Space Invaders

Read an article a few years ago (that was not political) discussing the need for a corp that unified and/or mo' better coordinated the existing the "Space Forces" we already have. This would envelope the disparate existing space systems; see the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Publication 3-14 SPACE OPERATIONS 10 April 2018.

ICBMs, Laser systems, satellites, satellite attack and defense systems; even planes like the Air Force's mission secret X-37B all need coordination in the modern world where cyber and real world attacks have immediate consequences.

Folk attacking the concept are Luddites (or purebred Dimocrats), plain and simple. But there's not much real difference betwixt the two, is there?
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Yeah...if aliens make it here, we'll make great pets. Or be exterminated, unless they are benevolent and just feel sorry for have the tech to travel faster than the speed of light, at which we believe time stands still? Or "bends" at the least...or to utilize "worm holes " ...if they can do any of the above, they are so far beyond us, we would seem like bacteria to them, or a there's that.

I would like to see us have the tech, if we don't already, to protect our satellites and destroy enemy satellites that orbit the earth. As another poster noted, should any real war break out...we could cripple other countries by taking out their eyes in the sky and communication satellites...we also need to start working in earnest on getting off of this ain't gonna last forever, and the survival of the human race will depend on colonizing other planets or moons...imo, jmo,TIFWIW, hubanegas

They'll just eat the liberals.....they taste just like chicken.
Then tell that to the President because he seems to think this is his idea.

To an extent, it is. He is the first sitting President to formally order such a thing. At least a new Space Force.

By saying folks have been talking about it for years, I'm taking about the military leadership and whatnot. Nothing from that high a level.

But... Trump will be the first President since Truman to start a new service.
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This isn't new.

This is about preparing the public for current black programs that will eventually become white.
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Read an article a few years ago (that was not political) discussing the need for a corp that unified and/or mo' better coordinated the existing the "Space Forces" we already have. This would envelope the disparate existing space systems; see the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Publication 3-14 SPACE OPERATIONS 10 April 2018.

ICBMs, Laser systems, satellites, satellite attack and defense systems; even planes like the Air Force's mission secret X-37B all need coordination in the modern world where cyber and real world attacks have immediate consequences.

Folk attacking the concept are Luddites (or purebred Dimocrats), plain and simple. But there's not much real difference betwixt the two, is there?

Gave you a like for using "betwixt" always find of that there word, right thar
To an extent, it is. He is the first sitting President to formally order such a thing. At least a new Space Force.

By saying folks have been talking about it for years, I'm taking about the military leadership and whatnot. Nothing from that high a level.

But... Trump will be the first President since Truman to start a new service.

Yay, another avenue of excessive defense spending.

Whoopty ****ing doo.
Yay, another avenue of excessive defense spending.

Whoopty ****ing doo.

How do you suggest the US develop a response to:

How China’s military has zeroed in on laser technology | South China Morning Post


Russia's Military Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second

and, etc.

Military lasers can also be used to cripple/destroy satellites.
This is a very real technological weapon that the two potentially most powerful foes we could face are right now claiming some proficiency in.

And your whoop-de-do self would wish we had coordinated a real response capability should they ever decide to whip-de-ass of me and you.
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How do you suggest the US develop a response to:

How China’s military has zeroed in on laser technology | South China Morning Post


Russia's Military Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second

and, etc.

Military lasers can also be used to cripple/destroy satellites.
This is a very real technological weapon that the two potentially most powerful foes we could face are right now claiming some proficiency in.

And your whoop-de-do self would wish we had coordinated a real response capability should they ever decide to whip-de-ass of me and you.

Don't buy into the propaganda.

China and Russia love to show-off/bluff their capabilities.

The US, on the other hand, keeps their cards very, very close to their vest.
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How do you suggest the US develop a response to:

How China’s military has zeroed in on laser technology | South China Morning Post


Russia's Military Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second

and, etc.

Military lasers can also be used to cripple/destroy satellites.
This is a very real technological weapon that the two potentially most powerful foes we could face are right now claiming some proficiency in.

And your whoop-de-do self would wish we had coordinated a real response capability should they ever decide to whip-de-ass of me and you.

Do you think they did this this with a new branch of military?

Do you think we need an entirely new branch of military to stop that?

Do you think they may be showing their hand a little too much?

Do you suck at poker?

I get that y'all will go as far as taking it up the butt to validate everything Trump says, but you need to know when to scoff at least some of the time.
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Yes dear, I pointed that out on page 1.

But the existing command isn't quite the same. What EL was whining about (after getting called out) was the fiscal portion which a new service would demand.

Ah my bad. So his fake rage over a "space force" turned into concern over spending. Makes sense for a democrat..always worried about that bottom line..
How do you suggest the US develop a response to:

How China’s military has zeroed in on laser technology | South China Morning Post


Russia's Military Has Laser Weapons That Can Take Out Enemies In Less Than A Second

and, etc.

Military lasers can also be used to cripple/destroy satellites.
This is a very real technological weapon that the two potentially most powerful foes we could face are right now claiming some proficiency in.

And your whoop-de-do self would wish we had coordinated a real response capability should they ever decide to whip-de-ass of me and you.

To be fair Obama did say Russia was no threat so I guess the libtards are right to be freaking out about such wasteful spending...
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Don't buy into the propaganda.

China and Russia love to show-off/bluff their capabilities.

The US, on the other hand, keeps their cards very, very close to their vest.

This is very true, our tech is 2nd to none...thankfully, the Chinese and their EVER thieving asses of Intellectual property and designs are unable to steal our best tech...the downside of that is the only way we manage that is by keeping pur best tech strictly black ops soon as we implement anything out right in our military, China is reverse engineering it as their own or just outright stealing our blueprints and building the same jets/tanks/missiles/rockets etc...I can't believe we don't hit them with tariffs or sanctions or something just for their's insane. They steal everything they can, and still suck.. until very recently they were still rolling around in Russian built diesel powered aircraft carriers...that were crap even when they were brand new designs. Their new gen 5 "stealth" fighters (really gen 4 by our standards) are carbon copies of our stealth designs from 15 years ago...because they stole all the specs, tech, and blueprints. If aliens ever crash here, I would bet my butt that the Chinese cpuld reverse engineer a craft faster than anyone
..they have so much practice. Too bad "made in china" means potmetal construction, poor quality, zero durability, and old clunky tech. Bet they make great fake Jordan's though.

We have no real reason to fear the military capabilities or threat of a sino/Russian love fest. Neither country has our ingenuity, technology, military budget, or balls. None of the 3 of us will ever be conquered, and the threat of mutually assured destruction is enough to keep all 3 of us very hesitant to piss in anyone's corn flakes. Aside from saber rattling, any articles I read regarding the threat of the south China sea, or Russian super weapons, is just fear mongering by the media.the greatest threat to American prosperity and security is our government spending us into oblivion...we are indeed our own worst enemy.
Do you think they did this this with a new branch of military?

Do you think we need an entirely new branch of military to stop that?

Do you think they may be showing their hand a little too much?

Do you suck at poker?

I get that y'all will go as far as taking it up the butt to validate everything Trump says, but you need to know when to scoff at least some of the time.

You have no idea what we need.
Noted and deeply considered. Lol.

Maybe we should all abandon my opinion about everything.

Totally agreed.

It’s just cute when you act like you know what’s needed and not needed for defense, strategy, whatever. You have absolutely no clue. Lmao
Lol, you're such a miserable putz.


Geena Davis? Was really hot back then. Ended up plagikng Stewart little the mouse's mom many years later...still HOT imo

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