So we move into transition: will Trump be a baby?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
A relatively mature tweet yesterday at 6 pm observing the GSA release of transition funds. But then last night and this morning more irrational and defiant tweets from him.

Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS invites the President-elect to the Oval Office the morning of inauguration for coffee and a photo-op to remind the world we are the greatest country there is and that we honor and respect the smooth transition of power. The outgoing POTUS goes to the inauguration.

Will Trump do any of that? I honestly doubt it. I think he can't stand the idea of acknowledging that he lost. Its just too embarrassing to him.
A relatively mature tweet yesterday at 6 pm observing the GSA release of transition funds. But then last night and this morning more irrational and defiant tweets from him.

Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS invites the President-elect to the Oval Office the morning of inauguration for coffee and a photo-op to remind the world we are the greatest country there is and that we honor and respect the smooth transition of power. The outgoing POTUS goes to the inauguration.

Will Trump do any of that? I honestly doubt it. I think he can't stand the idea of acknowledging that he lost. Its just too embarrassing to him.
I sure hope not
A relatively mature tweet yesterday at 6 pm observing the GSA release of transition funds. But then last night and this morning more irrational and defiant tweets from him.

Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS invites the President-elect to the Oval Office the morning of inauguration for coffee and a photo-op to remind the world we are the greatest country there is and that we honor and respect the smooth transition of power. The outgoing POTUS goes to the inauguration.

Will Trump do any of that? I honestly doubt it. I think he can't stand the idea of acknowledging that he lost. Its just too embarrassing to him.

This memory is 20 years old, so I may have a detail wrong, but I remember when Clinton was outgoing POTUS and he made such a show of his departure. W let him fly off in AF1 and my parents had talking points about how that was against decorum, Clinton shouldn't have asked for that, and W was such a peach for allowing it. Somehow I don't think they (or the pundits they read) are going to care about decorum at all this time.
At least some sanity is returning after 4 years of TDS. We've gone from "he will not leave the WH/he will stage a coup and establish a dictatorship" to "will he be a baby when he leaves".

Baby steps.

I mean, what constitutes a coup? They can be completely non-violent. Does attempting to pressure election officials into throwing out legal votes count as a coup?
If we want to follow tradition - I presume many GOP leaders will boycott the Inauguration like Dem leaders did in 2016?

Meanwhile the IC will begin spying on Biden's team.

Ah, tradition.

I'm gonna assume the incoming admin is smart enough to realize that when they are conversing with adversaries, its being recorded.
I mean, what constitutes a coup? They can be completely non-violent. Does attempting to pressure election officials into throwing out legal votes count as a coup?
"Pressure" was never mentioned in the CNN report shortly after it occurred. It became part of the narrative after the fact. Regardless,
I wouldn't classify it as a coup, no. Even if successful, the outcome of the election is unchanged. Feckless coup, imo.
Does it count as a peaceful transition of power?
Power transferred peacefully. So, yeah. It does to me.

May have been sneaky, or intimidating, or illegal, but not a coup or even an attempted coup.
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Power transferred peacefully. So, yeah. It does to me.

May have been sneaky, or intimidating, or illegal, but not a coup or even an attempted coup.
Technically I think a coup originates within the government while a revolution originates outside the government. Origin of the action I think is the discriminator
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Power transferred peacefully. So, yeah. It does to me.

May have been sneaky, or intimidating, or illegal, but not a coup or even an attempted coup.
If you agree that the spying happened and you agree on the motives for why it happened (justification for impeachment) then you still say not a coup?

Or you disagree on why it happened?

Just trying to understand how anyone can justify the spying on political opposition using all the power of the federal government.
If you agree that the spying happened and you agree on the motives for why it happened (justification for impeachment) then you still say not a coup?

Or you disagree on why it happened?

Just trying to understand how anyone can justify the spying on political opposition using all the power of the federal government.

I didn't justify it. So, I can't help you understanding.

I simply don't think it constitutes a coup.
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