Sound of Freedom

At my AMC half the film was on the wall for the first 20 min of GotG3. Probably because they don’t like Chris Pratt because of his church or something.

Spiderverse had low audio at the same theater too.

I think it might be how the movie starts. When she was drumming at the beginning, I couldn't hear any of the dialog and it didn't seem like surround sound was on. It was driving me nuts. I saw the manager there counting people and I went and mentioned it to him and he acted like I was crazy. IDK if he changed anything but it definitely got better.
Crazy how you've done all this research and you haven't stumbled across the substantive, well-documented, and widely-discussed critique that Ballard and OUR are frauds.

Did the movie show them literally creating the demand for young trafficked girls? Did it show them claiming to rescue a girl who escaped on her own? Did it show them counting their $30m in 2020 profit?
So do you still feel the same after seeing it?
The leftist filth at Google just sent me a push notification about where I can watch this movie. How could this be?

That’s because they’ve been tracking your interest in it and don’t want to be so obvious about their suppression.
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Wonder why UK is Sept 1st.........?
  • August 18 - South Africa
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That’s some link. Super credible. 😂

There has been more outrage on the right about Barbie than anything written about Sound of Freedom. It’s humorous how fans of this movie want to play victim so bad.

There’s nothing conservatives can’t make themselves a victim of. Meanwhile, the film is financially backed by a guy arrested for child kidnapping, the lead actor can’t stop talking about Qanon during the press tour, there’s questions about the authenticity of the inspiration for the movie, large religious organizations are bulk purchasing tickets to “donate” to people who may not have even seen the film, thus artificially inflating the box office numbers, and the legally dubious past of the production company. I’m sure the producers and director love all these distracting storylines circulating about their movie instead of actually talking about, you know, the movie.
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Since the draw to this movie mainly has to do with awareness of dangers to our children, everybody should check out the Netflix documentary about the BSA. Your kid is a zillion times more likely to be hurt by somebody you know and trust than they are by a stranger. The danger mostly comes from neighbors, Uncles, older kids/cousins, scoutmasters, church members, coaches, etc.
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Since the draw to this movie mainly has to do with awareness of dangers to our children, everybody should check out the Netflix documentary about the BSA. Your kid is a zillion times more likely to be hurt by somebody you know and trust than they are by a stranger. The danger mostly comes from neighbors, Uncles, older kids/cousins, scoutmasters, church members, coaches, etc.
While all of that’s true, I now wonder about real intentions since you’ve gone out of your way to constantly crap on this film.
While all of that’s true, I now wonder about real intentions since you’ve gone out of your way to constantly crap on this film.

I've literally said nothing to crap on the film itself. I have pointed out problems with the organization and main figure the film is based on.
Well, well, well....Tim Ballard's been kicked out of OUR and denounced by his church. I fkn told you so.


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