Something I have to get off my chest!

I'm actually starting to condition my voice now. I'm in sales and can't afford to lose my voice anymore. I just about went hungry after the first few games last year.

I'm with you brother, I can appreciate this. Have had season tickets since the early 70's. Older I got the longer it took my voice to recuperate. Try taking an old fashioned "megaphone". Maximum volume, minimum strain on the vocal chords. Even the small ones work. I have a full size one painted orange and decorated with decals. Use a Tennessee dog leash as a carrying strap. Have an email from Blackburn saying the SEC office allows them and for me to show the Gestapo at the gates. They tried to keep me out on several occasions when the "Cow Bell" thing was going on, till I flashed them the email and they still tried to call Blackburn on their walkie-talkie.

Maybe they should start handing out the small megaphones to all the fans? My wife has a small plastic one they handed out at the local High School games.

As some other posters have insinuated, not all of us "old folks" sit on our hands. And I have never been told to sit down in all my years @ Neyland.
I'm with you brother, I can appreciate this. Have had season tickets since the early 70's. Older I got the longer it took my voice to recuperate.
Perhaps we need Angela Gossow to come give a "growl" workshop to UT fans......she is the master of screaming and keeping her voice.

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Perhaps we need Angela Gossow to come give a "growl" workshop to UT fans......she is the master of screaming and keeping her voice.


LMAO. You could be on to something. Sorry I had to listen to her 14 minute tutorial before responding. I can now practice "screaming safely".
i give my all for the vols when i am at the game, but we can't be like we used to be in the 1990's and early 2000's due to the young hardcore officers that like to escort folks out for being rowdy and some of the cranky non ut fan ushers. this is plain fact. sad but true.

watching old games many times over for enjoyment and fun i have noticed back when neyland was great the cops the ushers and everyone was excited and high fiving and screaming for Tennessee and when they made a play or scored. Now you don't see that at all, they are more concerned with being hardcore, anti fun, and intimidating than cheering for the best football team out there in college football. The officers and ushers don't want the visiting fans to get upset or feel bad or be picked on. the visiting fans are more important at home games to the ushers and officers than we the home fans are and it is a very, very, sad fact jack.
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Stadium staff should laugh at those who complain about individuals who stand or cheer. No fight no foul.
Members of that team quit on each other. That can get hard to cheer for I'm sure. If the team stands in there and gives 100%, than so should the fans.

Back in 98, a friend of mine who is a season ticket holder was getting a divorce from his wife, and therefore had an extra ticket for that season. Before then. I went to games with him about once or twice a year. (That was, by no coincidence, weekends she was banging her boyfriend). Anyway, he had noticed over the five years we had been friends that anytime I went, the Vols had always won, and that year, he was dragging my butt there. So, I was at every home game that year, and we traveled to road games at Auburn, Georgia, and South Carolina.

The point I am making here is fans not making noise was an issue even then. I remember Deion Grant and Fred White always having to wave their arms to get the crowd to yell. Odd enough, at the road games, those who traveled did not have a problem making noise, but the home crowd had to be prodded. The only exception was the Florida game, and the final quarter against Arkansas, when things on the field started to get out of hand, and we realized Ohio State was losing. If people are going to come to the game, they need to quit treating it like a social occasion. It's football. It's Tennessee. Get Loud. Get crazy. Quit acting like a bunch of prudes, and quit ruining home field advantage the Vols richly deserve. OP? Thank you for saying what I have wanted to say for far too long.
i give my all for the vols when i am at the game, but we can't be like we used to be in the 1990's and early 2000's due to the young hardcore officers that like to escort folks out for being rowdy and some of the cranky non ut fan ushers. this is plain fact. sad but true.

watching old games many times over for enjoyment and fun i have noticed back when neyland was great the cops the ushers and everyone was excited and high fiving and screaming for Tennessee and when they made a play or scored. Now you don't see that at all, they are more concerned with being hardcore, anti fun, and intimidating than cheering for the best football team out there in college football. The officers and ushers don't want the visiting fans to get upset or feel bad or be picked on. the visiting fans are more important at home games to the ushers and officers than we the home fans are and it is a very, very, sad fact jack.

If this is true, my friend, I would suggest you write a letter expressing these complaints to 2 individuals: Butch Jones, and Dave Hart. I bet they can do something about that. This stadium needs to rock and roll.
I'd like to add to that...

It's a sea of orange only if you wear ORANGE. Make yo kids, make yo wife... wear ORANGE.
LMAO. You could be on to something. Sorry I had to listen to her 14 minute tutorial before responding. I can now practice "screaming safely".

Hey man it makes sense, she does it for a living, now if we could only have all our cheerleaders growl like that.....that would intimidate some teams for sure ......(and be very hot).... :rock:

I may actually try her tutorial as silly as it sounds....soooo tired of losing my voice at games....would be funny if at the start of games they used the PA to help everyone get warmed up and do vocal
i agree, please support these young men regardless of the record and let's not have any of the "fire butch" threads if the team starts out 2-5. mkay?


if the team starts out 2 n 5 everyone complaining about standing will be able to bring a bed because the stadium will be empty..vmay not be right but will happen.
If only eye'd had a shop fan and a bag of cocaine..

YEA in the 80s and 90s we would get drunk and raise hail at the game the cops were pretty cool about it, if you could walk you were alright, get about 20,000 on some mushrooms and about 20,000 on some shine and about 20,000 on some smoke because we got to have a little peace, that would make up for the 40,000 suit and coats, now this would do it im all in, what about it, now sometimes you got to get the newspaper the next day to see who won, but we can make some noise, plus i got 1 little trick that would work without the stuff i wrote JUST WIN BABY JUST WIN BABY.:)
Man you tell it how it is brother I went to quite a few games in the late 90s and u couldn't hear yourself think it felt like Neyland Stadium was movin so last year I took my cousin who is a big Michigan fan and it suprised me at how low the crowd was lets get behind our team no matter if there winning or losing cmon VOL NATION! I believe were at the begining of something special with CJ
During the past few years, yelling loud enough to win a yodeling contest would not have affected the outcome of the games. The fear of Neyland stadium cannot be produced by the fans but has to start on the field. If the team can't scare the likes of Vandy and UK, the fans can't help. You can blame the fans if you wish; to me it lies directly with the UT administration, Athletic Department, and the coaching staff. Butch comes in with a clean slate. If he follows in the path of Dooley with the product on the field, he will deserves the ire of the UT fans. As of this date, Coach Jones has done the right things. If he continues to steer the ship of UT football in the right direction, the sails will be filled with the wind of the fans. Good coaching in time will take care of winning and this year the wins and losses will not be as important in grading Coach Jones as the play of the team. From the first game until his last, I saw nothing in Dooley which made me think that we had a good coach. I kept waiting, but it never appeared. I hope Butch gives us a glimmer this year of better things ahead. That is my yardstick of this years team, not the win/loss record.

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