So why are Ainge & JayBay sinking to new lows?

I like Ainge MUCH better than the Sports animal AM show. I used to listen to it, but between Mickie's attitude & Heather's drunken attacks on Jeff, I refuse to tune them in any more. I think THE SWAIN EVENT is the best in Knoxville. If you have Sirius XM, the college sports show is pretty good sometimes. Better now that they ditched Finebaum!!
this is the first time i've listened to the show,about the time i decide it is all right,they go and get cute lol
The show on Tennessee Sports Radio used to be really informative.

Now it seems they are more focused on trying to be cute and funny with sophomoric jokes/innuendo. It's getting really old and pretty soon I'll drop listening altogether.

TSR could really flourish if they would re-focus this show to more relevant UT and SEC sports conversation while mixing in Ainge's in-depth discussions on different aspects of the Xs & Os.

JayBay brings nothing to the table... However; if sophomoric humor is what you're after, then I guess it helps to have a sidekick that will play along.

I stopped listening to them altogether this week! They act like Beavis and Butt-Head!!! They sound like two stupid, immature high school kids cracking jokes in the back of a classroom while the teacher is out of the room.

Regardless of the fact that this is a down time in sports radio, there are still plenty of sports related - UT related - topics they can discuss - they are just being lazy. They are quickly losing any credibility that they once enjoyed!

I will not be listening to them any time soon! They offer very little sports information and/or analysis.
The guys in Nashville say it is hard to do sports talk in Knoxville because listeners just want all UT all the time. You guys agree? Here in Nashville they talk a good mix of UT and Titans and of course preds. But there is also a lot of NBA, MLB, golf and others. So just curious if you want more diversity of sports, or just Tennessee? There is baseball, golf, and tennis this time of year.
The guys in Nashville say it is hard to do sports talk in Knoxville because listeners just want all UT all the time. You guys agree? Here in Nashville they talk a good mix of UT and Titans and of course preds. But there is also a lot of NBA, MLB, golf and others. So just curious if you want more diversity of sports, or just Tennessee? There is baseball, golf, and tennis this time of year.

Nah, I totally disagree. The Sports Animal folks love to talk about national sports as much as possible. It's like they can't wait until the season ends so they can get back to focusing on the pro sports and building their reel.

The problem is, when they talk about UT sports, they don't really have anything to say. They don't want to take any critical viewpoints, because they're all brown-nosing sycophants who count on the administration to feed them their stories and give them their "scoops". That's why Dooley can be losing to Kentucky and Vanderbilt and Mickey Dearstone will get on the radio and blame the fans for the losses.

On the other hand, TSR does a good bit of in depth discussion on UT Sports, but it is so low rent. They may have interesting things to say, but there's no production value or any effort to make it seem like anything other than just a guy talking into a mic for hours. They hardly ever get quality interviews. And you never know when you turn it on, whether you're going to hear live material or a re-run from a couple days ago.

When I lived in Tallahassee our main sports talk radio station was FSU sports 90% of the time. There was a decent amount of Tampa Bay Buccaneers discussion, but very little about the other pro sports teams in Florida. But it worked, because the personalities were really invested in it and you knew each different show would give you a different perspective, and they weren't afraid to be critical when necessary. It also helped that they broke it up during the day with a national show or two, so you got your national sports talk from the top level guys with top interview subjects, not just opinions of the local guys who wanted to pretend they were national pundits. We even had a local host get a national job and move on while I was there, but when he was on his local show, he was a full on FSU sports guy.
Just be happy you're not in the Nashville market. All we have sports talk wise is George Plaster and Clay Travis.

I thought Ainge was going to drive to Nashville to slap Clay Travis around for posting a lewd video.
I stopped listening to the animal 6does months ago and tsr 3 months ago. Maybe something better will show up soon.
I did just move here from OH so I may be a little biased because it's all Vols, (between 7am-8pm) all the time lol. Also, I haven't listened to much radio in other major markets.

Just wait until the season is actually underway. Seems like everyone suddenly needs to be fired or benched or second guessed pretty much all the time. The second the ball is teed up the first time, the sky starts falling.
Cripes, buy Sirius radio and get a plethora of sports radio. NFL radio is pretty good duringthe summer, great insights from professional hosts. Also has a college sports channel. broaden your horizons
Cripes, buy Sirius radio and get a plethora of sports radio. NFL radio is pretty good duringthe summer, great insights from professional hosts. Also has a college sports channel. broaden your horizons

I have to pay for TV Internet telephone etc. I draw the line at paying for radio. I'll drive in silence first.
I've had some bad interactions with Jayson Swain. I mean, dude, I appreciate what you did as a Vol, but don't act like you are the next Jerry Rice.

I have responded on a couple of his tweets in a respectful and congratulative manner and he's kinda rude and arrogant. JMO

But Erik on the other hand is a G. I really think he has done a good Job on the radio, and I was pessimistic at first. He has recovered form his problems and has earned everything he has. Erik Ainge is a true VFL, Jayson Swain could humble himself a bit

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