I am getting married in a few weeks...I live in South Carolina. The first game I ever took my fiancé to, was the Tennessee @ South Carolina game last year. I was very much expecting an easy win. South Carolina had just gotten crushed the week before, not even scoring 1 offensive point. I thought it would be a great way to introduce her to an in person game experience. We get to Columbia, wearing our orange of course, and she gets cussed at by a South Carolina fan while standing in line to use the restroom in the restaurant we were at. Not a huge deal, right? We are expecting a win, and deep down, they are expecting a loss. Anything else would have been foolish.
We leave the restaurant, and we are walking down towards the stadium, and we had to go to the far side of the stadium. We were trying to get through the crowd of people to get to the stadium, so my dad asked this Gamecock fan if we could just slip by him so we could continue walking to our seats. This dude tries to start a fight with my dad. Luckily, there were some reasonable Gamecock fans there as well that let us through so we could keep going.
Finally get to the stadium, and we are getting smack talked like I have never seen. But it's fine right? Because this SHOULD be a cake walk tonight.
The night was awful. Left midway through the third quarter because it was genuinely starting to feel a bit hostile. Also, we all had a headache from being directly under the speakers all night long. If it weren't for those speakers, that stadium wouldn't be anywhere near as "loud" as people say it is.
"Why do you type all this out?" I hear you ask me. The answer is simple really...I want us to absolutely destroy and embarrass the South Carolina Gamecocks this year. I have had a horrible taste in my mouth over this game for a year. I hope we score 100 points and we are somehow able to get the Gamecocks to score negative points.