Are you sure you're a doc? I think we really did go for the jugular when we got the ball off their ensuing punt, we attempted three passes, all incomplete.Work with me guys and think about it. The onside kick would have been so uncharacteristic for Fulmer/Cutcliffe it would have been sucessful. The the first play after getting the ball woud have been a post pattern to Swain. Pardon the cliche "go for the jugler".
a 63-yarder ?!?!? Against a slight wind um no.
Work with me guys and think about it. The onside kick would have been so uncharacteristic for Fulmer/Cutcliffe it would have been sucessful. The the first play after getting the ball woud have been a post pattern to Swain. Pardon the cliche "go for the jugler".
Look most you guys on this board are so conservative that you probably write in Pat Buchanan in every presidential election and have 100% of your 401K invested in Treasury Bills. What difference we lost anyway! Florida had far superior talent and if we had scored too quickly on our last posession they would have scored again.This has got to be in the top-5 stupidest threads of all time.
I'm not even going to comment on attempting a 108 yard (or however long it would have been) field goal.
Attempting an onside kick after going up with the trick play? Get out.
>40% chance of getting the ball back on such an attempt? No, really, GET OUT.
I think some of you cats got a little bad moonshine on Saturday.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:This has got to be in the top-5 stupidest threads of all time.
I'm not even going to comment on attempting a 108 yard (or however long it would have been) field goal.
Attempting an onside kick after going up with the trick play? Get out.
>40% chance of getting the ball back on such an attempt? No, really, GET OUT.
I think some of you cats got a little bad moonshine on Saturday.
This has got to be in the top-5 stupidest threads of all time.
I'm not even going to comment on attempting a 108 yard (or however long it would have been) field goal.
Attempting an onside kick after going up with the trick play? Get out.
>40% chance of getting the ball back on such an attempt? No, really, GET OUT.
I think some of you cats got a little bad moonshine on Saturday.