• 63% think Obama is a socialist.
What is socialism? Here, from Wikipedia:
Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.
In no way can President Obama intelligently be labeled as a socialist, except maybe the part about people being paid commensurate with the work they do. Period.
(That would be really cool if it happened, but that's for another post, I think).
However, let's assume for fun that the president was a socialist. He would be in very good company. Please open your Bible to Acts 4:32 - Acts 5:11. KJV will do fine if you wish.
If you don't want look it up, the gist of the passage is that members of the apostolic community contributed all they had to the community, taking back only what they needed. The passage continues with a story about a couple who sold some land they owned, but did not give the entire proceeds to the community. When the man went to Peter, Peter knew exactly what had happened and then the man was struck dead by the Lord. The same happened later to his wife.
I know that doesn't really sound like socialism, communism is closer.
Go figure!
If you can make it through Leviticus past the anti-gay stuff and the no football parts, you'll find that a very large proportion of the book is devoted to telling the children of Israel the proper way to treat thew poor, widows, orphans, illegal aliens etc. All I'll say is that no one running on the Levitical platform could be nominated, much less elected in this country.
Pity, I think.
What is socialism? Here, from Wikipedia:
Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.
In no way can President Obama intelligently be labeled as a socialist, except maybe the part about people being paid commensurate with the work they do. Period.
(That would be really cool if it happened, but that's for another post, I think).
However, let's assume for fun that the president was a socialist. He would be in very good company. Please open your Bible to Acts 4:32 - Acts 5:11. KJV will do fine if you wish.
If you don't want look it up, the gist of the passage is that members of the apostolic community contributed all they had to the community, taking back only what they needed. The passage continues with a story about a couple who sold some land they owned, but did not give the entire proceeds to the community. When the man went to Peter, Peter knew exactly what had happened and then the man was struck dead by the Lord. The same happened later to his wife.
I know that doesn't really sound like socialism, communism is closer.
Go figure!
If you can make it through Leviticus past the anti-gay stuff and the no football parts, you'll find that a very large proportion of the book is devoted to telling the children of Israel the proper way to treat thew poor, widows, orphans, illegal aliens etc. All I'll say is that no one running on the Levitical platform could be nominated, much less elected in this country.
Pity, I think.