I agree 100%. However, many people do NOT and they get talked into making horrible financial decisions because of it. Lending agents are well versed in how to make people think all is going to be rosy when in fact they know that this house will be in default in 3 years or less. The way mortgages have been done is wrong. What happened to having to provide 10%, 20% down? Why in the world is there a 110% loan? No down payment, interest only, aub-prime loans are full of legal jargon 90% of the people do not understand so they rely (stupidly) on what the lender tells them. It comes back to personal responsibility on the part of the consumer, but to give a CEO millions in bonuses because his company twisted or re-created the rules and hundreds (thousands?) of people were bitten by it.....seems criminal to me. Remember Enron?