Something I have to get off my chest!



Vols Fan Stuck in ND land
Aug 7, 2011
I may get flamed but it needs to be said.
I sit here and read all these post about the team on what they have to do to win and bring pride back to the program.
But We as fans have just as big a part. I remember teams fearing to come into our house because of the noise, the fans cheering for the team even when things did not go our way. I hear from the past players from other teams how they hated coming to Knoxville not only at the fact of getting their asses handed to them but the crowd in the stands. Now I watch the games and see fans leaving, not cheering, just sitting in the seats. It use to be a sea of orange now it looks like a spotted mess at times. WE as fans need to fill every seat, make the stadium shake every minute the team is on the field. Just not when a great play is made. WE at one time had pride in the fact it was the loudest place in the nation to play.
I have only been to a few games in my life but would if possible go to every game. So for those lucky enough to go you need to understand that you are part of the tradition that in UT football. That you are our, the fans, true voice.
And if you only going to the game to get drunk, leave when the team is down, sit on your asses all game. Then IM me I will gladly take your ticket, find a way to K town and cheer my heart out for OUR team.
Time not only for the team on the field to take our house back but time for the fans to take back the stands of OUR house !! GO VOLS!!!

Flame away.
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Can I get a witness!!!??:rock:

Tired of the lame arse sardonic, "I'm too cool to get hyped" kids at games.... Neyland needs to be rockin, always...
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My torch isn't large enough to flame your post sir. I totally agree with you, good post.
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I'm actually starting to condition my voice now. I'm in sales and can't afford to lose my voice anymore. I just about went hungry after the first few games last year.
the stadium was rocking at the UF game last year, till the 4th qtr. anyway

Goal line stand right in front of us when Lathers rocked Gillislie in the backfield. Loudest I have ever heard Neyland personally. You could literally feel the stadium vibrate from the sheer decibels. Then Marsalis Teague and Co. decided to screw all that up....
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Goal line stand right in front of us when Lathers rocked Gillislie in the backfield. Loudest I have ever heard Neyland personally. You could literally feel the stadium vibrate from the sheer decibels. Then Marsalis Teague and Co. decided to screw all that up....

How old are you? It was a regular phenomenon in the 80's and 90's.
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Goal line stand right in front of us when Lathers rocked Gillislie in the backfield. Loudest I have ever heard Neyland personally. You could literally feel the stadium vibrate from the sheer decibels. Then Marsalis Teague and Co. decided to screw all that up....

Teague wasn't ready for a game like that, but that's all we had....yes he had played a lot..but he was as nervous as a candy bar at fat camp in that game.
I'm 19 years old and have been in Neyland since I could walk. That was my first Florida game though.

That's ok...CBJ is here now and you have the great opportunity to walk those hallowed halls with good knees and solid hips while CBJ kicks that ugly reptile @$$ for years to come. And I will be reading your posts about your trip to the "used to be swamp" as you were seating in your private box seats.

Members of that team quit on each other. That can get hard to cheer for I'm sure. If the team stands in there and gives 100%, than so should the fans.

I agree the team quit, but my point is that I feel that the fans did show up to that game, us fans gave up the moment the team gave up. There was a lot of hype at the beginning of last year and us fans all believed we was going to have a descent year, look how many showed up in Atlanta and rocked the GA dome.
Went to Alabama game. Half the stadium was Alabama fans. Before it was a blowout the TN fans were just not into really trying to make Neyland Stadium into a hostile environment.

I KEEP HEARING I BLEED ORARGE. If this is the case, every game has to be loud and the fans have to create a true home field advantage or quit your wining!!!
I may get flamed but it needs to be said.

I sit here and read all these post about the team on what they have to do to win and bring pride back to the program. But We as fans have just as big a part.

I remember teams fearing to come into our house because of the noise, the fans cheering for the team even when things did not go our way.

I hear from the past players from other teams how they hated coming to Knoxville not only at the fact of getting their asses handed to them but the crowd in the stands.

Now I watch the games and see fans leaving, not cheering, just sitting in the seats. It use to be a sea of orange now it looks like a spotted mess at times.

WE as fans need to fill every seat, make the stadium shake every minute the team is on the field. Just not when a great play is made.

WE at one time had pride in the fact it was the loudest place in the nation to play. I have only been to a few games in my life but would if possible go to every game. So for those lucky enough to go you need to understand that you are part of the tradition that in UT football.

That you are our, the fans, true voice.

And if you only going to the game to get drunk, leave when the team is down, sit on your asses all game. Then IM me I will gladly take your ticket, find a way to K town and cheer my heart out for OUR team.

Time not only for the team on the field to take our house back but time for the fans to take back the stands of OUR house !! GO VOLS!!!


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