So we move into transition: will Trump be a baby?

Yea it is going to be interesting to see the panic start from the Libs that have been mocking, name calling, and saying how dumb we are.
The worm is starting to turn.
Maybe I’m too cynical but I don’t believe the system can afford to allow the results to swing back to Trump even if there’s a mountain of fraud they would have to cover up. Just sayin’
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Maybe I’m too cynical but I don’t believe the system can afford to allow the results to swing back to Trump even if there’s a mountain of fraud they would have to cover up. Just sayin’

I understand how you can feel that way.
But, I feel the system can't afford not to allow the results to swing back to Trump. Too much evidence is going to come out.
I understand how you can feel that way.
But, I feel the system can't afford not to allow the results to swing back to Trump. Too much evidence is going to come out.
I’m not saying it can’t happen but if it does the unrest we saw the past few months will seem like child’s play. Which makes it that much more unlikely.
I’m not saying it can’t happen but if it does the unrest we saw the past few months will seem like child’s play. Which makes it that much more unlikely.

We can't be intimidated by the unrest we have seen to keep us from getting to the truth. Yes, there will be riots and it will be bad, but if we have any hope of keeping this country we have to defend it.
I think the military and National Guard will be involved in it, regardless if the governors do not want them there.
Stock up on your supplies, food, and ammo.
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We can't be intimidated by the unrest we have seen to keep us from getting to the truth. Yes, there will be riots and it will be bad, but if we have any hope of keeping this country we have to defend it.
I think the military and National Guard will be involved in it, regardless if the governors do not want them there.
Stock up on your supplies, food, and ammo.
I agree. Uncover the truth. Daylight is the best disinfectant.
We can't be intimidated by the unrest we have seen to keep us from getting to the truth. Yes, there will be riots and it will be bad, but if we have any hope of keeping this country we have to defend it.
I think the military and National Guard will be involved in it, regardless if the governors do not want them there.
Stock up on your supplies, food, and ammo.
Delusional, at best.
We can't be intimidated by the unrest we have seen to keep us from getting to the truth. Yes, there will be riots and it will be bad, but if we have any hope of keeping this country we have to defend it.
I think the military and National Guard will be involved in it, regardless if the governors do not want them there.
Stock up on your supplies, food, and ammo.
The *election of the dementia patient and his tramp will embolden the violent left, mark my words. They have now confirmed by cheating and being very violent that wins elections. Yes stock up. We conservatives have to be prepared. By the way, good luck finding ammo
Will be no transition. Buy extra food, supplies, and ammo for the upcoming revolt after election fraud proven.

Sure. You will b e hiding in your basement like the rest of the Trumpettes

Also yall keep forgetting you are about 25% of the country. Of that 25% only about 20% are in shape and not old. Good luck with your tiny militia of old people and fat slobs vs 75% of the country and almost all the country under 45.

At least some sanity is returning after 4 years of TDS. We've gone from "he will not leave the WH/he will stage a coup and establish a dictatorship" to "will he be a baby when he leaves".

Baby steps.

He tried.

He wasn't smart enough to pull it off.

There is already fraud proven, just not accepted. But, lot more to come.
Go back in your cave.

More like bs thrown out in every court.

It is not proven
The *election of the dementia patient and his tramp will embolden the violent left, mark my words. They have now confirmed by cheating and being very violent that wins elections. Yes stock up. We conservatives have to be prepared. By the way, good luck finding ammo
Be prepared to sit home and whine.

That is all that will happen.

Stop believing fairy tales. You are too old for that
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Sure. You will b e hiding in your basement like the rest of the Trumpettes

Also yall keep forgetting you are about 25% of the country. Of that 25% only about 20% are in shape and not old. Good luck with your tiny militia of old people and fat slobs vs 75% of the country and almost all the country under 45.

He tried.

He wasn't smart enough to pull it off.

More like bs thrown out in every court.

It is not proven

Be prepared to sit home and whine.

That is all that will happen.

Stop believing fairy tales. You are too old for that
I will always ignore your boys coming lockdowns, and my life will go one. I hope you all feel the pain for your vote
Sure. You will b e hiding in your basement like the rest of the Trumpettes

Also yall keep forgetting you are about 25% of the country. Of that 25% only about 20% are in shape and not old. Good luck with your tiny militia of old people and fat slobs vs 75% of the country and almost all the country under 45.

He tried.

He wasn't smart enough to pull it off.

More like bs thrown out in every court.

It is not proven

Be prepared to sit home and whine.

That is all that will happen.

Stop believing fairy tales. You are too old for that

Fill better now? Usually you are not this defensive, you seem panicky.
I fear for the future of our country if Trump refuses to have a cup of coffee with Biden on inauguration day. How can you possibly have a peaceful transition of power without coffee?!?!?!
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The *election of the dementia patient and his tramp will embolden the violent left, mark my words. They have now confirmed by cheating and being very violent that wins elections. Yes stock up. We conservatives have to be prepared. By the way, good luck finding ammo

I built up my ammo six months ago.
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Go in the corner and pout. The racist illiterate goon is on his way out.
I am going to assist you because I know you leftists need all the help you can get. "The Republican nominee (fill in blank) for President in 2024 is a racist and a bigot"
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After four years you still believe the racist narrative lol

Poor thing.
I guess I made up them trying to disenfranchise Black votes this election.
Fill better now? Usually you are not this defensive, you seem panicky.

I FEEL fine.

I just want to help yall. In this fantasy war things would not go well for the Trumpettes. I'm just looking out for you.

I am going to assist you because I know you leftists need all the help you can get. "The Republican nominee (fill in blank) for President in 2024 is a racist and a bigot"
Never said that about McCain or Romney. Didn't say it about the Bushes either.

So if its Trump in 2024 yes. A decent human then no.
I guess I made up them trying to disenfranchise Black votes this election.

I FEEL fine.

I just want to help yall. In this fantasy war things would not go well for the Trumpettes. I'm just looking out for you.

Never said that about McCain or Romney. Didn't say it about the Bushes either.

So if its Trump in 2024 yes. A decent human then no.
You liberals have called every Republican a racist, bigot etc. That's why most people don't bother believing it
After four years you still believe the racist narrative lol

Poor thing.

“You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

- Donald J. Trump on the Charlottesville racists rally

You liberals have called every Republican a racist, bigot etc. That's why most people don't bother believing it
I just showed that the last two noms before Trump were not.

Romney was an elitist but not considered a racist. McCain was fine but he had an idiot with him.
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At least some sanity is returning after 4 years of TDS. We've gone from "he will not leave the WH/he will stage a coup and establish a dictatorship" to "will he be a baby when he leaves".

Baby steps.
No remember the first stage was “he’ll resign instead of losing”.
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I guess I made up them trying to disenfranchise Black votes this election.

I FEEL fine. Ok ok not so loud

I just want to help yall. by telling us we are stupid? In this fantasy more like a nightmare war things would not go well for the Trumpettes. I'm just looking out for you. Your a sweetheart

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