SHS Stepping Down

Dude, this was your question... The press is covered in the 1st Amendment. That is because our founding fathers saw their importance as a check on government corruption. Nowhere in this post do you mention anything about "press conferences".
Trump rightly avoids the far left press because they have zero interest in the truth and want to push their far left agenda.

Look at the difference between how Obama's know nothing Chicago thug ass was treated versus Trump. He was protected by the press while this press Corp would love nothing more than to cover Trump being assassinated and celebrate it wildly.
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Trump rightly avoids the far left press because they have zero interest in the truth and want to push their far left agenda.

Look at the difference between how Obama's know nothing Chicago thug ass was treated versus Trump. He was protected by the press while this press Corp would love nothing more than to cover Trump being assassinated and celebrate it wildly.

Trump rightly avoids the far left press because they have zero interest in the truth and want to push their far left agenda.

Look at the difference between how Obama's know nothing Chicago thug ass was treated versus Trump. He was protected by the press while this press Corp would love nothing more than to cover Trump being assassinated and celebrate it wildly.
Trump never did an interview with Brian Lamb of C-Span (who retired recently). I think we can all agree that C-Span is about as neutral a political cable news network as there can possibly be and Lamb was a neutral journalist. Trump doesn't just avoid the far left press, he avoids any members of the press who aren't openly advocating for him as aggressively as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and the Fox and Friends hosts do.
Sorry, I don't get bent out of shape about Hannity and Donny's bromance because Hannity's not a journalist, nor is Limbaugh or Alex Jones. I realize that and understand it for what it is, entertainment pretending to be 'news'.

That's not what you've done, you complained about perceived bias while citing a labeled opinion-editorial as evidence of fake news. You set yourself up for this ridicule, if you did it knowingly - well, that's even dumber.

The fact you are using Alex Jones as a reference point for conservative reporting is absurd. Everyone on both sides knows he's about 5 cans shy of a six pack.
Sorry, I don't get bent out of shape about Hannity and Donny's bromance because Hannity's not a journalist, nor is Limbaugh or Alex Jones. I realize that and understand it for what it is, entertainment pretending to be 'news'.

That's not what you've done, you complained about perceived bias while citing a labeled opinion-editorial as evidence of fake news. You set yourself up for this ridicule, if you did it knowingly - well, that's even dumber.

How is it a set up when I don't care one way or another about your ridicule? It's the interwebs Septic. My world isn't affected by any insults you use in responses. That's like your base for every response which is a typical tactic for the fanatical left.

Again, getting back to CNN and my original point. Whether it's opinion based or their version of fact based reporting (which most can agree is absolute BS), their reporting tactics consist of 90% negative reporting of not just Trump, most conservatives in General. It's one continuous hit piece after another focusing on promoting the agenda of the left and eventually reaching their goals.

Bascially, CNN is mostly an just a one opinion network that most Americans disagree with.
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The fact you are using Alex Jones as a reference point for conservative reporting is absurd. Everyone on both sides knows he's about 5 cans shy of a six pack.
Everyone? On the afternoon of Wednesday December 2, 2015 and while a candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump was a guest of Alex Jones on his radio show "InfoWars". During the interview (which they both later said was arranged by Roger Stone), Trump heaped praise on Alex Jones which included the following complement and a pledge, "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down." Alex Jones, in return, shared the love, with this comment, "My audience, 90% of them, they support you." This interview took place after Alex Jones had not only gained national prominence for being a "9/11 truther" but also after Jones had accused the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School victims in Newtown, Connecticut of being actors paid by lobbyists for gun control.

This interview just goes to show that regardless of who you are or what vile things you have done in the past... as long as you say nice things about Donald Trump, he will say nice things about you in return and even appear on your radio show, if you have one. Trump is an egocentric man and a narcissist, whose opinion of others is entirely based upon whether or not they like him first. It is that very thing, which makes Trump susceptible to manipulation from the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un who have both made appeals to his ego by way of flattery.
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On the afternoon of Wednesday December 2, 2015 and while a candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump was a guest of Alex Jones on his radio show "InfoWars". During the interview (which they both later said was arranged by Roger Stone), Trump heaped praise on Alex Jones which included the following complement and pledge, "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down." Alex Jones, in turn, shared the love, with this comment in return, "My audience, 90% of them, they support you." This interview took place after Alex Jones had not only gained national prominence for being a "9/11 truther" but also after Jones had accused the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School victims in Newtown, Connecticut of being actors paid by lobbyists for gun control.

This interview just goes to show that regardless of who you are or what vile things you have done in the past... as long as you say nice things about Donald Trump, he will say nice things about you in return and even appear on your radio show, if you have one. Trump is an egocentric man, whose opinion of others is entirely based upon whether or not they like him. It is that very thing, which makes Trump susceptible to manipulation from the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Being a guest on his show doesn't automatically land Trump in the Jones cult crowd of followers. To me, this appears that Stone saw an opportunity to reach out to those individuals for possible support and their vote come election night. That remark regarding the reputation, well...that's rather vague and doesn't provide many details to elaborate on.

The team saw an opportunity to get support and potential votes, whether it's from a section of those that believe in some seriously shady conspiracy theories or something else.
How is it a set up when I don't care one way or another about your ridicule? It's the interwebs Septic. My world isn't affected by any insults you use in responses. That's like your base for every response which is a typical tactic for the fanatical left.

Again, getting back to CNN and my original point. Whether it's opinion based or their version of fact based reporting (which most can agree is absolute BS), their reporting tactics consist of 90% negative reporting of not just Trump, most conservatives in General. It's one continuous hit piece after another focusing on promoting the agenda of the left and eventually reaching their goals.

Bascially, CNN is mostly an just a one opinion network that most Americans disagree with.

If you say so.
Trump never did an interview with Brian Lamb of C-Span (who retired recently). I think we can all agree that C-Span is about as neutral a political cable news network as there can possibly be and Lamb was a neutral journalist. Trump doesn't just avoid the far left press, he avoids any members of the press who aren't openly advocating for him as aggressively as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and the Fox and Friends hosts do.
And how is that different than party of evil candidates refusing to be on Fox News?

C-Span leans left but everyone knows they are only out to get Trump instead of actually looking for the truth.

The left has twisted itself in knots because of their uncontrolled hate and vile actions they cant even think straight.
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And how is that different than party of evil candidates refusing to be on Fox News?

C-Span leans left but everyone knows they are only out to get Trump instead of actually looking for the truth.

The left has twisted itself in knots because of their uncontrolled hate and vile actions they cant even think straight.
That is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this forum. That comment tells me, that you have probably never watched one minute of C-Span (they give no editorials or opinions of any sort) with the vast majority of their programming being either live or taped coverage of speeches by Congressmen from the House Chamber. They also replay White House Press briefings, though not very much in the era of Trump.
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How many people here other than me don't have a Twitter, Facebook or Instagram account?

I have a Facebook page only. Zucks algorithms feed me mostly Kubota tractor, hot rod, Dachshunds, guns, Tennessee football and softball, and whatever my wonderful wife is posting. I rarely post, and never repost anything.
And how is that different than party of evil candidates refusing to be on Fox News?

C-Span leans left but everyone knows they are only out to get Trump instead of actually looking for the truth.

The left has twisted itself in knots because of their uncontrolled hate and vile actions they cant even think straight.

Said less diplomatically: their sphincters are twisted so tight, their brains are starved for oxygen.
Sorry, I don't get bent out of shape about Hannity and Donny's bromance because Hannity's not a journalist, nor is Limbaugh or Alex Jones. I realize that and understand it for what it is, entertainment pretending to be 'news'.

That's not what you've done, you complained about perceived bias while citing a labeled opinion-editorial as evidence of fake news. You set yourself up for this ridicule, if you did it knowingly - well, that's even dumber.
True journalism is dead. What's left is more like opposing hype machines.
Dude, this was your question... The press is covered in the 1st Amendment. That is because our founding fathers saw their importance as a check on government corruption. Nowhere in this post do you mention anything about "press conferences".
The FFs never foresaw the press becoming a political tool.
Freedom of the press doesn't mean Trump has to talk to them. Nothing in the Constitution says he has to have press conferences. If Trump cherry picks who he gives interviews to based on how nice they are to him, he's allowed to do that. Sure, it could be considered cowardly, but it's not illegal. Trump obviously loves to have his ego stroked. Nothing un-Constitutional about it.
That is absolutely ridiculous and it would only be said by someone (like Trump or a supporter of his) who is resentful of a system that promotes checks on government.
Or by someone who recognizes the press has become so politicized that press releases are simpler than press briefings where one reporter may fluff you up while another tries to tear you down. What really is the point of that?
With Trump they are. It's, IMO, the duty of POTUS to answer to the press, and not just call into the hard-hitting Fox and Friends in the mornings.
It's really not the duty of the President to answer to the press, unless of course you can find for me in the Constitution where it says he does.
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Yep... freedom of the press is covered in the 1st Amendment but that hasn't stopped Trump from trying to restrict their freedoms and even calling the press the "enemy of the people".
Freedom of speech is also protected in the First Amendment, and even Presidents have rights. If he wants to call them the "enemy of the people", that seems well within his rights.

As far as restricting the press, do you have examples?
It's really not the duty of the President to answer to the press, unless of course you can find for me in the Constitution where it says he does.
Probably not, but I suppose turnabout is fair play. Just stop covering the clown.

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