I honestly don't think its a blatant secondary violation but alot will depend on the definition that the NCAA decides on. At the same time, if I was Richt, I'd be willing to take the risk on a secondary if it helps me land the nations top rated RB. It seems that every team self reports 5+ minor violation per year. I'd say Crowell would be worth it, just being honest.
First, I dont like your condescending tone.
Second, you said that Crowell committed "on the spot" when St. Richt performed this stunt. For that very fact that it was a deciding factor in his commitment, it should be investigated.
Finally, I have problems with you taking jabs at UT's program for having 3 coaches in 3 years. Fulmer accomplished more than Richt ever will. Doesn't it hurt to follow a school where their greatest accomplishment in 25 years is beating a miserable Hawaii team in the sugar bowl? I have never seen a school
Recruit the kind of top level talent like Grorgia does only to YEARLY underachieve and miss expectations. (maybe Miami and to a certain extent Fulmer in his later years) There is no upside to Georgia's program. That is, if you count another Sugar Bowl run.
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I'm sure this "stunt" is what made Crowell decide on UGA, and not the fact that the kid grew up a UGA fan and the fact that he could be the starter from day 1, surely that had nothing to do with it.
Its not jabs, its called facts. Fulmer was the Vols problem, Richt is ours. I'm sorry we stomped Hawaii when some "experts" said we didn't stand a shot against the unstoppable "run and shoot." You play the team that you get matched up against, period.
Recruiting is just that, there's no guarantees as to how it translates on the field. I love the fact that a fanbase that Richt has owned, 1 loss against, calls Richt an underachiever. You have your own problems with Mr. Johnson right now instead of being concerned with Richt.
There's an "ignore" option.
I know there is an ignore function. I just like pointing out your flaws in your posts.
How do I he any problems? Paul Johnson has done nothing but over achieve with miserable talent (save a few) and no defense. Tennessee is on the rise. I'm happy. When you point the finger at someone elses "problems", you have three fingers pointing back at you.
I know you played/destroyed Hawaii. Everyone knows they were the latest and greatest, but let's be honest here. They were terrible. I do believe you had a top RB, #1 QB, and a veteran receiving corps yet couldn't make it to even the SEC title game with that preseason #1 ranking. That's underachieving. The faster oh realize how much talent is wasted at UGA with Richt, the better. I don't know why so many of your kind still believe in the guy. Take it from a Vol fan: he is Fulmer version 2.
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So Johnson goes from ACC champ to 6-7 and losing against Air Force, but he has the excuse of overachieving with miserable talent. Talk about flaws in a statement.
I will not make any excuses on beating Hawaii. UT kicked our azzes that year and it actually turned our year around. I will let you make all the excuses as to why we beat Hawaii. It doesn't matter anyway because if we win, well its just Hawaii; if we lose, we wouldn't hear the end of it.
Everybody outside of our program has their thoughts on Richt. I appreciate the thoughts but it will not change my mind. Important changes have to be made at appropriate times, and now is not the right time IMHO. Time will tell who was right and who was wrong.
EDIT: I have no problem against UT. I agree that they are a program on the rise, they're not going to be down forever.
No...you have it wrong. I said that Johnson won 9 games (I believe) in year one, and went to the Orange Bowl in year 2 with miserable talent (it is the ACC, right??)
I will be the first to admit that Tech was absolutely horrible last year. No excuses there..they should have beaten Virginia tech as well as a few others. This wasn't their year. Do I love Tech? Yeah. But I don't see them as being national title contenders anytime soon. I see Tennessee getting there faster.
I will tell you this though. Paul Johnson is a way better coach than Richt. I'm sorry, but he has out coached Richt 2 out of the 3 years. I will call Tech out for a poor year, but I also speak the truth when I say Johnson is a completely better coach.
St. Richt is a great guy. He spoke at my church when I lived in Georgia. He just underachieves with all-world talent. There is no getting around that.
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Where is the UGA Insider who said this wasn't a violation?
Why would Richt think simulating a play would be a game day simulation? Craziness
Posted via VolNation Mobile
There was no simulation. No play was ever ran. He merely put on a helmet and a jersey and he stood on our 20 yard "practice field in the RB position. Nobody ever set, no play was ran, there was no simulation. The fact this is even a violation is ridiculous.
I am sure this was originally reported by some butthurt little crybabies that got beat out for Crowell. F'ing leprechaun.
As far as Richt pulling these kinds of stunts to land this recruiting clas...ABOUT DAMN TIME. Richt is a good O coach, he needed a DC that could be HC of defense and now has it. His problem is that he doesn't have a killer instinct, he lets up on the gas too early, too often. I hope that this behavior is a prelude to truly winning his job back this next season. :yes:
There was no simulation. No play was ever ran. He merely put on a helmet and a jersey and he stood on our 20 yard "practice field in the RB position. Nobody ever set, no play was ran, there was no simulation. The fact this is even a violation is ridiculous.
I am sure this was originally reported by some butthurt little crybabies that got beat out for Crowell. F'ing leprechaun.
As far as Richt pulling these kinds of stunts to land this recruiting clas...ABOUT DAMN TIME. Richt is a good O coach, he needed a DC that could be HC of defense and now has it. His problem is that he doesn't have a killer instinct, he lets up on the gas too early, too often. I hope that this behavior is a prelude to truly winning his job back this next season. :yes:
Oh, I understand. It's not a simulation. They were just pretending.
I hope Richt makes sure Crowell takes learns some English so he knows that it is correct to say/write no play was run, not "no play was ran". After all, his is going to college to get an education.
By mine and most others understanding of the rule, it isn't. Recruits put on jerseys and helmets for teams all the time, Crowell stood on the field behind the OL. The 20-yard "practice field", not the real field. Not while they ran a play, just while everyone stood there, I don't see how that simulates anything more than standing on the practice field imagining things. Certainly isn't much like gameday, I know that.
The is a case of the NCAA being overzealous. Something I know the Vols can relate to.
By mine and most others understanding of the rule, it isn't. Recruits put on jerseys and helmets for teams all the time, Crowell stood on the field behind the OL. The 20-yard "practice field", not the real field. Not while they ran a play, just while everyone stood there, I don't see how that simulates anything more than standing on the practice field imagining things. Certainly isn't much like gameday, I know that.
The is a case of the NCAA being overzealous. Something I know the Vols can relate to.