:lolabove: You're first sentence is comical coming from a guy with an alien as his avitar. BTW - you'll probably have to start using a different clique than "...what the doctor ordered..." going forward with your lovely Obamacare. Perhaps...."...what the gov'ment bureaucrat ordered...."??
Nice to know I can light up your life and make you laugh, you need it. Thanks for the compliment.
Advisory: Learn to spell, it's avatar, not avitar. You're welcome. Also sentences should begin with a capital letter. You're welcome again.
It being this is a free country, I can use any phrasing I want. For your further edification in the English language, a clique isn't what you clearly misuse the term for.
Clique = a small group of people who spend time together and exclude other people from their group. Cliche, is the term you should have used, though you tried but failed.
Cliche = a phrase or expression that has been used so often that it is no longer original, interesting, or effective.
You're irrelevantly associating Obamacare to my comments about
why Freak excluded certain types of content from the board. This indicates you are insecure and tend to reach haphazardly for verbal reactions to cover up that insecurity. However, you only succeed in exposing your ignorance as exhibited in your post. Finally, your post implies that Freak is, as you phrase it, a "gov'ment bureaucrat" on account of his new rule and my providing possible reasons for it. You're very welcome to the free education you so obviously needed. I'm not charging you for it because clearly you can't afford the fee being so uneducated and all.