Some from my Dad... He passed recently. He was a retired Navy Chief and 5th generation Hillbilly from Sevier county.
Busier then a $100 hoe on nickle night....
Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off...
Son, you don't want to date her... Hell, she'd throw a leg over a church deacon during the alter call.....
So bucked tooth, he could eat corn through a picket fence....
Ain't no bigger then a popcorn fart....
Working me like a rented mule....
Colder then a scorned woman's stare....
I've stepped over tougher fellers then you to get to a good fight.....
I ain't seen him in a coon's age.....
Whistling through a grave yard.... (pressing your luck)
Looking a gift horse in the mouth... (critical of something given to you)
Ugly as sin....
Flexible as a boneless hooker on muscle relaxers....
My Poppa had a way with words..... There is more, but not suited for a family forum.... lol