Sounds Like More Bad News - Schaeffer Out



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2003
It's sounding like we are going to get more bad news on the football team today or tomorrow. I hope it's not true. RUMORS are flying that a star player will be dismissed for academic reasons. Let's hope it's just a rumor.
Schaeffer out at UT

Staff Writer

KNOXVILLE _ Brent Schaeffer's career at Tennessee is over.

The sophomore quarterback will no longer be a part of the program after meeting earlier today with Coach Phillip Fulmer. Schaeffer, who was competing for the starting quarterback job this spring, had already been indefinitely suspended by Fulmer following his arrest last week on assault charges.

Schaeffer's latest run-in with Fulmer came after missing several classes despite being warned by Fulmer that any further incident would be the final straw.

Later today, Tennessee is expected to put out a release on Schaeffer leaving the program.

Topics have been merged - see 2 posts above for the link to the story.
I hate to see people throw their talent away! How could he not go to class after Fulmer told him no more problems?

And then there were 2..
They just don't get it!..Somebody figure out a way to convince these kids that the biggest part of thier game is not played on the field. It's that way in the NFL and in life. What a waste!
What a total shame. Schaeffer could have been a weapon at QB or somewhere else on the field. Nothing can be done though if he's not holding up his end of the baragain.

This pretty much went by the script I was afraid we'd see. Schaeffer goes to spring practice - sees how the QB situation shapes up and then . . . sounds like he ust quit on everybody.

Hopefully, for his sake, he'll get his head screwed on and find success elsewhere.
while schaeffer was out assaulting people the golden child ainge was probaly somewhere getting rest schaeffer was the next james banks
I guess Fulmer will indeed do what he needs to keep his team in order. Maybe the critics will quiet down for now.

Does anyone know how Scheaffer fit in as a member of the team? In the locker room I mean. Was he respected by his teammates?

Maybe Richt can take him and make him a devoted religious man....:lol:
Well, with Shaffer out Crompton will be given more attention when he come in, But Cromptom doesn't really give us anything we don't alrerady have in Ainge. We will miss the mobility of Shaffer and the fits he caused defensive coordinators. I don't think he can play for an SEC team this year can he?
losing brent is real bad he could have really helped if ainge started choking up again i still say if not for brent the gamecocks would have beaten us
In a way it is a blessing in disguise. We got rid of some of the trouble on the team. Plus we have cleared the way for Crompton to come in right after Ainge, and Brent carrer isnt totally ruined now that he can go to another team and play.
any way you look at it it's bad i mean brent may have started this year although i'm in favor of rick starting
Does that mean he can go play for the Visor at SC?..How ironic that would be..Spurrier slams Fulmer for Brent fighting and then picks him up when he's released and learns TN's offense first hand and uses Brent to beat us...That's a nightmare..I know I will be waking up soon!
He'll have to sit out a year if he transefers to another D-1A school.
it's not to far fetched either but i don't think spurrier wants any more distractions either
Don't think there's anything to worry about. Schaeffer is so NOT a Spurrier style QB.

I really don't have any heartburn over the loss of Schaeffer. IMO his loss is a blessing as mentioned by a few others. I think this will move the focus off of having have three QB's competing for playing time. I feel that Ainge is the right fit for the team. Schaeffer would have been used to fill in somewhere else (as did James Banks) and he wouldnt have been happy and probably not give his all. At least that's what I think. My two cents.
Schaeffer's family had already contacted USF prior to the fight. Look for him to surface at South Florida.
I guess this will make room for us to consider the youngest Clausen when he gets ready to graduate next year....or is it the year following next?

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