Sound of Freedom

Wait, what? Because I didn't think it was a big deal that he said "I'm a soldier" I'm somehow accountable to comment about him raping old ladies years later? WTF is the point of this?
You took it as a PERSONAL affront and got exceedingly butthurt about a passing comment. I “didn’t think it was a BIG DEAL” YOU did. Par for the course with you. You draw lines in the sand over silly, stupid talking points and then blur them by scooting your butt back and forth…CONSTANTLY. You’ve never swayed one single viewpoint on this board but enter the fray at no provocation. This was a MOVIE thread and you made it about you and your personal demons. Please don’t stop…you’re endless entertainment. 😎
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You took it as a PERSONAL affront and got exceedingly butthurt about a passing comment. I “didn’t think it was a BIG DEAL” YOU did. Par for the course with you. You draw lines in the sand over silly, stupid talking points and then blur them by scooting your butt back and forth…CONSTANTLY. You’ve never swayed one single viewpoint on this board but enter the fray at no provocation. This was a MOVIE thread and you made it about you and your personal demons. Please don’t stop…you’re endless entertainment. 😎

Can't even find the conversation on VN, that's how long ago this was. I remember it. People are going to have to take your word for how butthurt I was, but who even cares about that? What is the point of that? Still can't figure out what this has to do with anything. I think people are way too hard on college athletes because they are kids moreso than men, and at the time were amateurs. I don't think people should've made such a big deal about him calling himself a soldier. No idea why you still think about it or why you're bringing it up here as some sort of gotcha moment. It's fkn bizarre. Somehow you're worse at this than Joe, who's just straight up lying about me.
None of this is the problem for you. The problem is that I brought real information that you didn't want to know about. You keep making up **** about me. I didn't just pick a movie. I've been following this story closely for years. Been posting about Ballard on VN for 4 years. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Find one fkn post in the Twitter thread that demonstrates I loved when conservatives were censored and I'll never go in that thread again. Or kick rocks.

Here's a thread I started 2.5 years ago

Like I said, you never pitched a fit until conservatives were allowed to post again. You can post whatever you want about this thread, or that one, but anybody that's read either can see what your issue is. And the underground railroad has nothing to do with this discussion 🤣, but you do you Huff. We all get it, heck I don't like a lot of what conservatives do, or liberals, but I don't hijack threads pitching a fit, then get butthurt when people get tired of it. No offense man, we know how you're going to react to certain things/people, but keep it in the politics forum. You'd never dig into this if it wasn't a hit movie with conservatives, I know it, anyone else knows it, and you know it. You just don't have it in you to admit that, that's my issue, and others. I don't like trump, especially because church people act like he's Jesus, so I'll likely fuss about trump. I don't like biden because he's a racist piece of dementia, so I'll fuss about biden stuff. See that, I admit what my actual problem is. You, you don't like the core audience, so you dig for anything to bash the movie. You just won't admit it, that's the difference.
Can't even find the conversation on VN, that's how long ago this was. I remember it. People are going to have to take your word for how butthurt I was, but who even cares about that? What is the point of that? Still can't figure out what this has to do with anything. I think people are way too hard on college athletes because they are kids moreso than men, and at the time were amateurs. I don't think people should've made such a big deal about him calling himself a soldier. No idea why you still think about it or why you're bringing it up here as some sort of gotcha moment. It's fkn bizarre. Somehow you're worse at this than Joe, who's just straight up lying about me.
“What’s the point?” indeed! You may have just had an epiphany! 😳 Next thing we know, you’ll cut yourself off a third of the time you talk to yourself dominating a thread…then half.,,then 🤷
Get mad, cry, give a 309 word rebuttal,
I know right!

It wouldn't be all about you if you weren't such a hypocrite. If you want to be honest, I'll be honest. It literally has nothing to do with your community, and anybody who has ever read a post from you knows it. You're butt hurt because conservatives like it, period, and use "your community" as a reason to hate on it. Just like your obsession with Twitter. Anybody can go read that thread, see how you loved conservatives being censored, then since it got bought and conservatives were allowed to post again, you've been pitching a fit in that thread just like this one. You, nothing else, you are what we are laughing about. Anybody that knows you're posting knows that's the truth. It'd go a lot better if you'd just man up, have some nads, and say you don't like it because conservatives support it. We all know it, despite what you're crying about, you just don't have enough in you to admit it. Get mad, cry, give a 309 word rebuttal, but as an independent, you bring your hate for conservatives into every thread you can. Peace out bud.

*Sorry, but it needed said
So is Sound of Freedom good or not? @n_huffhines

I hear it’s an entertaining action drama but some external factors surrounding the real-life inspired character, the actor portraying him, and fervency of some audience members can make it difficult to suspend disbelief.
I hear it’s an entertaining action drama but some external factors surrounding the real-life inspired character, the actor portraying him, and fervency of some audience members can make it difficult to suspend disbelief.

Just wait for the docuseries
This guy (Jimmy Rex) was involved in operations and jives the most with what I believe has been going on. His over-arching points:

1) they needed to stop doing operations the way we were doing them, which is why he quit doing the ops.
2) they saved people.

Other takeaways:

- He changed his mind and now believes raising awareness has been bad for the cause. He thinks that there is a counter-productive element where bad people are becoming more aware this is an opportunity for them to travel and abuse minors. He also says the awareness and growth resulted in the association with QAnon types, which has been counter-productive, too.
- He believes Tim Ballard started with good intent.
- The Federalis loved the help that OUR provided.
- He says it wasn't just grooming and sexual harassment by TB. It was affairs that have broken up families. He knows the victims. These details are going to come out. Tim knows it's going to come out, so why is he pretending it's all false? He used his relationship with a church Apostle to manipulate the women into affairs as Abrahamic tests of faith.
- He was there for the breast touching of the minor (who was not actually a minor, but they thought she was), and it was a very gray area tricky situation.
- He believes the estimates about how rampant trafficking is are very over-stated, based on his experience. Said they were good at finding trafficking and couldn't find anything in half the cities they visited. Went to Mexico City 3x and couldn't find it. He said he's heard 2 million and 8 million estimates...he thinks it's much less. This is great news. He thinks kids are largely being trafficked out of their own homes. Not clubs or public places.
- Out of all the girls they ever rescued, he never got a single update, and he tried to get them.
- He felt like VICE tried to make him look stupid by calling him "just a realtor" but he also admitted that's true.
- People kept on getting kicked out of the org. People Jimmy Rex thought were great guys. Tim would keep the yes men and kick people out if they checked him. He would freak out if he didn't get attention (like he walked out of an event because he wasn't in a photograph somebody presented with people who got saved). He kicked a guy out because he didn't include him on a business deal he wanted in on. Rex got kicked out too, but didn't go into that. He had mostly positive things to say about Tim Ballard, just that the project was too big for him and so was his ego.
- They're no longer doing the ops the way they were. Also great news.

It's funny that the immediate response to TB's opposition and downfall was that it was a conspiracy to take him down, when the truth is probably there was a conspiracy to protect him. Where are my rule of law peeps at?

I don't keep up with the personal lives of the actors and whatever happened promotionally. But if you found this movie controversial based solely on its content, you have a problem. It wasn't the greatest thing I've ever seen, but I'm not sure how the subject matter is controversial at all. Bad look for people bitching about it.
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I don't keep up with the personal lives of the actors and whatever happened promotionally. But if you found this movie controversial based solely on its content, you have a problem. It wasn't the greatest thing I've ever seen, but I'm not sure how the subject matter is controversial at all. Bad look for people bitching about it.

Who are you talking about? Who bitched about the content?
Who are you talking about? Who bitched about the content?
Didn't even read your comments, but mainly I read a bunch of pedo apologists on Reddit and other sources and assumed they were here as well. After listening to all the Qanon this and that I expected a political movie, and it was probably the least political movie I've seen in years. Not one mention.
Didn't even read your comments, but mainly I read a bunch of pedo apologists on Reddit and other sources and assumed they were here as well. After listening to all the Qanon this and that I expected a political movie, and it was probably the least political movie I've seen in years. Not one mention.
I just finished it, makes me sick that anyone could do this to a kid. Also makes me sick that people tried making it political and a controversy. It's a movie showing the reality of what really happens.
I just finished it, makes me sick that anyone could do this to a kid. Also makes me sick that people tried making it political and a controversy. It's a movie showing the reality of what really happens.
I have taken a new position at the local Child Advocacy Center, and my tolerance for child sexual abuse is at an all time low.

It's hard for me to not wish terrible punishment on people who hurt the most innocent.
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I have taken a new position at the local Child Advocacy Center, and my tolerance for child sexual abuse is at an all time low.

It's hard for me to not wish terrible punishment on people who hurt the most innocent.
I'm not saying this like I'm big and tough and could just physically handle anyone, but I'm certain I could kill someone for doing that crap to a kid. Like not beat them up, just set on fire and watch them burn. My sister in law found her a man on the Internet several years ago. The day after she flew him here, the police showed up and arrested him. He's a convicted (literally confessed) sex offender, raped a kid. He eventually got out, and we quit letting her get our kids. They got all mad, and we were all at the inlaws. I told him in front of everyone, if he ever touched mine that I'd kill him. It's been 6-7 years, and the occasional times we've been around each other, he goes out if I come in. I don't mean to sound like a bad person, but I have zero tolerance for that stuff.
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