Sound of Freedom

**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search
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**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search

Does this count as Caviezel playing a historical figure or no?
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**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search

So that is a no to sound of freedom correct?
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So that is a no to sound of freedom correct?

Even if it's good, it's going to be hard for me to suspend my disbelief and watch the creators hero worship this guy who tells people he knows where their kid is and is about to rescue, all based upon something a psychic told him (and then failed to find, of course).

It's hard to imagine he hasn't been a hero to some, but how do you watch this when you don't know what to believe?
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Even if it's good, it's going to be hard for me to suspend my disbelief and watch the creators hero worship this guy who tells people he knows where their kid is and is about to rescue, all based upon something a psychic told him (and then failed to find, of course).

I felt the same way about the Manti T'eo documentary.
I felt the same way about the Manti T'eo documentary.

To me that was much different because I'm actually trying to figure out what the truth is. I would watch a documentary about Tim Ballard (as long as it's made by somebody doing real journalism).

Did you go into the Te'o thing with an open mind or had you already decided he was a scam artist? I always had an open mind about him. I just can't fathom lying the way people suspect he did. It's such a hair-brained scheme. He definitely lied but I can totally understand the inability to come forward with the truth immediately when you know it, if you got scammed in that way. I can see carrying the lie on for a little bit when you don't know what to do. Especially when you are a dumb kid.

Ballard is a grown-ass man who hasn't even proven he worked in intelligence and for DHS. Maybe he did. He can prove it by giving written permission to the government to disclose that he worked for them. Why hasn't he done that with all this controversy swirling?
To me that was much different because I'm actually trying to figure out what the truth is. I would watch a documentary about Tim Ballard (as long as it's made by somebody doing real journalism).

Did you go into the Te'o thing with an open mind or had you already decided he was a scam artist? I always had an open mind about him. I just can't fathom lying the way people suspect he did. It's such a hair-brained scheme. He definitely lied but I can totally understand the inability to come forward with the truth immediately when you know it, if you got scammed in that way. I can see carrying the lie on for a little bit when you don't know what to do. Especially when you are a dumb kid.

Ballard is a grown-ass man who hasn't even proven he worked in intelligence and for DHS. Maybe he did. He can prove it by giving written permission to the government to disclose that he worked for them. Why hasn't he done that with all this controversy swirling?
Never watched it because he admitted to lying about it years ago. Seemed like a waste of time.
Never watched it because he admitted to lying about it years ago. Seemed like a waste of time.

I loved it and I believe him. I just can't wrap my mind around a plan that is more or less, "I'm gonna make people sad for me so I win the Heisman and nobody is ever going to find out." It's insane. And he doesn't seem insane. He seems like salt of the earth (who are often the easiest people to fool). If he's not. He sure fooled me.

Either way, the fun part is trying to unravel the mystery, regardless of what you believe or conclude.

Lol, I just realized I swapped your Daniel Day Lewis narrative. Foul on me. Lol

The joke still landed to some degree, but now makes more sense. Feels like he's played a few people from history? Checking IMDb: Jesus, the apostle Luke, Warren Earp, Bobby Jones, the De La Salle coach, and now Tim Ballard. I guess that's not a ton.
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To me that was much different because I'm actually trying to figure out what the truth is. I would watch a documentary about Tim Ballard (as long as it's made by somebody doing real journalism).

Did you go into the Te'o thing with an open mind or had you already decided he was a scam artist? I always had an open mind about him. I just can't fathom lying the way people suspect he did. It's such a hair-brained scheme. He definitely lied but I can totally understand the inability to come forward with the truth immediately when you know it, if you got scammed in that way. I can see carrying the lie on for a little bit when you don't know what to do. Especially when you are a dumb kid.

Ballard is a grown-ass man who hasn't even proven he worked in intelligence and for DHS. Maybe he did. He can prove it by giving written permission to the government to disclose that he worked for them. Why hasn't he done that with all this controversy swirling?
So this movie is basically the child trafficking version of Blood Sport?
**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search
Anything to raise awareness and help fight the practice of child trafficking is a positive, in my opinion
Anything to raise awareness and help fight the practice of child trafficking is a positive, in my opinion

Sure, awareness is great. But I'm saying let's not push OUR and Ballard, specifically...and they are the ones who get and continue to get the most attention. A movie?!!
This is going to be powerful. Obviously, the issue of child trafficking is very much a high priority to me.

I just saw this movie today. It was incredibly powerful and has the potential to unite us against the evil of child trafficking. It made be proud to donate to my favorite nonprofit, Child Rescue Coalition. In fact, I’m going to up my monthly donation! We need to lock up more of these child predators!
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So that is a no to sound of freedom correct?
The movie is not about Ballard, politics, religion, or some famous actor, it’s about the fact that child sex trafficking is a $150B global industry. It’s about bringing awareness to the global (absolutely heart breaking sick issue) of pedophiles preying on innocent kids, and the need for us to do something to help prevent it from happening. Kids shouldn‘t be for sale.

It was the most important movie I’ve ever seen. I highly recommend it.
We’ve tried to see it a couple of times and the theater was almost full every time. Meanwhile, Indiana Jones was nearly empty. We’ll try earlier tomorrow.
It’s worth your time. Best couple of hours I’ve spent in a long time. Plus, it’s more impactful seeing it in a theatre IMHO. This isn’t one to wait until it comes out for streaming. LMK what you think after you see it.
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Even if it's good, it's going to be hard for me to suspend my disbelief and watch the creators hero worship this guy who tells people he knows where their kid is and is about to rescue, all based upon something a psychic told him (and then failed to find, of course).

It's hard to imagine he hasn't been a hero to some, but how do you watch this when you don't know what to believe?
There’s no psychic involved—-they leverage technology that’s world renowned and can show law enforcement who has downloaded child sexual abuse material (Aka child porn). It’s mind blowing the technology that‘s available to track down these insidious monsters (aka child predators). More awareness of the issue (and how it can be stopped) is good for humanity.
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It’s worth your time. Best couple of hours I’ve spent in a long time. Plus, it’s more impactful seeing it in a theatre IMHO. This isn’t one to wait until it comes out for streaming. LMK what you think after you see it.

I’ll definitely see it. My wife and I have Regal Unlimited. Movie dates are our thing. We see almost everything. I’ll report back.
There’s no psychic involved—-they leverage technology that’s world renowned and can show law enforcement who has downloaded child sexual abuse material (Aka child porn). It’s mind blowing the technology that‘s available to track down these insidious monsters (aka child predators). More awareness of the issue (and how it can be stopped) is good for humanity.

There was at least one time.

Controversial anti-trafficking group 'used a psychic for tip-offs to find children' | Daily Mail Online

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