Should you have to provide a government ID, for age verification purposes, to access internet pornography

I figured out how to unscramble the nudie channels on the satellite dish by the time I was 10 or 11...

I still remember 216 was Spice channel and 218 was Playboy channel
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Can you unpack your second sentence please? Genuinely curious how you arrived there.
It’s not so much a legal/political opinion as much as I find the idea of parents “deciding” whether or not their kids can watch pornography to be a bit laughable. Teenagers won’t need or seek the consent of their parents, and in a modern society, I see no realistic way to prevent that.
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It’s not so much a legal/political opinion as much as I find the idea of parents “deciding” whether or not their kids can watch pornography to be a bit laughable. Teenagers won’t need or seek the consent of their parents, and in a modern society, I see no realistic way to prevent that.
Understood. Not a "should" position but a "could" position.
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Pornhub has pulled out of multiple states rather than comply with age-verification laws.

On June 15, 2022, a freshman legislator in Louisiana’s House of Representatives accomplished something no other lawmaker or activist in the country could claim: She passed a law that is changing the online porn industry.

“Pornography is creating a public health crisis and having a corroding influence on minors,” asserts the bill that state Rep. Laurie Schlegel introduced. Almost no one in the capitol in Baton Rouge disputes the statement; the bill sailed through the Louisiana House 96-1 and the State Senate 34-0. The bill holds pornography websites liable unless the websites “perform reasonable age verification methods” — in short, requiring users to show government ID to prove they are 18 or older. Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, no fan of the legislature’s Republican super-majority, signed the bill about a week after it arrived on his desk.

Though the first of its kind, Louisiana’s age-verification bill was not the last. Nearly identical bills have passed in six other states — Arkansas, Montana, Mississippi, Utah, Virginia and Texas — by similarly lopsided margins. In Utah and Arkansas, the bills passed unanimously. The laws were passed by overwhelming margins in legislatures controlled by both parties and signed into law by Democratic and Republican governors alike. In just over a year, age-verification laws have become perhaps the most bipartisan policy in the country, and they are creating havoc in a porn industry that many had considered all but impossible to actually regulate.

Unlike past efforts to curb online porn that had simply declared the sites a danger to public health, these laws are not symbolic. And they are having real effects on how the massive online porn industry does business. Pornhub, the YouTube of pornography, gets more global users than Amazon or Netflix. In 2019, the last year Pornhub released its data, the site was visited 42 billion times, or 115 million times each day.

A Simple Law Is Doing the Impossible. It's Making the Online Porn Industry Retreat.
When I was 11, a friend in my literal, wonder years neighborhood, brought a projector over to my house with a porn film on a freaking reel. My parents were playing golf. What I witnessed that day has led to me never watching any porn in the last 49 years🤣.
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I am skeptical of the supposed intent. I think the true goal of these legislators is to shut these sites down.
its just another way for them to spy on us. By having corporations do it for them.

Go back to the Chinese TikTok hearings. They weren't upset that US citizens were being spied on. They specifically mentioned that the Chinese being able to spy on us, and they didn't have the same access the Chinese did to that info, was the problem.
Shouldn’t be up to me if my child watches Porn?? Ok let’s hear it.

Well, some extreme Leftists will argue that it's an invasion of the child's privacy and that the child may not live in a safe environment; in fact, pornography should be readily available at schools for all kids who say they don't feel safe viewing porn at home and that their parents might reject them.
Well, some extreme Leftists will argue that it's an invasion of the child's privacy and that the child may not live in a safe environment; in fact, pornography should be readily available at schools for all kids who say they don't feel safe viewing porn at home and that their parents might reject them.
Playboy and the like have been available at Public Libraries as long as I have been alive, and probably longer. your pearl clutching needs to look deeper.
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