ones they can. for some reason you think its wrong when other people take deductions, but you had no problem with Trump paying little to no taxes.

I don't get why R's are suddenly against people paying less taxes. It went from "good business sense" to being a deplorable leach to not pay Uncle Sam everything the .gov wants to take away. they are keeping more of their money, not sure how that's considered freeloading.
I will be happy to show you my returns sometime. I get ZERO deductions. That's what happens when you are completely debt free. (Yes I know, it is a first world problem, but I worked my ass off to get there)

When Mr Trump was in office the options market was a license to print money. Now it is a ****ing disaster and I lost money last year and got a refund for the first time in probably 35 years. And yes I wrote a large check to Uncle Sugar. In a way I am not complaining other than I am tired of subsidizing irresponsible people.

Your crap must be delicious.

Oh and everyone can do what I did. Stop buying **** you can't afford on credit. Credit (debt) is slavery for the vast majority of Americans.

I must be just like you because I don't qualify for any kind of tax write-offs. I don't have any tax loss sales, no mortgage interest payments, no real estate losses, just income and taxes.
Interesting topic.

Ideologically, I oppose the idea.

However, from a social demographics standpoint, it is hard argue against having incentives for those who personally and financially capable of raising kids, to have more children than they would otherwise be inclined to have.

Incentives can be tricky. There can easily be unintended consequences. The last thing we want is more single mothers or single mothers have more children. On the other hand, demographic collapse isn't a rosy future and the only other way to avoid the collapse is to through immigration which has its own set of problems.
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again, no reduction to the amount of income tax you pay at the federal level? No 401k, no HSA, etc? Those are deductions, just like having dependents is a deduction. Its open to you if you qualify. you use the deductions you can, other people use the ones they can. for some reason you think its wrong when other people take deductions, but you had no problem with Trump paying little to no taxes.

I don't get why R's are suddenly against people paying less taxes. It went from "good business sense" to being a deplorable leach to not pay Uncle Sam everything the .gov wants to take away. they are keeping more of their money, not sure how that's considered freeloading.
Throttle back Chief. I don't have any problem with the vast majority of legal deductions. I just don't agree that having children should be one however because you are taxing the infrastructure more than those people that are childless and single people, and besides it is the height of stupidity to have children for the tax break. But if anyone can use the tax code to their benefit and pay zero taxes, good for them. I wish I could. I have a wonderful 401k. I get 16% of my earnings contributed by the company and I don't have to add anything. Even if I did, I couldn't deduct it because I can't itemize. It's a first world problem like I said.
I must be just like you because I don't qualify for any kind of tax write-offs. I don't have any tax loss sales, no mortgage interest payments, no real estate losses, just income and taxes.
Yep. Sucks doesn't it. I am usually on the floor at my accountant in the fetal position on April 15th. Not this year though. Thanks Joe!
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Throttle back Chief. I don't have any problem with the vast majority of legal deductions. I just don't agree that having children should be one however because you are taxing the infrastructure more than those people that are childless and single people, and besides it is the height of stupidity to have children for the tax break. But if anyone can use the tax code to their benefit and pay zero taxes, good for them. I wish I could. I have a wonderful 401k. I get 16% of my earnings contributed by the company and I don't have to add anything. Even if I did, I couldn't deduct it because I can't itemize. It's a first world problem like I said.
Except if you don't have enough children you are taxing the system. It sucks but our government is a ponzi scheme. The ONLY way it works, is if you continue to bring in more people, or at least increase the taxable income of those already there.

the demographic shift will be just as taxing on the system as sending Timmy to local public school, probably even more so. Because Timmy ideally becomes a taxable civilian. Your corpse provides nothing. Its like some of the tax breaks they have been giving out recently for employers for having employees. I think they are temporary programs, but I hear advertising all the time for employers to use some program which will get them back 20 to 30k per employee. thats 10x what the child tax credit is, and same principal behind it.

the act of employing, or raising children, is good for society; to such a point that the long term benefits out weigh the immediate loss of cash.

if anything they need to figure out how to entice the upper and middle class to have more children.

to the freeloading side of things it never made sense to me that people can get back more than they pay in at the bottom. Let them pay $0, but we don't need to give them money. but thats for all deductions, not just children.
Except if you don't have enough children you are taxing the system. It sucks but our government is a ponzi scheme. The ONLY way it works, is if you continue to bring in more people, or at least increase the taxable income of those already there.

the demographic shift will be just as taxing on the system as sending Timmy to local public school, probably even more so. Because Timmy ideally becomes a taxable civilian. Your corpse provides nothing. Its like some of the tax breaks they have been giving out recently for employers for having employees. I think they are temporary programs, but I hear advertising all the time for employers to use some program which will get them back 20 to 30k per employee. thats 10x what the child tax credit is, and same principal behind it.

the act of employing, or raising children, is good for society; to such a point that the long term benefits out weigh the immediate loss of cash.

if anything they need to figure out how to entice the upper and middle class to have more children.

to the freeloading side of things it never made sense to me that people can get back more than they pay in at the bottom. Let them pay $0, but we don't need to give them money. but thats for all deductions, not just children.
And like I said, the species will propagate just fine without incentives. Let me ask you this. Are child tax deductions REALLY an incentive to have them? Or is it simply a nice benefit?

I absolutely agree with your last statement. $0 is fine, but a refund when you don't pay in is insane. And if your paid tax is $0, you shouldn't be voting either. Fire away
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