Southern Sayings

Some from my Dad... He passed recently. He was a retired Navy Chief and 5th generation Hillbilly from Sevier county.

Busier then a $100 hoe on nickle night....

Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off...

Son, you don't want to date her... Hell, she'd throw a leg over a church deacon during the alter call.....

So bucked tooth, he could eat corn through a picket fence....

Ain't no bigger then a popcorn fart....

Working me like a rented mule....

Colder then a scorned woman's stare....

I've stepped over tougher fellers then you to get to a good fight.....

I ain't seen him in a coon's age.....

Whistling through a grave yard.... (pressing your luck)

Looking a gift horse in the mouth... (critical of something given to you)

Ugly as sin....

Flexible as a boneless hooker on muscle relaxers....

My Poppa had a way with words..... There is more, but not suited for a family forum.... lol
Grinning like a possum eatin sawbriars.
I'm sick at my stomach.
Givin 'em down the road.
Busy as a one legged cat in a sandbox.

Also have to throw in youins. Friend of mine who moved up here from florida recently went to a police academy in east tn and it took him half an hour to figure out what youins meant. He thought youins was a person because the instructor keep saying youins gonna do this, youins gonna do that. He was beginning to think the instructor had it out for this youins guy.
Right cheer-- right here
I reckon-- I guess so
Happier than a turtle in mud.
That'll happen when the cows come home. (never going to happen)
It rains Monday thru Saturday. (when things outside your control happen to keep you from doing something)
Well butter my biscuits. (expresses shock/good surprise)
As wanted as a weasel in the hen house.
Working like a politician on election week.
As good as a politician's promise.
Don't ever trust someone who doesn't have a little dirt on them.
Hard work is only hard work when you have to do it.
Nothing ever got done by sitting around, except getting fat.
Give me a Moon Pie and RC Cola and I would be happy. (not particularly pleased with the situation even though it shows promise)
As useful as a two fingered man on the banjo.
Can't trust a woman smiling, or the sun shining.
If God wanted perfection why did he put us here? (nothing is perfect/not everything is going to work out the way you wanted)
A woman isn't any happier than when her man isn't, a man is only happy when his woman is.
If it was a snake it would have bit ya. (when you are looking for something that is right in front of you)
Bless his/her heart. (kinda a 'don't take this the wrong way'- used in conjunction with a description about a person that is negative- Bless his heart, but he couldn't find his head with both hands.)

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