So we move into transition: will Trump be a baby?

People on your side that were there were not very fine people, they were trash also. And black folks and libs loved President Trump before the media told you all he was a racist.

Pfft. "My side". I don't support violence by ANTIFA.

I'm a centrist. Both sides are idiots.
Where does the crowd stand?

Do they pose a threat to the Nazi?
Well, you can go watch the video and clearly see that a car, completely unsurrounded by people, accelerates into a crowd of people. So unless the guy is completely braindead (which might be true considering the fact that he was a Hitler lover), it's pretty hard to argue that you would feel MORE safe going from an empty street into a crowd of people. I guess you're arguing that if you ever step foot into a street, then drivers automatically get the right to run you over?
Then why not let them have their little march and then they will crawl back under their rock? Antifa showed up looking for a fight and they got one
Cars belong on the streets, radical antifa democrats should stop trying to stop a moving car unless they want to become roadkill
"Don't speak out against the Nazis unless you want them to murder you." k bud
I will add you to "supporting violent antifa club"
Oh no, you're adding me to your list of people that you don't like, what ever will I do? My feelings are really hurt right now, I've got to go think about the consequences of my actions.
Well, you can go watch the video and clearly see that a car, completely unsurrounded by people, accelerates into a crowd of people. So unless the guy is completely braindead (which might be true considering the fact that he was a Hitler lover), it's pretty hard to argue that you would feel MORE safe going from an empty street into a crowd of people. I guess you're arguing that if you ever step foot into a street, then drivers automatically get the right to run you over?

I thought you posed a hypothetical. You're discussing the events at Charlotte?

There is no need to guess what I am arguing (I haven't argued anything; i have asked a few questions). You can ask my position if you don't want to guess and you really want to know.
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Oh no, you're adding me to your list of people that you don't like, what ever will I do? My feelings are really hurt right now, I've got to go think about the consequences of my actions.
Unlike you libs no lists being made here. Just noting you are one of many here who support antifa. You see antifa as good and KKK as bad, I see them all the same.
Unlike you libs no lists being made here. Just noting you are one of many here who support antifa. You see antifa as good and KKK as bad, I see them all the same.
Geez you're like a mentally challenged Sith. Not everything is an absolute
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I thought you posed a hypothetical. You're discussing the events at Charlotte?

There is no need to guess what I am arguing (I haven't argued anything; i have asked a few questions). You can ask my position if you don't want to guess and you really want to know.
"And I'm not talking about the white supremacists" And these people are no better than the scumbags from your side that were there. I am not one bit sorry the anfita member was killed, I would have been perfectly fine if they all had killed each other. I would not have said there were fine people on both sides because there wasn't. Both sides there were 100% trash
Yeah, I'm sure the clergy members from the National Council of Churches who showed up to counter-protest against literal Nazis and KKK members were just trash.
Antifa went looking for a fight like they always do yet you all give them a pass. Also let me ask you all this, does the KKK have a right to march?
Sure they do. Just like people who hate the KKK have the right to show up and outnumber them to show them how pathetic their views are.

Let me ask you this, does a neo-Nazi have a right to drive his car into a crowd of people?

All of these things apply pretty specifically to Charlottesville. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated, but I think there was mutual understanding that we (GSD82 and I) were talking about that specific event. My reply to you was under the assumption that you were also talking about that event since you replied to our conversation; I'm honestly sorry if that wasn't clear and if I came across as combative to you. I don't need your opinion if you don't want to give it, but I would be interested to hear it if you want to share.
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Romney, McCain, Bush and Trump all were racist Nazis Hitler according to you all. And the very next candidate will also be the same

Misogynist and elitist for Romney. Never racist.

No one said that about McCain.
"And I'm not talking about the white supremacists" And these people are no better than the scumbags from your side that were there. I am not one bit sorry the anfita member was killed, I would have been perfectly fine if they all had killed each other. I would not have said there were fine people on both sides because there wasn't. Both sides there were 100% trash

What is anfita?

And the woman killed in Va was not Antifa.
Both were racists and misogynists. Hell, Romney had a binder full of women, and even had his dog in a carrier tied to the roof rack of his car.

Racism was not acknowledged or cared about when it came to those guys.

Sexism was discussed somewhat for the last two.
Geez you're like a mentally challenged Sith. Not everything is an absolute
We know, you dems are perfectly fine with antifa. The few KKK people left haven't caused near the damage your pals have lately. I don't see these few idiots out there beating people like the ones you mentally challenged dems do. And you can save the "I'm not a dem, I'm a libertarian BS" because I don't care to read your lies.
All of these things apply pretty specifically to Charlottesville. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated, but I think there was mutual understanding that we (GSD82 andP I) were talking about that specific event. My reply to you was under the assumption that you were also talking about that event since you replied to our conversation; I'm honestly sorry if that wasn't clear and if I came across as combative to you. I don't need your opinion if you don't want to give it, but I would be interested to hear it if you want to share.
No worries. Not combative in the least. I wasn't following your convo that closely when I replied to your question.

The right to assemble and free speech are important to us. I affirm any group, even ones with which I disagree, wanting to peacefully express those rights. Indiscriminately running over people is wrong. When those rights are expressed in a manner which doesn't put others in harm or trample on their rights, protesters should be protected from harm.

If/when it spills into the streets and mobs begin to gather, the dynamic changes. I would do all I could to avoid protests in the street. But if I found myself in a situation where members of the protest were a threat to me or my family, I would accelerate through as many people as necessary until I was out of harm's way. I would then pull over, call the police and wait for them to arrive.
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haha ok Mr. antifa. You aren't even bright enough to come up with your own DA name for someone. Such a fraud.
And you're not even smart enough to change your posting style. Posting idiotic nonsense over and over doesn't make it true.
Good grief, I could not beat myself retarded enough to post such ignorance.

It’s all the buffoons have. Trump payed for both of Jesse Jackson’s campaigns back in the 80’s to run for president, but I guess Jackson “ain’t black”.

Misogynist and elitist for Romney. Never racist.

No one said that about McCain.

What is anfita?

And the woman killed in Va was not Antifa.

Racism was not acknowledged or cared about when it came to those guys.

Sexism was discussed somewhat for the last two.
John Mccain's Racism and why it Matters

Irwin A. Tang
It Works/Paul Revere Books, 2008 - Political Science - 177 pages
0 Reviews
"I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live," - John McCain, when asked about his continued use of the racial slur, "gook." John McCain has told us who he is. John McCain supported the rescinding of Martin Luther King Day. John McCain keeps on his payroll white supremacists, race-baiting "swiftboaters" and lobbyists for dictators and terrorists. John McCain endorsed George Wallace, Jr., a favorite speaker among white supremacists. He fought to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over South Carolina. He seems to subscribe to a brand of religion-inspired bellicosity that calls for the U.S. to wage war for the sake of "imparting our values upon humanity." McCain promised to immediately start wars in North Korea, Libya, and Iraq during his first presidential campaign, and in 2008 he has promised new wars to come. He sent his own money to the contra guerillas, and even visited their illegal war camp. War is the way of John McCain, and racial bias makes it easy to execute those wars. Long before George W. Bush became president, McCain planned an invasion of Iraq. He lobbied for an Iraq invasion just days after 9/11, and when it came time to convince the American people, he insisted that the Iraq War would be "easily" won. The combination of racism and warmongering are perfectly encapsulated in "gook," a racist term formed during numerous U.S. wars, from the invasion of the Philippines (1898-1902) to the occupation of Haiti in 1920, to the Korean and Vietnam Wars. John McCain used this anti-Asian slur freely with the media until he was forced to stop for fear of sabotaging his own presidential ambitions. The portrait of John McCain painted in Gook is far more disturbing than anyracial epithet. A central thesis of Gook: war fertilizes racism, and racism justifies wars and the killing of civilians. This dynamic thrives within the most dangerous leaders of the world. Is John McCain one of them? Irwin A. Tang holds an M.A. in Asian Studies. He is the co-author of Asian Texans and When Invisible Children Sing. See
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John McCain's complicated history with race - New American Dimension
John Mccain's Racism and why it Matters

Irwin A. Tang
It Works/Paul Revere Books, 2008 - Political Science - 177 pages
0 Reviews
"I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live," - John McCain, when asked about his continued use of the racial slur, "gook." John McCain has told us who he is. John McCain supported the rescinding of Martin Luther King Day. John McCain keeps on his payroll white supremacists, race-baiting "swiftboaters" and lobbyists for dictators and terrorists. John McCain endorsed George Wallace, Jr., a favorite speaker among white supremacists. He fought to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over South Carolina. He seems to subscribe to a brand of religion-inspired bellicosity that calls for the U.S. to wage war for the sake of "imparting our values upon humanity." McCain promised to immediately start wars in North Korea, Libya, and Iraq during his first presidential campaign, and in 2008 he has promised new wars to come. He sent his own money to the contra guerillas, and even visited their illegal war camp. War is the way of John McCain, and racial bias makes it easy to execute those wars. Long before George W. Bush became president, McCain planned an invasion of Iraq. He lobbied for an Iraq invasion just days after 9/11, and when it came time to convince the American people, he insisted that the Iraq War would be "easily" won. The combination of racism and warmongering are perfectly encapsulated in "gook," a racist term formed during numerous U.S. wars, from the invasion of the Philippines (1898-1902) to the occupation of Haiti in 1920, to the Korean and Vietnam Wars. John McCain used this anti-Asian slur freely with the media until he was forced to stop for fear of sabotaging his own presidential ambitions. The portrait of John McCain painted in Gook is far more disturbing than anyracial epithet. A central thesis of Gook: war fertilizes racism, and racism justifies wars and the killing of civilians. This dynamic thrives within the most dangerous leaders of the world. Is John McCain one of them? Irwin A. Tang holds an M.A. in Asian Studies. He is the co-author of Asian Texans and When Invisible Children Sing. See
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John McCain's complicated history with race - New American Dimension
His death doesn’t make McCain a good guy.
I thought he was a smoldering pile is **** before he disliked Trump. Now he’s a dead smoldering pile of **** that didn’t like Trump.

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