Sound of Freedom

**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search

So does this Caviezel guy blame child trafficking on LGBTQ groups? Is that their thing?
So does this Caviezel guy blame child trafficking on LGBTQ groups? Is that their thing?
That has nothing to do with this film. No clue of his beliefs but don’t know why folks want to distract from the fact that this is a film about bringing awareness to child sex trafficking, bringing sick pedophiles to justice, and protecting innocent children. There were no political overtures or innuendos about LGBTQ. Zero. None. Its much bigger and more important than democrats, republicans, gay, straight, left/right.
I think Tom Cruise is a loony tune in his personal life, but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying his movies. Granted they are fictional—-not based on a real life tragedy like Sound of Freedom addresses. Plus, there’s never been a more important topic than child sex trafficking IMHO.
The movie is not about Ballard, politics, religion, or some famous actor, it’s about the fact that child sex trafficking is a $150B global industry. It’s about bringing awareness to the global (absolutely heart breaking sick issue) of pedophiles preying on innocent kids, and the need for us to do something to help prevent it from happening. Kids shouldn‘t be for sale.

It was the most important movie I’ve ever seen. I highly recommend it.
You're right. I had to edit to not make political.
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Obviously Not typical law enforcement practice or protocol and certainly not espoused in this film. Hopefully you’d agree that bringing awareness to child sex trafficking is more important than some foolish and desperate use of some so-called psychic.
whatever it takes.
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Obviously Not typical law enforcement practice or protocol and certainly not espoused in this film. Hopefully you’d agree that bringing awareness to child sex trafficking is more important than some foolish and desperate use of some so-called psychic.

What’s your point? This has ZERO to do with this film, or more importantly, the issue of bringing awareness to selling kids on the black market.


**** Jim Caviezel. Tim Ballard is FOS and Operation Underground Railroad is a scam.

Any child getting trafficked is obviously a horrible thing, but watch out for the BS artists all over the place selling you lies to further their organization. You don't need to lie to sell these horrors.

The irony is Tim Ballard is Mormon. My ancestors were Mormons and my cousins hero worship them while giving money to OUR. Guess who was a child-trafficker? My Great x3 Grandpa who was Joseph Smith's Uncle. Went on a mission to Europe and brought back a 13 YO bride who was not his only wife. There is a good chance Ballard has some of that **** in his family, too. Not sure how far his Mormons go back. You won't hear him call any of them out, including Joseph Smith.

'Sound Of Freedom' Actor Jim Caviezel Suspects LGBTQ+ Activists Adopted Rainbow Symbol Because "Children Like To Draw Rainbows"

operation underground railroad scam - Google Search
I guess you have trouble articulating your points. Sad that you are making this something it’s not. Go see the movie and come back with an informed opinion. I will even pay for it.

I learned a long time ago that I should not form opinions about the real world based on movies...especially movies glorifying a man who has been deceitful.
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I learned a long time ago that I should not form opinions about the real world based on movies...especially movies glorifying a man who has been deceitful.
I hate to break it to you, but innocent children are being kidnapped and bought and sold on the black market every day. This isn’t “make believe“ or fiction or a movie script—-it’s a hard sad fact. I’ve seen a demo where the globe lights up slowly with dots only to find out that the dots represent where child abuse sexual material (fka as child porn) was downloaded. It was sobering and absolutely sickening.
This film isn’t about Ballard or other flawed persons—it’s about trying to bring awareness to a global epidemic. There’s more slaves today than anytime in our history. It’s pathetic.
I learned a long time ago that I should not form opinions about the real world based on movies...especially movies glorifying a man who has been deceitful.
I learned a long time ago not to make assumptions. How can you put down the movie (and even worse discourage others from seeing it) when you haven’t even seen the movie? I will gladly send you $100 to take whomever you’d like and go see the movie and have dinner on me.
I learned a long time ago not to make assumptions. How can you put down the movie (and even worse discourage others from seeing it) when you haven’t even seen the movie? I will gladly send you $100 to take whomever you’d like and go see the movie and have dinner on me.

What have I said about the movie? I have not commented on the movie, only about the man and the organization. You are very confused and wasting my time.
What have I said about the movie? I have not commented on the movie, only about the man and the organization. You are very confused and wasting my time.
This is a thread about the movie and you’ve crapped all over the actor and one of the characters portrayed in it. You made it into something It’s not. Freaking pathetic to take the spotlight away from what it’s about.
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I learned a long time ago that I should not form opinions about the real world based on movies...especially movies glorifying a man who has been deceitful.
Name one living person who hasn’t sinned or been deceitful in this lives? You’re throwing the baby out with the bath water. Let’s not miss the big picture pointing out the flaws in humanity when there’s a raging child sex trafficking global epidemic.

Even if it's good, it's going to be hard for me to suspend my disbelief and watch the creators hero worship this guy who tells people he knows where their kid is and is about to rescue, all based upon something a psychic told him (and then failed to find, of course).

It's hard to imagine he hasn't been a hero to some, but how do you watch this when you don't know what to believe?

Sure, awareness is great. But I'm saying let's not push OUR and Ballard, specifically...and they are the ones who get and continue to get the most attention. A movie?!!

I believe these are sufficient. If not that's fine, I'm not going to spend the rest of the day arguing about it. Lol.
I hate to break it to you, but innocent children are being kidnapped and bought and sold on the black market every day. This isn’t “make believe“ or fiction or a movie script—-it’s a hard sad fact. I’ve seen a demo where the globe lights up slowly with dots only to find out that the dots represent where child abuse sexual material (fka as child porn) was downloaded. It was sobering and absolutely sickening.
This film isn’t about Ballard or other flawed persons—it’s about trying to bring awareness to a global epidemic. There’s more slaves today than anytime in our history. It’s pathetic.
Is all that proven? Could this be like the day care centers years ago that were all over the country and satanic and sexually abusing kids by the boatload, until it was proven to be mass hysteria? Or maybe marketing a much exaggerated story is a good way to make money?
Is all that proven? Could this be like the day care centers years ago that were all over the country and satanic and sexually abusing kids by the boatload, until it was proven to be mass hysteria? Or maybe marketing a much exaggerated story is a good way to make money?

It's definitely a problem internationally, but they may be exaggerating. Here in the US, "child trafficking" is much different (still bad). We hear these organizations cite statistics that 800k kids go missing in the US each year. We have visions of 6 YO's getting kidnapped at a mall, or whatever, but almost all of these missing children are teens who ran away and return on their own. There are less than 100 stranger danger kidnappings annually. Most minors who get trafficked are teens who are trafficked by a relative. The ones who are trafficked by non-family members are often runaways who were abused at home. But when you go to an OUR rally in St. George, UT, they just tell you the part about 800k kids going missing.
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