Yeah...if aliens make it here, we'll make great pets. Or be exterminated, unless they are benevolent and just feel sorry for have the tech to travel faster than the speed of light, at which we believe time stands still? Or "bends" at the least...or to utilize "worm holes " ...if they can do any of the above, they are so far beyond us, we would seem like bacteria to them, or a there's that.
I would like to see us have the tech, if we don't already, to protect our satellites and destroy enemy satellites that orbit the earth. As another poster noted, should any real war break out...we could cripple other countries by taking out their eyes in the sky and communication satellites...we also need to start working in earnest on getting off of this ain't gonna last forever, and the survival of the human race will depend on colonizing other planets or moons...imo, jmo,TIFWIW, hubanegas