Something I have to get off my chest!

I hate getting asked to sit down at Neyland, hell I come to cheer my team not sit there like I got broke legs..JMO
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I may get flamed but it needs to be said.
I sit here and read all these post about the team on what they have to do to win and bring pride back to the program.
But We as fans have just as big a part. I remember teams fearing to come into our house because of the noise, the fans cheering for the team even when things did not go our way. I hear from the past players from other teams how they hated coming to Knoxville not only at the fact of getting their asses handed to them but the crowd in the stands. Now I watch the games and see fans leaving, not cheering, just sitting in the seats. It use to be a sea of orange now it looks like a spotted mess at times. WE as fans need to fill every seat, make the stadium shake every minute the team is on the field. Just not when a great play is made. WE at one time had pride in the fact it was the loudest place in the nation to play.
I have only been to a few games in my life but would if possible go to every game. So for those lucky enough to go you need to understand that you are part of the tradition that in UT football. That you are our, the fans, true voice.
And if you only going to the game to get drunk, leave when the team is down, sit on your asses all game. Then IM me I will gladly take your ticket, find a way to K town and cheer my heart out for OUR team.
Time not only for the team on the field to take our house back but time for the fans to take back the stands of OUR house !! GO VOLS!!!

Flame away.

Agreed! I remember going to Neyland a few times when I was 8 or 9 years old and couldn't hear for the next week. However, at 22 years old, and a future student of Mississippi State (don't give me sh!t, it's only because of my major and I will always wear my orange), I will be at every home except UGA and I'll be at Mizzou screaming my @ss off. Hope to see you all there doing the same! :dance2:
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That's ok...CBJ is here now and you have the great opportunity to walk those hallowed halls with good knees and solid hips while CBJ kicks that ugly reptile @$$ for years to come. And I will be reading your posts about your trip to the "used to be swamp" as you were seating in your private box seats.


Thank you sir. Been Looking forward to it since 04'... ready to see this streak come to an end and us to start one of our own. I can't stand Musdouche and the rest of the jortmen. GO VOLS!!
I hate getting asked to sit down at Neyland, hell I come to cheer my team not sit there like I got broke legs..JMO
Thank you. A guy who works at a supply house I buy product from is a huge Ole Miss fan. I've been to Oxford several times with him for Tennessee/ Ole Miss games and I told him he should go check out a game at Neyland. On my recommendation, the last time Ole Miss went to Knoxville he went to check out the scene. When I saw him the following week I asked how everything was he said I'm never going back. I asked why of course and he said every time he got up to cheer for the Rebels some asshat told him to sit down and even called security on him for cheering for his team. Totally embarrassed me. He did say the tailgating and fans outside the stadium were cool and welcoming at least.
Hellzzzz yeah!!!!! It's time to get this biznatch crunk!!! All seriousness... damn good post. I'm a little fired up.
Thank you. A guy who works at a supply house I buy product from is a huge Ole Miss fan. I've been to Oxford several times with him for Tennessee/ Ole Miss games and I told him he should go check out a game at Neyland. On my recommendation, the last time Ole Miss went to Knoxville he went to check out the scene. When I saw him the following week I asked how everything was he said I'm never going back. I asked why of course and he said every time he got up to cheer for the Rebels some asshat told him to sit down and even called security on him for cheering for his team. Totally embarrassed me. He did say the tailgating and fans outside the stadium were cool and welcoming at least.

Hate that it happened at Neyland, but after being told to sit my a down and having several people yell and shake keys in my face, I don't care for Ole Miss much. This all a couple years after my aunt's suv was spray-painted in Oxford.

I know it happens everywhere, but it was still a bad time because I didn't want my wife (then fiancee) to experience that junk.
Thank you. A guy who works at a supply house I buy product from is a huge Ole Miss fan. I've been to Oxford several times with him for Tennessee/ Ole Miss games and I told him he should go check out a game at Neyland. On my recommendation, the last time Ole Miss went to Knoxville he went to check out the scene. When I saw him the following week I asked how everything was he said I'm never going back. I asked why of course and he said every time he got up to cheer for the Rebels some asshat told him to sit down and even called security on him for cheering for his team. Totally embarrassed me. He did say the tailgating and fans outside the stadium were cool and welcoming at least.
Yea, I guess they need a sitting section for the people that don't want to enjoy the game to the fullest.Calling security on people for standing up is a joke inside a stadium where the point is to cheer your team on, for me anyway.
i agree, please support these young men regardless of the record and let's not have any of the "fire butch" threads if the team starts out 2-5. mkay?

03/04 When we started loosing and loosing big games. Not to mention the product on the field was going down hill because coaches were relying on luck to win!
The fans on this website aren't the problem. It's the casual, wine and cheese social crowd, who just happen to populate primo seats, who are the problem.
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When I go to Neyland Stadium to watch my beloved Vols play, I usually walk out minus a voice. Husband takes full advantage of it.:crazy:
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The fans on this website aren't the problem. It's the casual, wine and cheese social crowd, who just happen to populate primo seats, who are the problem.

Pretty much. It definitely isn't the same as it was 10-15 years ago, and it's not entirely because of the way the teams have been playing.
Nothing I hate more than a fellow vol fan telling me to sit down so they can see. Stand up and cheer for your team.
I will root for this team through the good times and the bad. I come from a family of Kentucky basketball fans, in fact I am the only football fan in my family.

I also root for the Miami Dolphins in the pro's, so trust me when I say that I have known frustration over the years in sports. If I can still proudly call myself a Phins fan after the last decade of heartbreak and disappointment then I am not going to give up on this Vols team.

This team, under the guidance of Butch Jones, will be better than last years team in Special Teams and infinitely better on Defense. Yes we are converting to a running offense, but with an O-Line like the one we have, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Also, I am going on record as saying that we will go 7-5, with a possibility of 8-4. That sneak win will probably be against South Carolina but then again that's just a hunch. We get 2 weeks to prepare for them and Tiny can block Clowney. Spurrier's offense against this years D doesn't really incite fear in me either.

Go Vols!!!
I will root for this team through the good times and the bad. I come from a family of Kentucky basketball fans, in fact I am the only football fan in my family.

I also root for the Miami Dolphins in the pro's, so trust me when I say that I have known frustration over the years in sports. If I can still proudly call myself a Phins fan after the last decade of heartbreak and disappointment then I am not going to give up on this Vols team.

This team, under the guidance of Butch Jones, will be better than last years team in Special Teams and infinitely better on Defense. Yes we are converting to a running offense, but with an O-Line like the one we have, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Also, I am going on record as saying that we will go 7-5, with a possibility of 8-4. That sneak win will probably be against South Carolina but then again that's just a hunch. We get 2 weeks to prepare for them and Tiny can block Clowney. Spurrier's offense against this years D doesn't really incite fear in me either.

Go Vols!!!
Welcome aboard the crazy train.....

Friend, a real VOL wouldn't even consider p*^@ing on someone who would flame such a great post unless the fire they were causing was endangering their house, a child, a church or a Peyton Manning picture!

Yes, it's clearly all the kids.

Ya know that's fair. I deserve a little bit of sarcasm on that. It's not fair to lump all the students together on that. To be fair it's a problem around some other parts of stadium too. But forgive me, I was a student at UTK around 91 to 93..we were not a championship team again yet, and many games we knew going in were unlikely wins....but I just never ever ever ever saw the student section act like that. Not even when we were down. I think in general back then "stoic" wasn't the definition of cool....I just think the student section should always be the loudest...and lately when I look around me in the stadium the ones I see getting the most rowdy are the slightly older middle age farts like me....I guess I just expect the kids today to be like we were, but I guess that is just not what is in.
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honestly every sporting event I've been to, there's a majority of elderly people sitting down not cheering that much unless something big happens. Also, the "social types" as someone mentioned before.

The student section has been the loudest at everything I've been to. Not to mention they stand almost the whole game.

Then again it's easy to start pointing the finger when the team you're pulling for isn't having the results you want.

A rowdy home crowd can influence the outcome of a game. A lackluster crowd won't lose the game per se, but it certainly doesn't help.

The Tennessee terrace hasn't helped matters. It's half empty for all but the big games.

Still, I have hope that when we start winning it will cure the ills.
The Terrace is actually filling up (thank goodness), and I have a feeling that there will be a new sense of enthusiasm come 2 Saturdays from now.

Or, at least I hope :)

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