So why are Ainge & JayBay sinking to new lows?

Some butthurt basilio fans in here.

Nope just tired of hearing two grown men yuck it up on the radio and crack stupid jokes all morning long like two goof ball high school screw-ups! Their shtick is low-rent and immature and they lack any semblance of a professional sports broadcast. This very thread shows that Ainge is quickly losing any credibility that he had.
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Nope just tired of hearing two grown men yuck it up on the radio and crack stupid jokes all morning long like two goof ball high school screw-ups! Their shtick is low-rent and immature and they lack any semblance of a professional sports broadcast. This very thread shows that Ainge is quickly losing any credibility that he had.
I listened to all four hours of Thursday and Fridays show on podcast and very little was off topic if any. They discussed recruits, the 52 110s, and NFL talk. Do I found it both entertaining and informative for mid summer sports talk
Nope just tired of hearing two grown men yuck it up on the radio and crack stupid jokes all morning long like two goof ball high school screw-ups! Their shtick is low-rent and immature and they lack any semblance of a professional sports broadcast. This very thread shows that Ainge is quickly losing any credibility that he had.

Seems like a thread born out of summer doldrums...TSR will be fine...they have a niche in this market...all those NOT LISTENING ANYMORE..try to not sound so current on their programming
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Some butthurt basilio fans in here.

Exactly. I haven't heard one person show TB's ratings during his timeslot versus anyone else to show the validity of the argument. He is not the God of 11-1 radio unless you prove it. I only hear the the same five callers every day. Prove the naysayers wrong. Until then wipe your chin there's something on it.
During the season, TSR is the best thing going in K-town. Ainge knows football, and that's what I want to hear about. As has been stated, it's summer and there just isn't much to talk about right now (I napped to Cycling on TV today, for Pete's sake). Give it a month or so, then pass judgment.
I find it odd that people who go to a website called "Volnation" bash people who try and talk about vol football everyday of the year then moan and wine because they aren't offering enough varity.
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I like the show. I live in Nashville and stream it almost everyday.

Nashville sports talk is far too balanced and mainstream. I prefer mindless big orange drivel all day.
I like the show, but they should tone it down a bit with the potty humor.

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