Show your true feel lings.

SavageOrangeJug just made the ignore list.

Savage just convinced me that Obama should get my vote.
If a few pics on a message board made your decision. You are probably one of those Florida residents, that can't comprehend how to correctly mark an election ballot.
I’ve decided I am finished voting against someone. Through research and consideration, I have been able to narrow my decision down to two candidates that I agree with on most issues. It will either be Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin. Many may say that either of these is a wasted vote but I believe a vote that is made for someone that you mostly disagree with or against someone because you fear them is the true wasted vote. My vote will count more that just electing the next big government goon into the presidency. It will voice my beliefs and outrage with the state of the federal government. I know this is preachy but I guess I’m just passionate about it.
My vote will count more that just electing the next big government goon into the presidency. It will voice my beliefs and outrage with the state of the federal government.
here is the fallacy. See, nobody else gives a rat's ass on Nov 5 about your vote for somebody that didn't win. It will voice nothing. It will be a vote for someone that had no prayer of taking office.

You should just do a write in and vote for yourself. It will have the same message.
So you must feel the same way about a McCain voter in California or an Obama voter in Alabama. In your twisted logic, these are wasted votes as well because there is no way that McCain will win the electoral votes in CA or Obama will win the ones in AL.

Regardless of whether or not you vote for McCain he will carry TN (just assuming you live in TN). So what are you accomplishing with your vote?
So you must feel the same way about a McCain voter in California or an Obama voter in Alabama. In your twisted logic, these are wasted votes as well because there is no way that McCain will win the electoral votes in CA or Obama will win the ones in AL.

Regardless of whether or not you vote for McCain he will carry TN (just assuming you live in TN). So what are you accomplishing with your vote?

you have a valid point to the extent that one buys polling data. Given that polls are often wrong, you're point is basically ridiculous.

I don't care that you think my logic is twisted, but the truth is that votes for anyone aside from the main parties is, at this point, a proxy vote for one of the other guys.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
you have a valid point to the extent that one buys polling data. Given that polls are often wrong, you're point is basically ridiculous.

I don't care that you think my logic is twisted, but the truth is that votes for anyone aside from the main parties is, at this point, a proxy vote for one of the other guys.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So which state are you willing to bet $1000 that I am wrong about, CA or AL?

Can you honestly say that McCain is “your guy” and that you agree with his policies? If you can, then more power to you. The problem I have with voting for either of the leading candidates is that my conscience wouldn’t let me. I am a capitalist and I will not vote for those that promote socialist policies. Some B and M about the two party system and how it is dragging this county down but that will never change as long as people keep voting for these idiots. Everybody has heard the definition of insanity that it’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…

Oh, and about all those other people’s rats’ asses, the can keep them. Frankly don’t seek out other people’s approval of my political beliefs. I come to a rational decision based on logic and my ideals, and move forward from there.

You never stated what you intend to accomplish with your vote.
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You have not seen nothing yet. I have fun on here and do stuff like that to pull the english majors out so i know who they are. Talkin about my phrasing plays right into my hands. If you didn't notice others let it fly right by. They know I have fun with the english. I don't want it to be perfect. You might think I know what I'm talkin about. Sorry for you. Just read and respond. Leave the cuts out but you still have some newbie traits. Big Papa and others know I try to get a point across and then an answer. Forget the spel ling. There I did it again. I hope it makes you ill. My bros on here just tolerate me. I usually get more hits because they say. "I wonder what crazy Mills is posting". I vote my heart.(Chuck Baldwin). NEXT! Ron Paul is smart too. I'm a Constitutionalist....... I don't like big goverment. Remember they work for us. Not us for them which they all have forgotten. You think they have YOU in their best intrest. Please! Get'um OE.
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I just thought that he was going to sing for us....."Feel ling...wo wo wo...feel lings"
The only person I have ever voted "for" in my life was the Libertarian for Governor in Ohio.

Every thing else has been against someone.
OE are you really that far left. Really? My readings on your post say you tend to vote like me. Maybe good or bad. Best man for me as always. Remember our bill of rights. I think all have not read them that are running.:)
why? It's very clear who I'm voting for. I've minced no words about it. I am voting for the only prayer we have of avoiding Obama.

I never questioned for whom you will be voting. You have made that obvious. I was just giving you a chance to answer the questions in my last post and defend your logic.

But I understand you wanting to bow out.

By the way, McCain is driving down the same road as Obama, just in a slower car.
So which state are you willing to bet $1000 that I am wrong about, CA or AL?

I wouldn't bet on a politician for anything.

Can you honestly say that McCain is “your guy” and that you agree with his policies? If you can, then more power to you. The problem I have with voting for either of the leading candidates is that my conscience wouldn’t let me. I am a capitalist and I will not vote for those that promote socialist policies. Some B and M about the two party system and how it is dragging this county down but that will never change as long as people keep voting for these idiots. Everybody has heard the definition of insanity that it’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…

NO politician is my guy. It's absurdity to pretend that our two party system routinely fails us when we spend as much time in the midst of prosperity as we do in the doldrums. Politicians are just convenient scapegoats when weak ass non self sufficient Americans want a handout.

Oh, and about all those other people’s rats’ asses, the can keep them. Frankly don’t seek out other people’s approval of my political beliefs. I come to a rational decision based on logic and my ideals, and move forward from there.

Would you like a moon pie?

You never stated what you intend to accomplish with your vote.

I intend to make an effort to keep Obama the lying sack of wind out of office.
There you go.
i never questioned for whom you will be voting. You have made that obvious. I was just giving you a chance to answer the questions in my last post and defend your logic.

But i understand you wanting to bow out.

By the way, mccain is driving down the same road as obama, just in a slower car.

Cheap way out. He knows what he is talking about, read between the lines. You will understand. Papa I know your tired of left but, get him! I'm with ya.:)

You may think it is a cheap way out, but you don’t know a good natured jab when you see one. You may also want to read the posts on the thread you started. I am likely to vote for the same person you are going to and Papa is blasting me for it. So he is in turn blasting you as well. And if you take the time to read any of my other posts, you will see that I am definitely not a leftist. Lastly, Big Papa does know what he is talking about most of the time. I understand what he is saying between the lines, I just don't think he's right. We don’t agree on this topic and it seems we both realize that. I am game to drive this into the ground if he is, but it’s obvious we aren’t going to change each others’ mind.

By the way, I'm not attacking you; I'm just trying to clarify the situation.
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How about this for the reading/patience impaired. Both candidates suck and we need someone to vote for instead of against.
You do understand that you can break that into multiple paragraphs, right? It would give one less of a headache when reading it.

What is this ludicrous idea you are touting of CEOs raping the consumer? Last time I checked, the consumers weren't under duress when they were entering into transactions...
And Bush had 10x the expieience of Palin that really worked out so well don't you think.:eek:lol:
Bush definitely has shown he is easily the most competent Commander-in-Chief in overseeing initial invasions.

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