So we can all admit now, Bernie Sanders should've been president.

Bernie's policies are the future.

yes that is the future when your government schools have indoctrinated a generation that the fed government is their only hope.

MT i would dread to have someone like you work with and for me. i bet you complain when you have to work. you ever worked in your life MT?
I'd vote for him over Hillary or Trump. And I think he's a total loon when it comes to domestic policy.
i think universal healthcare is cool especially seeing as it will save the average family a lot of money per year :)

What would save money would be:

Require a doctors office, or urgent care visit for ALL non emergency situations. Redirect patients away from the Emergency room. ER billing is astronomical.

Institute a medical billing clearinghouse designed to find and root out overbilling and unnecessary procedure billing. Provide tollfree anonymous whistleblower hotline. Now that virtually all hospitals are run as serious for profit businesses, they are starting to bill like lawyers. Your doctor my be seeing so many patients on a 10 hour shift she works another two hours to get caught up on charts.
Oh, it's most certainly you. I seriously doubt anyone else on here thinks she looks like an infant.

Wait. Oh crap!!! I was going to make my point but now I can't tell which one is the 31-year old Chinese woman. Damn.

You can tell by the hands. Surely she works in a laundry.
Oh, it's most certainly you. I seriously doubt anyone else on here thinks she looks like an infant.

Wait. Oh crap!!! I was going to make my point but now I can't tell which one is the 31-year old Chinese woman. Damn.

Matter of taste. She totally looks like an underdeveloped teenager.

I. Need. Titties.
The problem with democrats is they believe the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere its been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

The from group doesn't want to cooperate and nobody has been able to make them.

That will be the continued push in the future. While the left demonize "the rich", their definition of "rich" will get much more broad in the future and that annual earnings requirement for them to consider you "rich" won't be so substantial.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

The from group doesn't want to cooperate and nobody has been able to make them.

That will be the continued push in the future. While the left demonize "the rich", their definition of "rich" will get much more broad in the future and that annual earnings requirement for them to consider you "rich" won't be so substantial.

Many on the left view the rich as anyone with any more than themselves.

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